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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Iconographic windows to Ezekiel's world.
Power, Bruce Arthur.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Iconographie ancienne ou Recueil des portraits authentiques des empereurs, rois, et hommes illustres de l'antiquité (Band 2,2): Suite de la 2. partie.
Visconti, Ennio Quirino.
The Iconography of Athena in Attic Vase-painting from 440–370 BC.
Villing, Alexandra Claudia.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
Iconography of Deities and Demons in the Ancient Near East (IDD).
Uehlinger, Christoph (project leader).
IDAP - International Directory Aegean Prehistorians.
Cherry, John F.; Davis, Jack L.; Cline, Eric H. with the editorial assistance of Susan Wallrodt and John Wallrodt.
Idle musings of what it is like to be an online bookseller in a niche market.
Spinti, James.
IFEA Online: Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes / French Institute of antolian Studies / Fransiz Anadolu Arastirmalari Enstitüsü.
Ikonographie – Schreiben mit Bildern: Ein Essay zur Historizität der Grabdekorationen des Alten Reiches.
Herb, Michael.
Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie Vol. 6 (IBAES 6): Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich Methodik und Interpretation.
Il Libro dei Morti Di Pashedu (Castello Sforzesco-Milano) / The Book of The Dead of Pashedu (Sforzesco Castle Milan).
Crevatin, Franc; (con D. Bertani, Ilaria Micheli, L. Consolandi).
Il ritorno di Cornelio Gallo : Il papiro di Qasr Ibrîm venticinque anni dopo.
Capasso, M.; Radicotti, P.
Gli Album del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università degli Studi di Lecce,
Il Sarcofago di Na-Menkhet-Amon a San Lazzaro Degli Armeni (Venezia) / The Sarcophagus of Na-Menkhet-Amon at San Lazzaro Degli Armeni (Venice).
Crevatin, Franco; Muiesan, F.
The illicit antiquities trade: an analysis of current antiquities looting in Israel.
Blumt, Orly.
Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre,
’Illiteracy as reflected in the Halakhot concerning the Reading of the Scroll of Esther and the Hallel’.
Bar-Ilan, Meir.
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research,
Illness and Cures in the Greek Propitiatory Inscriptions and Dedications of Lydia and Phrygia.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
H.F.J. Horstmanshoff - Ph.J. van der Eijk - P.H. Schrijvers (eds.), Ancient Medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context. Papers Read at the Congress Held at Leiden University, 13-15 April 1992, Amsterdam-Atlanta 1995, vol. II, S. 323-344,
[Illustrations de Etat actuel de la Perse] [Image fixe numérisée].
Melik Schahnazar, aut. du texte.
Dans "Etat actuel de la Perse" / Melik Schahnazar, Paris, Nepveu, 1817. . Paris. Bibliothèque du Musée de l'Homme. Réserve A 200 184.
Illustrations de Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie (1795).
Norden, Frederik Ludvig.
[Illustrations de Voyages de Mr. Le Chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l'Orient] [Image fixe numérisée].
Chardin, John.
[Illustrations de Voyages par la Moscovie] [Image fixe numérisée].
Picart, B. dess.; Le Brun, Corneille, aut. du texte.
"Im siebten Jahr wurde wüttend auf Baal". Zur Interpretation von KTU 1.6 V:8-10.
Tropper, Josef.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL).
Image of the Sassanian Period Palace (in Georgian).
Khimshiashvili, Kakha.
Architectural Heritage, vol. 1, Tbilisi, 2001, pages 41-48, (in Georgian).
Images and Ideologies: Self-definition in the Hellenistic World.
Bulloch, Anthony W., Erich S. Gruen, A.A. Long, and Andrew Stewart, editors.
Images de la royauté amathousienne: le sarcophage d'Amathonte.
Petit, Thierry.
Iconographie impériale, iconographie royale, iconographie des élites dans le monde gréco-romain (2004-03-26) p. 49-96.
Images of Women in Ancient Art: Issues of Interpretation and Identity.
Whitcomb, Chris.
Images, Power, and Politics: Figurative Aspects of Esarhaddon's Babylonian Policy.
Porter, Barbara N.
Imaging Ancient Documents: A Symposium (Summary Report).
Deegan, Marilyn.
CSAD Newsletter,
Imaging of Papyri: A Strategic View.
Bagnall, Roger S.
Literary and Linguistic Computing 12 (1997) 153-54.
Imago Mundi :Cosmological and Ideological Aspects of the Arjan Bowl.
Alvarez-Mon, Javier.
Sous-presse dans Iranica Antiqua.
"Immortalized Monarchs, Forgotten Pharaohs: selective use of the past at Deir El-Medina".
Midgley, Nicola.
Akhvlediani, Eliso; Khimshiashvili, Kakha.
The First International Conference on the Ancient Cultural Relations Between Iran and Western Asia, Tehran, IRAN, 16-18 August, 2003.
The Impact of War upon Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage.
Abdul Wasey Feroozi.
Archaeological Institute of America, Publications and New Media.
The impact on libraries and archives in Iraq of war and looting in 2003 - a preliminary assessment of the damage and subsequent reconstruction efforts.
Johnson, Ian.
The International Information & Library Review,
Imperial Responses to Environmental Dynamic at Late Third Millennium Tell Leilan.
Ristvet, Lauren; Weiss, Harvey.
Orient-Express (Paris) 2000.4: 94-99.
Impero Romano d'Oriente 330-1453 la sua storia: Il portale della bizantinistica in Italia.
Implicit Models of Cross-Cultural Interaction: A Question of Noses, Soap, and Prejudice.
Ritner, Robert K.
Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond (SAOC 51) [Chapter 34],
Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological and Ethnological Material of Iraq.
Excerpted from: Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 84/Wednesday, April 30, 2008/Rules and Regulations, pages 23335-23342.
Impressions d'un passant aux bords de l'Europe, de l'Asie et de l'Afrique.
Dorion, Jules, 1870-1939.
In Memoriam Eleanor Ransom Swift: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Browning, Denise.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
In Memoriam George Joseph: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Maher, Carlotta.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
In Memoriam Robert J. & Linda S. Braidwood: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Stein, Gil J.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
In Memoriam William A. Boone: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
IN MEMORIAM: Elizabeth "Betty" Baum: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Stein, Gil J.
Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report,
In Memoriam: Hans Gustav Güterbock, 27 May 1908 - 29 March 2000.
Melchert, H. Craig.
1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report.,
In Memoriam: Jeffrey R. Short, Jr., 1913-2002; Elizabeth B. Tieken, 1916-2002: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
In Quest of the Historical Mordecai.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
In Search of Ancient Seafarers in the Arabian Gulf.
Kostman, Chris.
ARF Newsletter,
In search of Dionysos. Reassessing a Dionysian context in early Rome.
Håkansson, Carina.
In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele — Lynn E. Roller.
Roler, Lynn E.
In search of the é.dub.ba.a: The ancient Mesopotamian school in literature and reality.
George, Andrew.
From: Sefati, Y, (ed.), "An Experienced Scribe who Neglects Nothing". Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein. Bethesda, Md: CDL Press (USA), pp. 127-137.
In Search of the Indian Job.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
In Search of the Meaning of Senet.
Piccione, Peter.
Archaeology 33 (July/August l980): 55-58.,
In the Aftermath of Civil War: Cultural Heritage in Lebanon.
Al-Radi, Selma.
Conservation: The Getty Conservation Inistitute Newsletter,
"In the Beginning: A Veteran Archeologist Goes Hunting for the Early Israelites. Review of: Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?, By William G. Dever. Eerdmans, 280 pages, $25".
Levine, Baruch A.
(Book Review)
In the News.
Brodie, Neil.
Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre,
In the Presence of the Gods: The Art of Ancient Sumer, July 1-March 8, 1998.
Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago.
In the Yemeni Desert: Water, Water, Everywhere.
Keall, E. J..
Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter,
Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land.
Stephens, John Lloyd.
The Incirli Stela: A Preliminary Report on the Incirli Stela.
Carter, Elizabeth.
(An incomplete and in progress) Annotated Bibliography for Egyptomania, the Egyptian Revival, Egyptianizing Works, Egyptiana, and Related Matters.
Doyle, Noreen.
Incremental, Semi-automatic, Mapping-Based Integration of Heterogeneous Collections into Archaeological Digital Libraries: Megiddo Case Study.
Raghavan, A., N. S. Vemuri, R. Shen, M. A. Gonçalves, W. Fan, and E. A. Fox.
ETANA-DL: Managing complex information applications: An archaeology digital library,
Index der Titelbestandteile zu Dilwyn Jones: An Index of Ancient Egyptian Titles, Epithets and Phrases of the Old Kingdom.
Schweitzer, Simon D.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
Index of Mishnaic References in M.H. Segal, A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew. Samengesteld door J. Boas, 2005.
Boas, J.
Index of references to papyri, ostraca and graffiti as quoted in the notes (ref. to page number and note number) in J. Cerný: A Community of Workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period.
Demarée, R. J.
The Deir el Medina Database.