[Author(s)] Tur-Sinai, Naphtali; Albert Tobias Clay, ed. [Title] Altbabylonische tempelrechnungen. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Wien [Publisher] In commission bei A. Holder [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Figulla, H. H., ed. [Title] Altbabylonische Verträge. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J. C. Hinrichs [Date] 1914. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Pinches, Theophilus G. [Title] The Amherst tablets, being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Bernard Quaritch [Date] 1908. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Dougherty, Raymond Philip. [Title] Archives from Erech; time of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] for Goucher College by Yale University Press [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thompson, Reginald Campbell. [Title] Assyrian medical texts from the originals in the British Museum. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Milford [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). [Title] Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band I. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1893. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). [Title] Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 v [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1893. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Delitzsch, Friedrich. [Title] Assyrische Lesestücke; mit grammatischen Tabellen und vollständigem Glossar; Einführung in die assyrische und babylonische Keilschriftlitteratur bis hinauf zu Hammurabi, für akademischen Gebrauch und Selbstunterricht. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Langdon, Stephen. [Title] Babylonian liturgies; Sumerian texts from the early period and from the library of Ashurbanipal, for the most part transliterated and translated, with introduction and index. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert T., ed. [Title] Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; Part I - Babylonian business transactions. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Priv. print. [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert T., ed. [Title] Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; Part II - Legal documents from Erech (Priv. print., 1913). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] Priv. print. [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert T., ed. [Title] Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; Part II - Legal documents from Erech (Yale, 1920). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. [Title] Babylonische Miscellen. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Haupt, Paul. [Title] Babylonische Nimrodepos, Keilschrifttext der Bruchstücke der sogenannten Izdubarlegenden mit dem keilinschriftlichen Sintfluthberichte. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] J. C. Hinrichs [Date] 1884. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hilprecht, H. V., and A. T. Clay. [Title] Business documents of Murashû sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Artaxerxes I. (464-424 BC). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Published by the Department of archæology and palæontology of the University of Pennsylvania [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Hilprecht, H. V., and A. T. Clay. [Title] Business documents of Murashû sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Artaxerxes I. (464-424 BC). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] Published by the Department of archæology and palæontology of the University of Pennsylvania [Date] 1898. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. [Title] Chronicles of Chaldaean kings (626-556 BC) in the British Museum. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Trustees of the British Museum [Date] 1956. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jean, Charles-Francois. [Title] Contrats de Larsa, premiere serie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1926. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jean, Charles-Francois. [Title] Contrats de Larsa, seconde serie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1926. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Contenau, Georges. [Title] Contrats et lettres d'assyrie et de Babylonie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1926. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Contenau, Georges. [Title] Contrats neo-babyloniens; Part 1 - De Teglath-phalasar III a Nabonide. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1927. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Contenau, Georges. [Title] Contrats neo-babyloniens; Part 2, Anchemenides et Seleucides. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1927. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Moldenke, Alfred B. [Title] Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New York [Publisher] The Museum [Date] 1893. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Smith, Samuel Alden. [Title] Die keilschrifttexte Asurbanipals, königs von Assyrien. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] E. Pfeiffer [Date] 1887. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Loding, Darlene. [Title] Economic texts from the Third Dynasty. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Published for the trustees of the two museums by the Babylonian Fund [Date] 1976. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Peust, Carsten. [Title] Egyptian phonology: an introduction to the phonology of a dead language. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Göttingen [Publisher] Peust und Gutschmidt [Date] 1999. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert Tobias. [Title] Hebrew deluge story in cuneiform. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1922. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Möller, G. [Title] HIERATISCHE PALÄOGRAPHIE. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] www.egyptology.ru [Date] [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Nies, James B. [Title] Historical, religious and economic texts and antiquities. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Nies, James B. [Title] Historical, religious and economic texts and antiquities. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Strassmaier, J. N. [Title] Inschriften von Cambyses, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1890. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Strassmaier, J. N. [Title] Inschriften von Cyrus, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1890. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Strassmaier, J. N. [Title] Inschriften von Nabonidus, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1889. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Strassmaier, J. N. [Title] Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1889. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Peek, Henry W. [Title] Inscribed Babylonian tables in the possession of Sir Henry Peek, bart. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] [Harrison and Sons, printers] [Date] 1888. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Abel, Ludwig, and Hugo Winckler. [Title] Keilschrifttext; zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] W. Spemann [Date] 1890. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Messerschmidt, Leopold, et al. [Title] Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen inhalts; Erstes heft/Zweites heft. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J. C. Hinrichs [Date] 1911-22. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Sargon II, King of Assyria, d. 705 B.C. [Title] Keilschrifttexte Sargons. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] E. Pfeiffer [Date] 1889. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Legrain, Leon. [Title] Le temps des rois d'Ur; recherches sur la société antique d'après des textes nouveaux. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] H. Champion [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert Tobias. [Title] Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian collection. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 108, 60 plates [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Clay, Albert Tobias. [Title] Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian collection. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 108, 60 plates [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Langdon, Stephen. [Title] Neubabylonischen königsinschriften. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] J.C. Hinrichs [Publisher] Leipzig [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Radau, Hugo. [Title] Nin-Ib, the determiner of fates; according to the great Sumerian epic Lugal-e ug me-lám-bi Ner-gál from the temple library of Nippur. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Philadelphia [Publisher] University of Pennsylvania [Date] 1910. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Klauber, Ernst. [Title] Politisch-Religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Eduard Pfeiffer [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Tremayne, Arch. [Title] Records from Erech, time of Cyrus and Cambyses (538-521 BC). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1925. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Dougherty, Raymond Philip. [Title] Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus (555-538 BC). [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Grice, Ettalene Mears. [Title] Records from Ur and Larsa dated in the Larsa dynasty. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University Press [Date] 1919. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. [Title] The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; English translations, vocabulary, etc. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Luzac and Co. [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. [Title] The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; The cuneiform texts. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] London [Publisher] Luzac and Co. [Date] 1900. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jean, Charles-Francois. [Title] Šumer et Akkad ; contribution à l'histoire de la civilisation dans la Basse-Mésopotamie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Jean, Charles-Francois. [Title] Šumer et Akkad ; contribution à l'histoire de la civilisation dans la Basse-Mésopotamie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Langdon, Stephen. [Title] Sumerian and Semitic religious and historical texts. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] London, [etc.] [Publisher] Oxford University Press, H. Milford [Date] 1923. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Harvard Semitic Museum; copied by Mary Inda Hussey. [Title] Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic museum. Part I. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Cambridge [Publisher] Harvard University [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Harvard Semitic Museum; copied by Mary Inda Hussey. [Title] Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic museum. Part II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 2 [Number] [Publication City] Cambridge [Publisher] Harvard University [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Langdon, Stephen. [Title] Tablets from the archives of Drehem; with a complete account of the origin of the Sumerian calendar. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thureau-Dangin, Francois. [Title] Tablettes cappadociennes, Deuxieme serie. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1928. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thureau-Dangin, Francois. [Title] Tablettes d'Uruk a l'usage des pretres du temple d'Anu au temps des Seleucides. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1922. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thureau-Dangin, Francois. [Title] Tablettes d'Uruk a l'usage des pretres du temple d'Anu au temps des Seleucides. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1922. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Genouillac, Henri de. [Title] Tablettes de Dréhem. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthner [Date] 1911. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Reisner, George Andrew. [Title] Tempelurkunden aus Telloh. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] W. Speman [Date] 1901. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Martin, François. [Title] Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens. Première série. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] Letouzey et Ané [Date] 1903. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Tontafeln von el-Amarna. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrich [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Thureau-Dangin, François. [Title] Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Paris [Publisher] P. Geuthnew [Date] 1912. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Nies, James B. [Title] Ur dynasty tablets; texts chiefly from Tello and Drehem written during the reigns of Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibi-Sin. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1920. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft I. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft I. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft II. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft III. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft III. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1907. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft IX. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft V. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft V. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1908. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1908. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1909. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft VIII. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft X. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Zimmern, Heinrich. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft X. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1913. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1915. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1916. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XV. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1916. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1917. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Schroeder, Otto. [Title] Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Heft XVI. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] 16 vol. set [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] J.C. Hinrichs [Date] 1917. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Stephens, Ferris J. [Title] Votive and historical texts from Babylonia and Assyria. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] New Haven [Publisher] Yale University press [Date] 1937. [Format] (Book) ----------------------------------------