[Author(s)] Unger, Eckhard. [Title] Babylonisches Schrifttum. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Deutsches Museum für Buch und Schrift [Date] 1921. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Unger, Eckhard. [Title] Babylonisches Schrifttum. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Leipzig [Publisher] Deutsches Museum für Buch und Schrift [Date] 1921. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Shiflett, Lee. [Title] "Book Review: Altman, Rochelle. Absent Voices: The Story of Writing Systems in the West. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll, 2004, 364p. $59.95 (ISBN 1584561084). LC 2003-050627". [Source] College and Research Libraries, [Volume] 66 [Number] 4 [Publication City] Chicago [Publisher] American Library Association [Date] Jul-05. [Format] (Book Review) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Wachter, Rudolf. [Title] Geschichte des Alphabets. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Basel [Publisher] Universität Basel [Date] [Format] (Website) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Steve Taverner. [Title] The Josephus Desktop. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] [Publisher] [Date] [Format] (Website) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Andrássy, Petra; Budka, Julia; Kammerzell, Frank. [Title] Non-Textual Marking Systems, Writing and Pseudo Script from Prehistory to Modern Times. [Source] [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Göttingen [Publisher] Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie [Date] 2009. [Format] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [Author(s)] Reisner, George Andrew. [Title] Sumerisch-babylonische hymnen nach thontafeln griechischer zeit. [Source] ETANA, [Volume] [Number] [Publication City] Berlin [Publisher] W. Spemann [Date] 1896. [Format] (Book) ----------------------------------------