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ABZU Search Results (9942)

The Oriental Institute Research Archives. Oriental Institute Research Archives Acquisitions Lists: 2000-2002. 2001. (Website) [more]
The Oriental Institute Research Archives. Oriental Institute Research Archives Acquisitions Lists: 2007-. 2007-. (Website) [more]
The Oriental Institute Research Archives. The Oriental Institute Research Archives: Introduction and Guide. (Website) [more]
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature. Home Page of Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature. (Website) [more]
Orion: A list concerning issues related to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Home Page of Orion: A list concerning issues related to the Dead Sea Scrolls. (Website) [more]
Orlov, Andrei A. The Slavonic Pseudepigrapha Project. 2006. (Website) [more]
Orsi, Christophe. Les Deux Terres. 1998-2000. (Website) [more]
Orsucci, Andrea. Ariani, indogermani, stirpi mediterranee: aspetti del dibattito sulle razze europee (1870-1914). Cromohs: cyber review of modern historiography, 2005. (Article) [more]
OSSHE Historical and Cultural Atlas Resource. Europe Map Archive. (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.. (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 10: "Israel/Palestine". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 11: "Jordan". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 12: "Cyprus". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 4: "Thera Ashes". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 6: "Astrochronology". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 7: "Dendrochronology". (Website) [more]
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences). The Synchronization of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in The 2nd Millennium B.C.: Project 9: "Egypt". (Website) [more]
Oudemans, Tatiana Frederica Margreta. Molecular studies of organic residues preserved in ancient vessels. 2006. (Book) [more]
Ouserhat, Centre Pour L''etude Et La Sauvegarde De La Peinture Egyptienne Ancienne. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). [more]
Overbeke, Bonaventura van. Les Restes De L'Ancienne Rome (Band 1). 1709. (Book) [more]
Overbeke, Bonaventura van. Les Restes De L'Ancienne Rome (Band 2). 1709. (Book) [more]
Overbeke, Bonaventura van. Les Restes De L'Ancienne Rome (Band 3). 1709. (Book) [more]
Owen, Antoinette and Danzing, Rachel. The History and Treatment of the Papyrus Collection at The Brooklyn Museum. The Book and Paper Group Annual, 1993. (Article) [more]
Owen, David I. David I. Owen. (Website) [more]
Owen, Thomas. Geoponika: Agricultural Pursuits. The Ancient Library. (Book) [more]
Oxbow Books. Home Page of Oxbow Books. (Website) [more]
Oxyrhynchus: A City and its Texts. Online version of the exhibition Oxyrhynchus: A City and its Texts. (Museum) [more]
Oyster, Holly An’. VOICES FROM BELOW: THE UNDERGRADUATE SPEAKS: The Purpose of this Panel: Iacta alea est: the Classics Undergraduate. (Article) [more]
Özbal, Rana D. Tell Kurdu'da Mikroarkeolojik Çalismalar. 19. Arkeometri Sonuçlari Toplantisi. (Article) [more]
Özbal, Rana D; Gerritsen, F.; Yener, K. A. Tell Kurdu 2001 Kazilari. 24. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, Vol I. , pp. 501-512. (Article) [more]
O’Brien, Alexandra A. Death in Ancient Egypt. ORIENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH ARCHIVES, 1996-1999. (Website) [more]
O’Brien, Alexandra A. Demotic Texts Published on the World Wide Web. ORIENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH ARCHIVES, 1997-1999. (Website) [more]
O’Brien, Alexandra A. "Disjecta Membra in Araneo - Scattered Remains on the Web". ORIENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH ARCHIVES, 1997-1999. (Presentation) [more]
O’Brien, Alexandra A. Egypt and the Ancient Near East Web Resources for Young People and Teachers. ORIENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH ARCHIVES, 1997-1999. (Website) [more]
O’Brien, Alexandra A. "Small footsteps into the Past: a review of recent children’s books on Egypt". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
O’Neil, J.. "Review of The Greco-Persian Wars". ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY, 1997. (Book Review) [more]
Padró, Josep. LOS AEGYTPTIACA PRERROMANOS DE LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA. Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998). (Article) [more]
Palazzo Ruspoli - Fondazione Memmo. Le Esposizione: Mummia. (Museum) [more]
Palestine. List of Gopher Servers. (Website) [more]
Paley, Samuel; Kesavadas, Thenkurussi;. THE NORTHWEST PALACE OF ASHUR-NASIR-PAL II AT NIMRUD. (Website) [more]
Palm Tree Books. Home Page of Palm Tree Books. (Website) [more]
Palmer, Micheal W. The Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway. (Website) [more]
Palmer, Ruth. "Review of The Discovery of the Greek Bronze Age". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
Panagiotakopulu, Eva. Insect Remains from Pharaonic Amarna, Egypt. (Article) [more]
Panaino, A. Ideologies as Intercultural Phenomena. 2000. (Article) [more]
Pankiewicz, Ryszard. Les Prix et l’Argent dans le Nouveau Testament. POMOERIUM, 1994. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode a combining diacritic in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode ancient Greek mathematical characters in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode Greek Acrophonic characters in UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A Proposal to Encode Greek Lunate Sigma in UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode Greek Metrical Symbols in UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode New Testament editorial characters in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode the ancient Greek musical system in UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode the Greek Capital and Small Letter San in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode the Greek Numerical system in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. A proposal to encode the Greek Rho with Stroke Symbol in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard. Proposal to encode three Punctuation Characters in the UCS. (Article) [more]
Papa Sokal, Marina. Antiquities Collecting and the Looting of Archaeological Sites. To be published in the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Ename International Colloquium, “Who Owns the Past? Heritage Rights and Responsibilities in a Multicultural World”, held at Ghent, Belgium, 22–25 March 2006, 2007. (Article) [more]
Papa Sokal, Marina. Stemming the illicit trade in antiquities. Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre, 2004. (Article) [more]
Papadopoulos, John K.. "Review of The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery From Sardis". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1998. (Book Review) [more]
Papaggeli, Kalliopi. Elefsis: The Archaeological Site and the Museum. John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library, 2002. (Book) [more]
Paper, Herbert H. (Herbert Harry), 1925-. The phonology and morphology of royal Achaemenid Elamite. Hathi Trust Digital Library, 1955. (Book) [more]
Paphos Theater Excavations, Cyprus, 1995-1997. Nea Paphos Hellenistic Theatre Excavation. 1995-1997. (Website) [more]
Papi, Angelo. My work on Genesis. (Website) [more]
PAPY-L discussion list. Logs of PAPY-L discussion list. (Website) [more]
Papyrology Home Page. Papyrology Home Page. (Website) [more]
Papyrus Books. Home Page of Papyrus Books. (Website) [more]