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J.P. Allen. Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Cambridge University Press, 2000: List of clarifications of the exercises, and a list of errata

"I present here a list of clarifications of the exercises, and a list of errata. You would help me and others tremendously if you report to me ( any information you think should be added. I follow the Manuel de Codage for characters in the transliterations that are not in the ASCII set, and for hieroglyphic texts. I gratefully acknowledge contributions by Jenny Carrington, Dave Cintron, Branimir Cucek, Richard Sproat, Fabio Vassallo, and Richard Weaver. Special thanks go to Mr. Allen for commenting on these pages; any inaccuracies of course remain my own responsibility. I have been informed that the book is currently (March 2000) being reprinted, with corrections. This may mean that much of the material presented here will no longer be valid for copies of the book purchased in the coming months, especially the list of errata. "

Author(s):  Nederhof, Mark-Jan
Format:  Website