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ABZU Search Results (9942)

Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim. (Book) [more]
Geschichte des Alphabets. Wachter, Rudolf. (Website) [more]
Geschichte des Instituts für Ägyptologie der Universität Wien. Instituts für Ägyptologie der Universität Wien. (Website) [more]
Geschichte, Religion und Denkmäler der islamischen Zeit im Nord-Sudan. Teil I: Die Geschichte des Sudan in islamischer Zeit. Fitzenreiter, Martin. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG). (Article) [more]
Geschichte, Religion und Denkmäler der islamischen Zeit im Nord-Sudan: Teil II: Der Islam im Sudan. Fitzenreiter, Martin. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG). (Article) [more]
Geza and Bible Interpretation. Hayward, Robert. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Geza and Jesus. Horbury, William. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Geza and Schürer. Millar, Fergus. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Geza and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Alexander, Philip. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Geza and the Journal of Jewish Studies. Oppenheimer, Peter M. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Geza, Jewish Studies and Oxford. Goodman, Martin. Journal of Jewish Studies. [more]
Gießen und Ägypten : Der Beitrag der Gießener Papyrussammlungen als Quellen für die Geschichte Ägyptens. Landfester, Manfred. Spiegel der Forschung 20 (2003) H. 1/2 ; S. 136-145. (Article) [more]
The Giessen Coptic Texts. Williams, Ronald J. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Giessener Dokumente zur antiken Schriftkultur - Papyri, Keilschrifttafeln, Wachstafeln, Ostraka. Kuhlmann, Peter; unter Mitwirkung von Monika Gniffke und Barbara Kuhn, hrsg. von Manfred Landfester. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Giessener Papyri 1971. Gärtner, Otto; Gundel, Hans Georg. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Giessener Papyri 1971. Gärtner, Otto; Gundel, Hans Georg. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Giessener Papyrussammlungen im neuen Raum. - 2. Aufl. Gundel, Hans Georg. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Gilgal Project of Vendyl Jones Research Institute. Vendyl Jones Research Institute. (Website) [more]
Gilgamesh and the literary traditions of ancient Mesopotamia. George, Andrew. From: Leick, Gwendolyn, (ed.), The Babylonian World. London: Routledge, pp. 447-459. (Article) [more]
The Gilgamesh epic at Ugarit. George, Andrew. Aula Orientalis. (Article) [more]
Gilgamesh: Hero, King, God and Striving Man. Abusch, Tzvi. Archaeology Odyssey, 2000. (Article) [more]
The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar. Frankfort, Henri; Seton Lloyd, and Thorkild Jacobsen, with a chapter by Günter Martiny. 1940. (Book) [more]
Giorgias Press. (Website) [more]
Giorgio Buccellati. Buccellati, Giorgio. (Website) [more]
Giovanni Belzoni (1778 - 1823). Anthropology Biography Web. (Article) [more]
gir3-gen-na and Šulgi’s “Library”: Liver Omen Texts in the Third Millennium BC (I). Richardson, Seth F. C. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ), 2006. (Article) [more]
Giriß: Çatalhöyük1999. Hodder, Ian. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1999. (Article) [more]
"GIS and Archaeology: Using ARC/INFO to Increase Our Understanding of Ancient Jordan". Christopherson, Gary L.; D. Philip Guertin, & Karen A. Borstad. Presented at: ARC/INFO User Conference, 1996. (Presentation) [more]
Given Life Life Re Eternally - A Royal Epitheton. Birkstam, Bengt. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS: Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 1974. (Article) [more]
Given Life Like Re Eternallly - A Royal Epitheton. Birkstam, Bengt. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS, 1974. (Article) [more]
Giza On-Line.. McKenty, R.F.. (Website) [more]
Giza Plateau Computer Model. Sanders, John C. and Sanders, Peggy M.. GIZA PLATEAU COMPUTER MODEL. (Website) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2002. (Article) [more]
Giza Plateau Mapping Project: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report, 2003. (Article) [more]
GIZA PLATEAU MAPPING PROJECT: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report, 2004. (Article) [more]
The Giza Pyramids. Legon, John. 2000. (Website) [more]
Giza: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Lehner, Mark. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
[Giza] End of Field Season Full Report. Lehner, Mark. Nova Online, 1997. (Website) [more]
[Giza] End of Field Season Full Report: Part 2. Lehner, Mark. Nova Online, 1997. (Website) [more]
[Giza] End of Field Season Full Report: Part 3. Lehner, Mark. Nova Online, 1997. (Website) [more]
[Giza] End of Field Season Full Report: Part 4. Lehner, Mark. Nova Online, 1997. (Website) [more]
Gizeh and Rifeh. Petrie, W. M. Flinders. ETANA, 1907. (Book) [more]
Gladius. (Journal) [more]
Glass Finds From Sepphoris (1983-1991): A Preliminary Report. Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida. 1994. (Website) [more]
Glassmaking Discovered. Corning Museum of Glass. (Museum) [more]
Glazed Faience Tiles Found at Kerma. Smith, W. S.. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Gleason L. Archer, PhD. Archer, Gleason L. (Website) [more]
Glenn M. Schwartz. Schwartz, Glenn M. 2000. (Article) [more]
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. Sheil, Lady Mary Leonora Woulfe (fl.1860). A Celebration of Woman Writiers. (Book) [more]
Glossary of Old Akkadian. Gelb, I. J. 1957. (Book) [more]
Glyph For Windows. van den Berg, Hans. (Website) [more]
Glyptic Art and Cultural Identity in Third Millennium BC Greater Mesopotamia. Rakic, Yelena. All for One or One for All? (Re)constructing Identity in the Ancient World. Graduate Student Symposium. Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, October 17 - 18, 1997, 1997. (Article) [more]
The Goddess from Anatolia: An Updated View of the Çatal Hüyük Controversy. Mallett, Marla. The Oriental Rug Review, 1993. (Article) [more]
The Gods of the Egyptians, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology (Vol 1). Budge, E. A. Wallis. ETANA, 1904. (Book) [more]
The Gods of the Egyptians, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology (Vol 2). Budge, E. A. Wallis. ETANA, 1904. (Book) [more]
"THE GOLDEN AGE THE GOLDEN AGE OF ARAB AND ISLAMIC CULTURE (Chapter 5)". Wiet, Gaston. Baghdad: Metropolis of the Abbasid Caliphate, 1971. (Chapter) [more]
The Golden Hoard: An Ancient Afghan Treasure is Recovered. Galvin, Rachel. Humanities, 2004. (Article) [more]
Goldschale. Ugarit-Forschungsstelle (Institut für Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde). (Website) [more]
The Göltepe / Kestel Project: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Yener, K. Aslihan. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
The Göltepe/ Kestel Project: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Yener, K. Aslihan. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
The Goodspeed New Testament Manuscript Collection. The University of Chicago Library Digital Collections, 2004. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory for Hebrew Software Archive - Jerusalem One: The Global Jewish Computer Network. Hebrew Software Archive - Jerusalem One: The Global Jewish Computer Network. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory for The International Directory of Middle East Scholars. The International Directory of Middle East Scholars.. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory of Hellenic Civilization Project - Museums of Greece and Cyprus. Hellenic Civilization Project - Museums of Greece and Cyprus. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory of Old World Archaeology Newsletter. Old World Archaeology Newsletter. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory of School of Oriental and African Studies. London University. School of Oriental and African Studies. London University. (Website) [more]
Gopher Directory of The Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide. The Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide. (Website) [more]
Gordion Ergebinisse der Ausgrabung im Jahre 1900. Korte, Gustav and Korte, Alfred. 1904. (Book) [more]