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ABZU Search Results (345)
Lavee, Hanoch, Jean Poesen, Aaron Yair.
Evidence of high efficiency water-harvesting by ancient farmers in the Negev Desert, Israel.
Journal of Arid Environments,
Lavoie, Jean-Jacques.
"Review of: Marie Maussion, Le mal, le bien et le jugement de Dieu dans le livre de Qohélet (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 190; Göttingen/ Fribourg, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003). Pp. viii + 199. Cloth. ISBN: 3-7278-1425-X. Fr. 58".
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
(Book Review)
Layard, Austen Henry.
The Monuments of Nineveh.
Montclair Electronic Text Archive,
Layard, Austin Henry.
Nineveh and Its Remains: With an Account of a Visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and....
Lazaris, Stavros.
Deux textes grecs hippiatriques pseudo-hippocratiques : remarques et considérations..
Aspetti della terapia nel corpus hippocraticum, Atti del IXe Colloque International Hippocratique. (1996) 479-484,
Le Rider, Georges.
Histoire économique et monétaire de l’Orient hellénistique: Étude du comportement monétaire des Séleucides.
Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1996 - 1997,
Leatherman, Donn Walter.
An analysis of four current theories of Hebrew verse structure.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Lebeau. Marc, in collaboration with Alexander Pruss, Michael Roaf and Elena Rova.
Stratified Archaeological Evidence and Compared Periodizations in the Syrian Jezirah during the Third Millennium BC.
From the Euphrates to the Caucasus: Chronologies for the IVth-IIIrd Millennium B.C.,
Leblanc, Christian (and others).
Les Monument d’Éternité de Ramsès II: Nouvelles Fouilles Thébaine.
Lecce, Università - Servizi Informatici Bibliotecari di Ateneo: Università di Lecce.
Centro di Studi Papirologici / University Papyrological Center.
Lederman, Geralyn S..
"Review of Heresy in the University: The ’Black Athena’ Controversy and the Responsibilities of American Intellectuals".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Lee, A. D..
"Review of The Roman Army in the East".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Lee, Bernon.
"Review of A Review and Reference Grammar for Biblical Hebrew Revised edition".
Review of Biblical Literature,
(Book Review)
Lee, Bernon.
A Specific Application of the Proverb in Ecclesiastes 1:15.
Journal of Hebrew Studies,
Lee, Bernon P.
"Review of: Mark D. Futato, Beginning Biblical Hebrew (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2003). Pp. xi + 351. Cloth US$35.00. ISBN 1-57506-022-1".
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
(Book Review)
Leeman, Saul.
Was Bishop Ussher’s Chronology Influenced by a Midrash?.
Lefebevre, Gustave.
Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Deuxieme Partie: Les Textes.
University of Chicago Libraries, Electronic Open Stacks.
Lefebevre, Gustave.
Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Troisieme Partie: Vocabulaire et Planches.
University of Chicago Libraries, Electronic Open Stacks.
Lefebevre, Gustave.
Le Tombeau de Petosiris: Premiere Partie: Description.
University of Chicago Libraries, Electronic Open Stacks.
Lefèvre, Daniela.
Les offrandes d'époque géométrique/orientalisante dans les tombes crétoises de l'âge du bronze : problèmes et hypothèses.
Creta Antica (2004) 181-197.
Lefèvre-Novaro, Daniela.
Echanges commerciaux et “ culturels ” entre Picéniens et Grecs : l'exemple de Numana (VIe-IVe siècle av. J.-C.).
Mélanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome tome 113 (2001) p. 71-93,
Lefkowitz, Mary.
Response to Martin Bernal’s Review of: Mary Lefkowitz, Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History.
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
Lefkowitz, Mary.
"Response to Martin Bernal’s review of Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History".
Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
(Book Review)
Lefkowitz, Mary.
"Review of Ancient Goddesses: The Myths and the Evidence".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Lefkowitz, Mary R.
Teaching Ancient History through Controversy.
CAH Occasional Papers,
Lefkowitz, Mary R..
Teaching Ancient History through Controversy.
The Occasional Papers of the American Philological Association's Committee on Ancient History.
Legrain, Leon.
Le temps des rois d'Ur; recherches sur la société antique d'après des textes nouveaux.
Lehmann, Katja.
Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
Lehmann, Katja.
Der Serdab in den Privatgraebern des Alten Reiches - The Serdab within the private tombs of the Old Kingdom.
HeiDok - Portale.
Lehmann, Reinhard.
The Jehoash Inscription: it isn’t because it is too much at the same time!.
Lehner, Mark.
Excvations at Giza 1988-1991: The Location and Importance of the Pyramid Settlement.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
GIZA PLATEAU MAPPING PROJECT: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
Giza: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
Individual Scholarship: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
Individual Scholarship: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehner, Mark.
Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Lehoux, Daryn.
"Review of: J. Lennart Berggren, Alexander Jones, <i>Ptolemy's Geography, an Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters</i>. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. Pp. 192, xiv. ISBN 0-691-01042-0. $39.50. ".
Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
(Book Review)
Leipoldt, Iohannes [Editor].
Scriptores Coptici, Textus, Series Secunda, Tomus II, Sinuthii Archimandritae Vita et Opera Omnia.
Leipoldt, Iohannes [Editor].
Scriptores Coptici, Textus, Series Secunda, Tomus IV, Sinuthii Archimandritae Vita et Opera Omnia.
Leitz, Christian.
Kurzbibliographie zu den übersetzten Tempeltexten der griechisch-römischen Zeit, 2011 5e édition.
Lemaire, André.
Amulettes personnelles et domestiques en phénicien et en hébreu (Ier millénaire av. n.è.) et la tradition juive des tefillin et mezuzot.
Lemaire, André.
The Ossuary and Inscription Are Authentic (Grand Rapids / April 2004).
Lemche, Niels Peter.
"Jerusalem and King Solomon: How Writers Create the Past. Lecture, Rome, 6 March 2003".
Lemche, Niels Peter.
On the Problems of Reconstructing Pre-Hellenistic Israelite (Palestinian) History.
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,