[Author(s)] Smith, Mark S. [Title] A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical Hebrew Grammar in the Twentieth Century. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] The Oriental Institute, Research Archives [Date] 2004. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Cunchillos, J.-L.; Vita, J.-P; Zamora, J.-A. [Title] A Concordance of Ugaritic Words (CUW). [Source] Sapanu: Publicaciones en Internet. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Website) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Cunchillos, J.-L. ; Cervigon, R. [Title] Palabras y Géneros. [Source] Sapanu: Publicaciones en Internet VII, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Madrid [Publisher] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-Laboratorio de Hermeneumatica [Date] July 2004. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Pardee, Dennis. [Title] "Rezension von J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik (AOAT 273), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2000". [Source] Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO): Internationale Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom Vorderen Orient. [Volume] 50 [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Book Review) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Pardee, Dennis. [Title] Ugarit Ritual Texts. [Source] The Oriental Institute News and Notes. [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] Oriental Institute [Date] [Format] (Article) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Rives, Stephen S. [Title] Ugaritic Translation Software. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] Stephen S. Rives [Date] 2005. [Format] (Website) ----------------------------------------