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ABZU Search Results (2787)
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Ministry of Information.
Home Page of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Ministry of Information.
Kinzl, Konrad.
Classical History 207H: Alexander the Great and His Age: Basic Bibliography.
Kirchner, Steffen.
Der Löwentempel von Musawwarat es Sufra: Auszug aus dem Abschlußbericht.
Kirchner, Steffen.
Die virtuelle Rekonstruktion des Löwentempelvon Musawwarat es Sufra.
Kirchner, Steffen.
Modellierung einer Tempelanlage im Sudan: Der Löwentempelvon Musawwarat es Sufra.
Knapp, A. Bernard, Vasiliki Kassianidou and Michael Donnelly.
TAESP: Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project.
Knapp, A. Bernard; Given, Michael.
The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: Digital Archive.
Kobylecky, Yarko.
Large format photographs of desert landscapes and Temples of Upper Egypt.
Kotter, Wade.
BAESL : Bibliography of Archaeological Excavations in the Southern Levant.
Krahmalkov, Charles.
CHARLES KRAHMALKOV: Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Languages.
Kraus, Jürgen.
Computer & Technik: Glyph-Control, Truetype-Fonts (PC),.
Computer & Technik,
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1991 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1993 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1994 Progress Report..
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1995 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1996 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1997 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1998 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 1999 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 2000 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 2001 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 2002 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 2003 Progress Report.
Kuniholm, Peter Ian.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project December 2004 Progress Report.
Labuschagne, Casper.
Numerical Features of the Psalms: A Logotechnical Quantitative Structural Analysis.
Lafont, Bertrand.
Digitized Cuneiform Documentation, Electronic Tools and Socio-Economic History: A Case Study from the Ur III Period.
Workshop on the Future of Cuneiform Studies,
The Land of Sumer and Akkad IUAP Network.
Home Page of The Land of Sumer and Akkad IUAP Network.
Landscape Studies In Upper Mesopotamia.
Reports of Landscape Studies In Upper Mesopotamia.
Laneri, Nicola [Organized by].
Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean [Symposium].
Laneri, Nicola; Schwartz, Mark; Ur, Jason.
The Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project.
Leblanc, Christian (and others).
Les Monument d’Éternité de Ramsès II: Nouvelles Fouilles Thébaine.
Lecce, Università - Servizi Informatici Bibliotecari di Ateneo: Università di Lecce.
Centro di Studi Papirologici / University Papyrological Center.
Lendering, Jona; Finkel, Irving; van der Spek, R. J.
Babylonian chronicles.
The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Classical Caucus.
Home Page of The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Classical Caucus.