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ABZU Search Results (9942)

Kanawati, N.; Hassan, A. The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, Volume 1. 1996. (Book) [more]
Kansai University. Society for Egyptology.. (Website) [more]
Kant, Laurence. "Review of Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco- Roman Egypt". IOUDAIOS Review, 1994. (Book Review) [more]
Kantor , Helene; Delougaz, P. (Abbas Alizadeh, ed.). Chogha Mish, Volume 1: The First Five Seasons, 1961-1971. 1996. (Book) [more]
Kantor, Helene J. Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East. The Oriental Institute Research Archives, 1999. (Book) [more]
Kao, Ben. The Burial of Sarah: An Exegesis of Genesis 23. Journal of Biblical Studies, 2001. (Article) [more]
Kaper, O. E.. Review of he New Nubia Museum in Aswan. assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology, 1998. (Article) [more]
Kaplony-Heckel, Ursula. Die Giessener hieroglyphischen und demotischen Texte. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Kaptan, Deniz. Clay Tags from Seyitomer Hoyuk in Phrygia. A paraitre dans The World of Achaemenid Persia, (J. Curtis and St J. Simpson eds.) London. (Article) [more]
Karacic, Ana Silvia. El imaginario de la muerte y la luna a través del tiempo: El miedo y el enmascaramiento de lo temido. Transoxiana Preprint Series: Estudios y Reportes Preliminares, 2006. (Website) [more]
Kardulias, P. Nick. Multiple Levels in the Aegean Bronze Age World-System. Journal of World-Systems Research, 1996. (Article) [more]
Karkajian, Lourik. La maisonnée patrimoniale divine à Ougarit : une analyse wébérienne du dieu de la mort, Mot. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [2001]. (Book) [more]
KARMOUS, Tijani; Housam BINOUS and Naceur AYED. "Recent Studies of Cartheginian Era Tyrian Purple Artifacts". Applications of Synchrotron Techniques in Art and Archaeology Workshop 27th Annual SSRL Users Meeting, Stanford, CA. - October 18th, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Kaster, Robert. Self-Aggrandizement and Praise of Others in Cicero. Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Article) [more]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies. The Continuation of F. Jacoby''''s. 1999. (Website) [more]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies. Home Page of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies. (Website) [more]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies. A hypercard stack to convert dates of the Pharaonic, Greco-Roman and Byzantine period into Julian calendar. (Website) [more]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies. Society and Administration in the Hellenistic and Roman World. 1999. (Website) [more]
Katz, Joshua. "Review of Joachim Latacz’s 'Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery'". Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Book Review) [more]
Katz, Joshua. The Riddle of the 'sp(h)ij-': The Greek Sphinx and her Indic and Indo-European Background. Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Article) [more]
Katz, Joshua. What Linguists are Good for. Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Article) [more]
Katz, Solomon H. and Maytag, Fritz. Brewing an Ancient Beer. (Article) [more]
Kaufman, Stephen A. Aramaic. Anchor Bible Dictionary. (Article) [more]
Kaufman, Stephen A. Stephen A. Kaufman. (Website) [more]
Kay, James F.. "Review of Altes Testament und Judentum im Frühwerk Rudolf Bultmanns". (Book Review) [more]
Keall, E. J.. In the Yemeni Desert: Water, Water, Everywhere. Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter, 1994. (Article) [more]
Keall, E. J.. ISLAND STORY: Yemeni Style. Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter, 1997. (Article) [more]
Keall, E. J.. The Thrones of Zabid. Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter, 1996. (Article) [more]
Keel, Othmar. L'Eredità cananea di Gerusalemme. Archaeogate. (Article) [more]
Keen, Anthony G.. "Review of Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1995. (Book Review) [more]
Keen, Anthony G.. "Review of Herodotus and the Origins of the Political Community: Arion’s Leap". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
Keen, Anthony G.. "Review of The Roman Near East, 31 B.C. - A.D. 337". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1994. (Book Review) [more]
Keen, Anthony G.. "Review of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: Style, Genre and Literary Technique". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1994. (Book Review) [more]
Keil, Carl Friedrich; Delitzsch, Franz [herausgegeben von]. Biblischer Commentar über das alte Testament. (Book) [more]
Keiser, Clarence Elwood. Letters and contracts from Erech written in the neo-Babylonian period. ETANA, 1918. (Book) [more]
Kekulé von Stradonitz, Reinhard. Bronzestatuette eines kämpfenden Galliers in den Königlichen Museen. Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 1909. (Book) [more]
Kellens, Jean. Bio-bibliographie. 1999. (Website) [more]
Kellens, Jean. Bio-bibliographie. Collège de France. (Website) [more]
Kellens, Jean. Langues et religions indo-iraniennes: De la naissance des montagnes à la fin des temps : le Yast. Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1998 - 1999, 1999. (Article) [more]
Kellens, Jean. Langues et religions indo-iraniennes: Les mazdéens ont-ils eu un texte sacré ? (variations et suite). Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1996 - 1997, 1997. (Article) [more]
Kellens, Jean. Langues et religions indo-iraniennes: Promenade dans les Yasts à la lumière de travaux récents" (suite). Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1999 - 2000, 2000. (Article) [more]
Keller, Cathleen A. Cathleen A. Keller. (Website) [more]
Kelly, Brian. "Web Site Preservation". Archiving Egyptological and Ancient Near Eastern Resources on the Internet, 28 NOVEMBER 2003, 2003. (Presentation) [more]
Kelly, D.H.. "Review of Hellenistic History and Culture". Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics, 1999. (Book Review) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Ancient Nubia: Egypt’s Rival in Africa. 1995. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Byzantium. 1994. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Caught Looking: Exhibiting the Kelsey. 1996. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Francis W. Kelsey and the Near East: Expeditions of 1919-1920. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Kelsey Museum Field Projects. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Kelsey Museum Fieldwork. (Website) [more]
Kelsey On-Line. Kelsey Museum Publications. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. The Kelsey On-Line: Exhibitions. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. The Kelsey On-Line: The Galleries. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. "Press Release for Preserving Eternity". 1995. (Press Release) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Publications of the Kelsey Museum. (Journal) [more]
Kelsey On-Line. Registry Database Manual.. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. The Roman Site of Karanis, Egypt. (Website) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. The Roman Site of Karanis, Egypt. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture.. 1997. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. A Taste of the ancient World. 1997. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line Exhibitions. "Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture.". 1997. (Press Release) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line- Exhibitions. A Taste of the ancient World. 1997. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Byzantium. 1994. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Caught Looking: Exhibiting the Kelsey. 1996. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Dangerous Archaeology: Francis Willey Kelsey and Armenia (1919-1920). 1992. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Francis W. Kelsey and the Near East: Expeditions of 1919-1920. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Portals to Eternity: The Necropolis at Terenouthisin Lower Egypt. 1987. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Preserving Eternity. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity.. 1996. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line-Exhibitions. Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt from Prehistory to Late Antiquity. 1997. (Museum) [more]
Kemet. Home Page of Kemet. (Journal) [more]
Kemp, Barry. Field Director’s Report. (Amarna). [more]
Kendall, Timothy. Aspelta's Nase - verloren und 2600 Jahre später wiedergefunden. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG). (Article) [more]
Kennedy, David. Zeugma. 2000. (Website) [more]
Kennedy, David and Riley, Derrick. "Rome’s Desert Frontier. Chapter One: Physical and Human Geography". 1990. (Chapter) [more]
Kennedy, David L.; Peterson, Andrew. Guardians of the Pilgrim Wells: Damascus to Aqaba. Saudi Aramco World. (Article) [more]
Kennedy, E. S. Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables. 2006. (Book) [more]
Kennedy, E. S.; Kennedy, M. H. Al-Kashis Geographical Table. 2006. (Book) [more]
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark. Mohenjo-Daro!. (Website) [more]
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark. Mohenjodaro: An Ancient Indus Valley Metropolis. (Article) [more]
Kent, Charles Foster. A History Of The Hebrew People. (Book) [more]