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[Title] Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Smith, George. [Title] Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Scribner, Armstrong & Co. [Date] 1875. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Driver, Godfrey Rolles; Miles, John C. [Title] The Assyrian laws, edited with translation and commentary by G.R. Driver ... and John C. Miles. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thompson, Reginald Campbell. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). [Title] Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 v [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1893. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Delitzsch, Friedrich. [Title] Assyrische Lesestu&#776;cke; mit grammatischen Tabellen und vollsta&#776;ndigem Glossar; Einfu&#776;hrung in die assyrische und babylonische Keilschriftlitteratur bis hinauf zu Hammurabi, fu&#776;r akademischen Gebrauch und Selbstunterricht. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kohler, Josef, ed. [Title] Assyrische Rechtsurkunden in Umschrift und Uebersetzung nebst einem Index der Personen-namen und Rechtserläuterungen. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Naerebout, F. G. [Title] Attractive performances: ancient Greek dance; three preliminary studies. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Amsterdam [Publisher] Gieben [Date] 1997. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Heichelheim, Fritz M.; Gundel, Hans Georg. [Title] Aus dem Briefwechsel mit Giessener Papyrologen : weitere Materialien zur Geschichte der Giessener Papyrussammlungen zwischen 1926 und 1945. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 24 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wångstedt, Sten V. [Title] Ausgewählte demotische Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Victoria-Museums zu Uppsala und der Staatlichen Papyrussammlung zu Berlin, Uppsala 1954. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hall, H. R. (Harry Reginald). [Title] Babylonian and Assyrian sculpture in the British Museum. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris, Brussels [Publisher] Les E&#769;ditions G. van Oest [Date] 1928. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] King, L.W.; British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British museum Ed. by L.W. King. With an atlas of plates. Printed by order of the Trustees. Plates. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] Plates [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Sold at the British Museum [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] King, L.W.; British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British museum Ed. by L.W. King. With an atlas of plates. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Ranke, Hermann. [Title] Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon; Chiefly from Sippar. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] VI [Number] 1 [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Dept. of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania [Date] 1906. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Poebel, Arno. [Title] Babylonian legal and business documents: from the time of the first dynasty of Babylon, chiefly from Nippur. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] VI [Number] 2 [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Dept. of Archaeology, Univ. of Pennsylvania [Date] 1906. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] The Babylonian legends of the creation and the fight between Bel and the dragon, as told by Assyrian tablets from Nineveh; with twenty four illustrations. 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[Title] Babylonian magic and sorcery, being "The prayers of the lifting of the hand," opnieuw getranscribeerd, vertaald en van een inleiding betreffende hun opbouw en religieuze terminologie voorzien ... [Uitg.] door Boricus Antonius van Proosdij. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert T., ed. [Title] Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; Part I - Babylonian business transactions. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Priv. print. [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert T., ed. [Title] Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; Part II - Legal documents from Erech (Priv. print., 1913). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Priv. print. [Date] 1913. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part I. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1896. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1896. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part III. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part IV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part IX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part V. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part VI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part VII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 189. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part VIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1899. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part X. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1901. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1901. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XIV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1902. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XIX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XL. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1927. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1902. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XVII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XVIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1905. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1906. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1906. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXIV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1908. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXIX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1910. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXVII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1910. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXVIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1910. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXIV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1914. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXIX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1926. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1921. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXVII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c. in the British Museum. Part XXXVIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1925. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Index to Parts I-L. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part I. [Source] Austrian Literature Online, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1896. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part L. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part LI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part LII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part LIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part LV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part LVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLIV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLIX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part XLVII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hilprecht, H.V. [Title] Old babylonian inscriptions, chiefly from Nippur, part II Plates 36-70 and XVI-XXX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Reprint from the Transactions of the Amer. Philos. Society, N. S., Vol. XVIII, No. 3 [Date] 1896. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hilprecht, H.V. [Title] Old babylonian inscriptions,chiefly from Nippur , pt 1. Plates 1-35 and I-XV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Reprint from the Transactions of the Amer. Philos. Society, N. S., Vol. XVIII, No. 1 [Date] 1893. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Whiting, Robert M, Jr. [Title] Old Babylonian Letters from Tell Asmar. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1987. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hill, H. D., Th. Jacobsen, and P. Delougaz, with contributions by T. A. Holland and A. McMahon. [Title] Old Babylonian Public Buildings in the Diyala Region. Part One: Excavations at Ishchali, Part Two: Khafajah Mounds B, C, and D. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1990. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Leake, Chauncey Depew. [Title] The old Egyptian medical papyri. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Lawrence [Publisher] University of Kansas Press [Date] 1952. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Brooke, A. E. ; McLean, N.; Thackeray, H. St-J. [editors]. [Title] The Old Testament in Greek. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Cambridge University Press [Date] 1906. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] James, M. R. [Title] Old Testament Legends: Being Stories Out of Some of the Less-Known Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament. [Source] Project Gutenberg Release #15874, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Project Gutenberg [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Furtwängler, Adolf. [Title] Olympia: die Ergebnisse der von dem Deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung (Tafelband 4): Die Bronzen und die übrigen kleineren Funde von Olympia. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1890. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Furtwängler, Adolf. [Title] Olympia: die Ergebnisse der von dem Deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung (Textband 4): Die Bronzen und die übrigen kleineren Funde von Olympia. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1890. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Holma, Harri. [Title] Omen texts from Babylonian tablets in the British Museum, concerning birds and other portents. I. Texts. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Asia Pub. Company [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Burnaby, Fred. [Title] On horseback through Asia Minor. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Gottingen [Publisher] Gottinger Digitalizierungs-Zentrum [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Beekes, Robert S.P. [Title] On the Origin of the Etruscans. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Salomons, Robert P.; Worp, Klaas A. [Title] Onomasticon Oasiticum. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leiden [Publisher] Papyrologisch Instituut Leiden [Date] 2007, 2009. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wolf, C. Umhau (1914 - 2004). [Title] THE ONOMASTICON OF EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI COMPARED WITH THE VERSION OF JEROME AND ANNOTATED. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] The Tertullian Project [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kropp, Angelicus. [Title] Oratio Mariae ad Bartos : Ein koptischer Gebetstext aus den Gießener Papyrussammlungen (P. Iand. Inv. 9 A,B). [Source] Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universitätsbibliothek Giessen, [Volume] 7 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Yonge, C. D. [Title] The Orations of Marcus Tullius Ciciero. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Liberty Fund, Inc. [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wilson, Charles W.. [Title] Ordinance Survey of Jerusalem. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] 1886. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Frankfort, Henri, with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. [Title] Oriental Institute Discoveries in Iraq, 1933/34: Fourth Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1935. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hughes, G. R.; Jasnow, R. [Title] The Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri: Demotic and Greek Texts from an Egyptian Family Archive in the Fayum (Fourth to Third Century B.C.). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1997. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Breasted, James Henry. [Title] The Oriental Instiutute of the University of Chicago: A Beginning and a Program. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Orental Institute [Date] 1922. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Field, Fridericus. [Title] Origenis Hexaplorum : quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum graecorum in totus Vetus Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 1. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Oxford [Publisher] Oxford University Press [Date] 1875. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Field, Fridericus. [Title] Origenis Hexaplorum : quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum graecorum in totus Vetus Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 1. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Field, Fridericus. [Title] Origenis Hexaplorum : quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum graecorum in totus Vetus Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 2. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Oxford [Publisher] Oxford University Press [Date] 1875. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Field, Fridericus. [Title] Origenis Hexaplorum : quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum graecorum in totus Vetus Testamentum fragmenta, vol. 2. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Rampersad, Sabrina Roma. [Title] The origin and relationships of the Nubian A-group. [Source] Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ottawa [Publisher] National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada [Date] [2000]. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clarke, John Caldwell Calhoun. [Title] The origin and varieties of the Semitic alphabet, with specimens. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Beekes, R. S. P. [Title] The Origin of the Etruscans. [Source] Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Mededelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 66 no. 1. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Creese, David E. (David Evan). [Title] The origin of the Greek tortoise-shell lyre. [Source] Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ottawa [Publisher] National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada [Date] [1998]. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, 1921-. [Title] The origin, character, and decline of an early civilization. [Source] American Museum novitates ; no. 1587, [Volume] 2302 [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] American Museum of Natural History [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Damania, A.B., J. Valkoun, G. Willcox and C.O. Qualset (Eds.). [Title] Origins of Agriculture and Crop Domestication. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Aleppo [Publisher] International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) [Date] 1998. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Breasted, James Henry. [Title] The Origins of Civilization. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Alizadeh, Abbas, with contributions by M. Kimiaie, M. Mashkour, and N. F. Miller. [Title] The Origins of State Organizations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran: Excavations at Tall-e Bakun. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Murray, Margaret Alice. [Title] The Osireion at Abydos. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Bernard Quaritch [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kenyon, Frederic. [Title] Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] katapi [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Knapp, Martin Wells, 1853-1901.. [Title] Out of Egypt into Canaan; or, Lessons in spiritual geography. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Martin, Thomas. [Title] An Overview of Classical Greek History from Homer to Alexander. [Source] Perseus, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1996. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] De Winne, Toni. [Title] Overzicht van de neo-Assyrische administratie op municipaal, provinciaal en centraal niveau ten tijde van de dynastie der Sargonieden (722 - 610 bc ). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes; George Hinge[Eds.]. [Title] På randen af det ukendte. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Aarhus [Publisher] Aarhus University Press [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Welker, Marian. [Title] The painted pottery of the Near East in the second millennium B.C. and its chronological background. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] American Philosophical Society, [Date] 1948. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Cunchillos, J.-L. ; Cervigon, R. [Title] Palabras y Géneros. [Source] Sapanu: Publicaciones en Internet VII, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Madrid [Publisher] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-Laboratorio de Hermeneumatica [Date] July 2004. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Bell, Gertrude Lowthian, 1868-1926. [Title] Palace and mosque at Ukhaidir : a study in early Mohanmadan architecture. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Oxford [Publisher] Clarendon Press [Date] 1914. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Petrie, W. M. Flinders. [Title] The Palace of Apries (Memphis II). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] School of Archaeology in Egypt [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Evans, Arthur J. [Title] The Palace of Minos. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Heidelberg [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [Date] 2005. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.). [Title] Palmyra - Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917 (Tafeln). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1932. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.). [Title] Palmyra - Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917 (Text). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1932. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hannestad, Lise; Vladimir F. Stolba & Alexander N. Sceglov [Eds.]. [Title] Panskoye I. Vol. 1, The Monumental Building U6. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Aarhus [Publisher] Aarhus University Press [Date] 2002. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Deimel, Anton; Panara, Remeo; Patsch, Joseph; Schneider, Nicholaus. [Title] Pantheon babylonicum: nomina deorum e textibus cuneiformibus excerpta et ordine alphabetico distributa. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Rome [Publisher] Sumptibus Pontificcii instituti biblici [Date] 1914. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Champollion, Jean-François. [Title] Panthéon égyptien, collection des personnages mythologiques de l'ancienne Égypte, d'après les monuments, Firmin Didot, Paris, 1823, 182 pp. (plates b/w). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Gallica [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Setton, Kenneth Meyer. [Title] The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571. Volume I. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Google Books [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Setton, Kenneth Meyer. [Title] The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571. Volume II. The Fifteenth Century. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Google Books [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Setton, Kenneth Meyer. [Title] The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571. Volume IV. The Sixteenth Century. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Google Books [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gundel, Hans Georg. [Title] Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis - Eine Einführung. - 2. durchges. u. erg. Aufl. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 27 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gundel, Hans Georg. [Title] Papyri Gissenses - Eine Einführung. - 2. durchges. u. erw. Aufl. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 32 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Preisendanz, Karl. [Title] Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri I. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Stuttgart [Publisher] Verlag B. G. Teubner [Date] 1928. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Preisendanz, Karl. [Title] Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri II. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Stuttgart [Publisher] Verlag B. G. Teubner [Date] 1931. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gundel, Hans Georg. [Title] Papyri Iandanae - Eine Einführung. - 2. durchges. u. erw. Aufl. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 29 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Ebers, Georg (Hrsg.). [Title] Papyros Ebers. Das Hermetische Buch über die Arzneimittel der alten Ägypter in hieratischer Schrift (Band 1): Einleitung und Text. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Heidelberg [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [Date] 2007. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Ebers, Georg (Hrsg.). [Title] Papyros Ebers. Das Hermetische Buch über die Arzneimittel der alten Ägypter in hieratischer Schrift (Band 2): Glossar und Text. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Heidelberg [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [Date] 2007. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jouguet, Pierre, 1869-1949; Collart, Paul, 1902-; Lesquier, Jean, 1879-1921. [Title] Papyrus de Magdola. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Internet Archive [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Sottas, Henri. [Title] Papyrus Demotiques de Lille. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Paul Geuthner [Date] 1921. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Bryan, Cyril P. (Translated from the German version). With an introduction by G. Elliot Smith. [Title] The Papyrus Ebers. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Geoffrey Bles [Date] 1930. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Ebers, Georg. [Title] Papyrus Ebers. Die Maasse und das Kapitel über die Augenkrankheiten (Teil 2): Das Kapitel über die Augenkrankheiten im Papyrus Ebers : T. LV,2 - LXIV,13. Umschrift, Übersetzung und Commentar. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Heidelberg [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg [Date] 2007. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jouguet, Pierre, 1869-1949; Collart, Paul, 1902-; Lesquier, Jean, 1879-1921. [Title] Papyrus Grecs, Tome Premier. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Internet Archive [Date] 1928. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Tjäder, Jan-Olof. [Title] Papyrus Iandana 68b - eine paläographische Studie. - 2. durchges. u. erg. Aufl. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 25 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Spiegelberg, Wilhelm. [Title] Papyrus Libbey, An Egyptian Marriage Contract. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Toledo [Publisher] Toledo Museum of Art [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Budge, E. A. Wallis. [Title] Papyrus of Ani: Egyptian Book of the Dead. [Source] The Internet Sacred Text Archive. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Budge, E. A. Wallis. [Title] Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead. [Source] African Studies Center, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] University of Pennsylvania [Date] 1994. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gundel, Hans Georg. [Title] Papyrustexte als Geschichtsquellen. [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 40 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880). [Title] Par les champs et par les grèves; Voyages et carnets de voyages. [Source] Gallica, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Bibliotheque National [Date] 1997. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] The parallel Bible : the Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues, being the Authorized Version arranged in parallel columns with the Revised Version (New Testament). [Source] The Online Library of Liberty. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Liberty Fund, Inc [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] The parallel Bible : the Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues, being the Authorized Version arranged in parallel columns with the Revised Version (Old Testament). [Source] The Online Library of Liberty. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Liberty Fund, Inc [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kalinowski, Angela V. (Angela Victoria). [Title] Patterns of patronage : the politics and ideology of public building in the Eastern Roman Empire, 31 bce-600 ce. [Source] Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ottawa [Publisher] National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada [Date] [1999]. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Shilleto, Arthur Richard. [Title] Pausanias' Description of Greece. Volume II. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Universal Library [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Frizell, Barbro Santillo. [Title] Pecus: Man and Animal in Antiquity: Proceedings of the conference at the Swedish Institute in Rome, September 9-12, 2002. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Rome [Publisher] The Swedish Institute in Rome [Date] 2004. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hamilton, William. [Title] Peintures des vases antiques / Pitture de vasi antichi: de la Collection de son Excellence M. le Chevalier Hamilton (Band 1). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Florence [Publisher] [Date] 1800. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hamilton, William. [Title] Peintures des vases antiques / Pitture de vasi antichi: de la Collection de son Excellence M. le Chevalier Hamilton (Band 2). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Florence [Publisher] [Date] 1801. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hamilton, William. [Title] Peintures des vases antiques / Pitture de vasi antichi: de la Collection de son Excellence M. le Chevalier Hamilton (Band 3). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Florence [Publisher] [Date] 1802. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hamilton, William. [Title] Peintures des vases antiques / Pitture de vasi antichi: de la Collection de son Excellence M. le Chevalier Hamilton (Band 4). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Florence [Publisher] [Date] 1803. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Prunet, L. de. [Title] Pèlerinage de Constantinople à Jérusalem. [Source] Gallica, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Bibliotheque National [Date] 1997. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Leake, William Martin. [Title] Peloponnesiaca: A Supplement to Travels in the Morea. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Gottingen [Publisher] Gottinger Digitalizierungs-Zentrum [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Courbage, Youssef; Kropp, Manfred [Sous la direction de], Avec la collaboration de Philippe Lecourtier, Günter Kniess, Marc Gaborieau, Baber Johansen, Ridwan al-Sayyid, Ghazi Aridi, Henry Laurens, Stefan Reichmuth, Samir Kassir et Christian Décobert. [Title] Penser l'Orient: Traditions et actualité des orientalismes français et allemand. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Beirut [Publisher] oédition. Ifpo & Orient Institut (Beirut) [Date] 2004. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Laneri, Nicola [editor], with contributions by Nicola Laneri, Ellen F. Morris, Glenn M. Schwartz, Robert Chapman, Massimo Cultraro, Meredith S. Chesson, Alessandro Naso, Adam T. Smith, Dina Katz, Seth Richardson, Susan Pollock, Ian Rutherford, John Pollini, John Robb, and James A. Brown. [Title] Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Eschyle (Expliquée en Français...par Fl. Lécluse... Paris, MDCCCXL). [Title] Perse. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] The Internet Classics Archive [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hallock, Richard T. [Title] Persepolis Fortification Tablets. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1969. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schmidt, Erich F., with a contribution by F. R. Matson. [Title] Persepolis I: Structures, Reliefs, Inscriptions. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1953. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schmidt, Erich F., with contributions by Sydney P. Noe et al., Frederick R. Matson, Lawrence J. Howell, and Louisa Bellinger. [Title] Persepolis II: Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1957. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schmidt, Erich F., with contributions by Sydney P. Noe et al., Frederick R. Matson, Lawrence J. Howell, and Louisa Bellinger. [Title] Persepolis III: The Royal Tombs and Other Monuments. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1970. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Garrison, Mark B.; Root, Margaret C. [Title] Persepolis Seal Studies. Updated Provisional Concordances of Seal Numbers and Associated Documents on Fortification Tablets 1-2087. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Achemenet [Date] 14-Feb-03. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Cameron, George G. [Title] Persepolis Treasury Tablets. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1948. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Sykes, Percy. [Title] Persia. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Universal Library [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Bell, Gertrud. [Title] Persian Pictures. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gell, William; Gandy, John P.. [Title] Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii (Band 1). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] [Date] 1824. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Gell, William. [Title] Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii ; the result of excavations since 1819 ; in two volumes (Band 1). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] [Date] 1832. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875. [Title] A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, volume I. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Library [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875. [Title] A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, volume II. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Library [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Laffineur , Robert; Hägg, Robin (eds.). [Title] POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the 8th International Aegean Conference Göteborg, Göteborg University, 12-15 April 2000. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Sparkes, Brian A. and Lucy Talcott [Prepared by ]. [Title] Pots and pans of classical Athens. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Princeton [Publisher] The American Scvhool of Classical Studies at Athens [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Delougaz, Pinhas. [Title] Pottery from the Diyala Region. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] BOUTET, Dominique; HARF-LANCNER, Laurence. [Title] Pour une mythologie du Moyen Âge. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Éditions Rue d’Ulm/Presses de l’École normale supérieure [Date] 1988. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Slatkin, Laura M. [Title] The Power of Thetis: Allusion and Interpretation in the Iliad. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berkeley [Publisher] University of California Press [Date] 1991. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Delougaz, Pinhas, Seton Lloyd with chapters by Henri Frankfort and Thorkild Jacobsen.. [Title] Pre-Sargonid Temples in the Diyala Region. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1942. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Mallory, Leanne May. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Petrie, W. M. Flinders; Wainwright, G. A.; Gardiner, A. H. [Title] Tarkhan I and Memphis V. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] School of Archaeology in Egypt [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Muhs, Brian P. [Title] Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Frankfort, Henri; Thorkild Jacobsen, and Conrad Preusser. [Title] Tell Asmar and Khafaje: The First Season's Work in Eshnunna 1930/31. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1932. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Frankfort, Henri. [Title] Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad: Second Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1933. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Reisner, George Andrew. [Title] Tempelurkunden aus Telloh. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] W. Speman [Date] 1901. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jacquet-Gordon, Helen. [Title] Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Delougaz, Pinhas, with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. [Title] The Temple Oval at Khafajah. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The University of Chicago Press [Date] 1940. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schiller, A. Arthur. [Title] Ten Coptic Legal Texts. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Metropolitan Museum of Art [Date] 1932. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kanawati, N.; Hassan, A. [Title] The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, Volume 1. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Sydney [Publisher] The Australian Centre for Egyptology, Macquarie University [Date] 1996. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Kanawati, N.; Hassan, A. [Title] The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, volume II, The Tomb of Ankhmahor. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Sydney [Publisher] The Australian Centre for Egyptology, Macquarie University [Date] 1997. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Text: Gudea Cylinder A in: Thureau-Dangin, "Les Cylindres de Goudea decouverts par Ernest de Sarzec a Tello", Textes Cuneiformes / Musee du Louvre, Tome VIII (= TCL 8), Paris 1925, pl. i-xxx. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Text: Gudea Cylinder B in: F. Thureau-Dangin, "Les Cylindres de Goudea decouverts par Ernest de Sarzec a Tello", Textes Cuneiformes / Musee du Louvre, Tome VIII (= TCL 8), Paris 1925, pl. xxxi-lii. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Text: Gudea Statue B. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Genouillac, Gourdon. [Title] Textes de l'époque d'Agadé et de l'époque d'Ur. Tome II. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] E. Leroux [Date] 1910-11. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thureau-Dangin, Francois. [Title] Textes de l'epoque d'Agade. Tome I. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] unknown [Date] 1910. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes E&#768;lamites-Se&#769;mitiques, 5. se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes E&#768;lamites-Se&#769;mitiques, deuxieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1902. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes E&#768;lamites-Se&#769;mitiques, premiere se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-anzanites : deuxieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-anzanites : premie&#768;re se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1901. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-anzanites : quatrieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1908. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-anzanites : quatrieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-anzanites : troisieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Scheil, Vincent. [Title] Textes e&#769;lamites-seemitiques : troisieme se&#769;rie. [Source] Internet Archive, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Leroux [Date] 1905. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Martin, François. [Title] Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens. Première série. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Letouzey et Ané [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Genouillac, Henri de. [Title] Textes religieux sumeriens du Louvre. Vol I. [Source] [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1930. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Genouillac, Henri de. [Title] Textes religieux sumeriens du Louvre. Vol II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1930. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts 1-21 from: G.Th.Ferwerda, "A Contribution to the early Isin craft archive", TLB/SLB 5, Leiden 1985. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram; de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from : TCND = A.Archi and F.Pomponio, "Testi Cuneiformi Neo-Sumerici da Drehem. N.0001-0412" (Milano 1990). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: "Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part I, London 1896. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Alexander Uchitel, "Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archives", University College London - Department of Ancient History, 1985. (Since texts 11-13 are Old-Babylonian, they have not been included). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Owen, David. [Title] Texts from: David Owen, "Neo-Sumerian texts from American collections" Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 15, Roma 1991,. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Owen, David. [Title] Texts from: David Owen, "Selected Ur III texts from the Harvard Semitic Museum", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 11, Roma 1982. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: Fatma Yildiz und Tohru Gomi, "Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaeologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Band III (Nr. 1601-2300)" Bethesda, 1993. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Fatma Yildiz und Tohru Gomi: "Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler Archaeologischen Museen, Teil II: Nr. 726-1379", Freiburger Altorientalische Studien Band 16, Stuttgart 1988. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Fatma Yildiz [et al.], "Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaeologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Nr. 1-600", Materiali per il vocabolario neosumerico Vol. XIV, Roma 1988. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: G. Pettinato - S.A. Picchioni, "Testi economici di Lagas del Museo di Istanbul", Materiali per il vocabolario Neosumerico 7, Roma 1978. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: G. Pettinato, "Test economici di Lagas del Museo di Instanbul, Parte I: La. 7001-7600", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. VI, Roma 1977 (= MVN 6). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: Giovanni Pettinato, "Test economici neo-sumerici del British Museum (BM 12230-BM 12390)", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico", Vol. XVII, Roma 1993. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Englund, Bob; Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Hartmut Waetzoldt und Fatma Yildiz,. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Behrens, Hermann ; Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Hartmut Waetzoldt, "Untersuchungen zur neusumerischen Textilindustrie", Roma 1972. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Herbert Sauren, "Wirtschaftsurkunden des Musee d'Art et d'Histoire in Genf", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. II, Roma 1974. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: I.J. Gelb, "Sargonic texts in the Louvre Museum", Materials for the Assyrian dictionary, no. 4, Chicago 1970. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: L.W. King, "Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part III, London 1898 (=CT 3). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: L.W. King, Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets in the British Museum, Part XXXII (= CT 32), London 1912. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: M.V. Nikol'skij, "Dokumenty chozjajstvennoj otcetnosti drevnejsej epochi Chaldei iz sobranija N.P. Lichaceva", S.-Peterburg 1908 (= Nik 1). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: Marcel Sigrist, "Messenger texts from the British Museum", Potomac, Maryland, 1990. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: Mary Inda Hussey, "Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum - Part II - From the time of the dynasty of Ur", Harvard Semitic Series, Vol. IV, Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1915 (= HSS 4). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Maryse Touzalin, "L'administration palatiale a l'epoque de la Troisieme Dynastie d'Ur: Textes inedites du musee d'Alep", These de doctorat de troisieme cycle soutenue a l'universite de Tours, 1982. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram; de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: P.J.Watson, "Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in Birmingham City Museum, Vol.1, Neo-Sumerian Texts from Drehem" (1986) = BCT 1. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Shin T. Kang, "Sumerian economic texts from the Umma archive", Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform texts in the collection of the World Heritage Museum of the University of Illinois, Vol. 2, Urbana, 1973 (= SACT 2). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts from: Tohru Gomi [et al.], "Neo-Sumerian administrative texts of the Hirose collection", Potomac 1990. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: Tohru Gomi, "Wirtschaftstexte der Ur III-Zeit aus dem British Museum", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. XII, Roma 1982. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] de Maaijer, Remco. [Title] Texts from: W.W. Hallo, "Tabulae Cuneiformes a F.M.Th. de Liagre Boehl Collectae, Leidae Conservatae III - Sumerian Archival Texts copied by William W. Hallo" (Leiden, The Netherlands, Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1963 and 1973) = TLB III. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts: Gudea 1-99 from Horst Steible, "Die neusumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften", Stuttgart 1991. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jagersma, Bram. [Title] Texts: Gudea Statue A, C-AA. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Los Angeles [Publisher] Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Al-Ayedi, Abdul Rahman. [Title] Tharu : the starting point on the Ways of Horus. [Source] Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ottawa [Publisher] National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada [Date] [2001]. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Darnell, John C. [Title] Theban Desert Road Survey in the Egyptian Western Desert, Volume 1. Gebel Tjauti Rock Inscriptions 1–45 and Wadi el-Hôl Rock Inscriptions 1–45. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 2002. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Franke, Detlef. [Title] Theben und Memphis - Metropolen im Alten Ägypten Thebes and Memphis - Metropolises in Ancient Egypt. [Source] HeiDok - Portale. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Heidelberg [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Abney, William de Wiveleslie. [Title] Thebes and its five greater temples. [Source] Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivingston [Date] 1876. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Rhind, A. Henry 1833-1863. (Alexander Henry). [Title] Thebes; its tombs and their tenants, ancient and present, including a record of excavations in the Necropolis. [Source] Google Books. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Google Books [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich (Hrsg.). [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902 (Band 1): Die Insel Thera in Altertum und Gegenwart: mit Ausschluß der Nekropolen. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1899. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich (Hrsg.). [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902 (Band 2): Theraeische Gräber. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich; Wilski, Paul. [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902 (Band 3): Stadtgeschichte von Thera. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich (Hrsg.). [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902: Die Insel Thera in Altertum und Gegenwart: mit Ausschluß der Nekropolen. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1899. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich (Hrsg.). [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902: Stadtgeschichte von Thera. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1904. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hiller von Gaertringen, Friedrich (Hrsg.). [Title] Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895 - 1902: Theraeische Gräber. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Rogers, Benjamin Bickley, tr. 1828-1919. [Title] The Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes acted at Athens in the year B.C. 410. The Greek text revised, with a free translation in to English verse, introduction and commentary. [Source] University of Michigan Digital General Collection, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Libraries [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Churton, Henry Burgess Whitaker. [Title] Thoughts on the Land of the Morning: A Record of Two Visits to Palestine. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Google Books [Date] 2006. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Edwards, Amelia B. [Title] A Thousand Miles up the Nile. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Henry T. Coates & Co.; Publishers [Date] 1888. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Drescher, James. [Title] Three Coptic Legends: Hilaria, Archellites, the Seven Sleepers. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Cairo [Publisher] Imprimerie de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale [Date] 1947. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Sartorius, Ernestine Isabella. [Title] Three months in the Soudan. [Source] A Celebration of Woman Writiers. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] University of Pennsylvania Digital Library [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Smyth, Ethel. [Title] A three-legged tour in Greece. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Gottingen [Publisher] Gottinger Digitalizierungs-Zentrum [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Mead, G. R. S. (George Robert Stow). [Title] Thrice-greatest Hermes; studies in Hellenistic theosophy and gnosis. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Ingraham, J. H. (Joseph Holt), 1809-1860. [Title] The throne of David; from the consecration of the shepherd of Bethlehem, to the rebellion of Prince Absalom, in a series of letters addresses by an Assyrian ambassador, to his lord and king on the throne of Nineveh. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] University of Michigan Digital General Collection [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Crane, Gregory. [Title] Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity: The Limits of Political Realism. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berkeley [Publisher] UC Press Books on-line [Date] 1998. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Holt, Frank L. [Title] Thundering Zeus: The Making of Hellenistic Bactria. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berkeley [Publisher] UC Press Books on-line [Date] 4/30/1999. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Johnson, Janet H. [Title] Thus Wrote Onchsheshonqy - An Introductory Grammar of Demotic (Third Edition). [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 2000. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Edgerton, William F. [Title] The Thutmosid Succession. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago [Date] 1936. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Goerwitz, Richard. [Title] Tiberian Hebrew Pausal Forms; a radical re-evaluation of Tiberian Hebrew (morpho)phonology as it pertains to the phenomenon of. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hoogendijk, Francisca Alida Johanna. [Title] Tien papyrologische bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van Romeins en Byzantijns Egypte. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leiden [Publisher] Department of Papyrology, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University [Date] 2008. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Rodenwaldt, Gerhart. [Title] Tiryns: die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Instituts (Band 2): Die Fresken des Palastes. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Wiesbaden [Publisher] [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Curtis, William Eleroy ; Curtis, Elsie Evans. [Title] To-day in Syria and Palestine. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Gottingen [Publisher] Gottinger Digitalizierings-Zentrum [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] The Epigraphic Survey in Cooperation with The Department of Antiquities of Egypt. [Title] The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192, The Epigraphic Survey, The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute [Date] 1980. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Petrie, W. M. Flinders; Gardiner, Alan; Petrie, Hilda; Murray, M.A. [Title] Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] School of Archaeology in Egypt [Date] 1925. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Tontafeln von el-Amarna. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrich [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Platner, Samuel Ball, 1863-1921. [Title] A topographical dictionary of ancient Rome, by Samuel Ball Platner, completed and revised by Thomas Ashby. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Ann Arbor [Publisher] The University of Michigan Library [Date] 2005. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Parrot, André. [Title] The Tower of Babel. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] SCM Press [Date] 1955. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Soghayroun; Intisar Soghayroun Elzein. [Title] Trade and Wadis System(s) in Muslim Sudan. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Fountain Publishers [Date] 2010. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Levey, Samson H.. [Title] Tragum to Ruth. [Source] The Text and I, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Atlanta [Publisher] Scholars Press [Date] 1998. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] den Boer, Willem. [Title] Trajans Vergottung (P. Giss. 3 , P. Giss. Inv. 20). [Source] Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, [Volume] 34 [Number] [Publication City] Giessen [Publisher] Universitätsbibliothek Giessen [Date] 2003. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Albert, Jeff; Magnus Bernhardsson, and Roger Kenna, Editors. [Title] Transformations of Middle Eastern Natural Environments: Legacies and Lessons. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft III. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IX. 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[Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft X. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. 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