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ABZU Search Results (145)
Liddell, Henry George, 1811-1898.
A Greek-English lexicon, comp. by Henry George Liddell ... and Robert Scott ....
Low, P.; Liddel, P. P.
The Database of Inscriptions in Greek and Latin Texts - Pilot Project.
Macaulay, G. C. [ English translation].
The History of Herodotus. Parallel English/Greek.
Marganne, Marie-Hélène; Renard, Denis.
La base de données expérimentale Mertens-Pack3.
Martuccci, A.
Internet e la didattica nell'insegnamento del Latino e del Greco nel Liceo Classico.
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916.
Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67001-67124.
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916.
Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67125-67278.
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916.
Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67279-67359.
Mitchell, Stephen.
The British Schools and Institutes of Archaeology - a Short Guide.
Council of University Classical Departments [CUCD] Bulletin.
Mure, William, 1799-1860.
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient [sic] Greece.
Nachtergael, Georges; Bagnall, Roger S.
Problèmes et projet de Bibliographie Papyrologique (1979).
Reproduit de: Actes du XVe Congrès international de Papyrologie. III = Papyrologica Bruxellensia. 18 (Bruxelles, 1979) pp. 7-19.
Nachtergael, Georges; Martin, Alain.
Informatisation de la Bibliographie Papyrologique (2008).
Reproduit de: CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 3.0",
2008 -.
NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint.
NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode a combining diacritic in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode ancient Greek mathematical characters in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode Greek Acrophonic characters in UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A Proposal to Encode Greek Lunate Sigma in UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode Greek Metrical Symbols in UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode New Testament editorial characters in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode the ancient Greek musical system in UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode the Greek Capital and Small Letter San in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode the Greek Numerical system in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
A proposal to encode the Greek Rho with Stroke Symbol in the UCS.
Pantelia, Maria C.; Peevers, Richard.
Proposal to encode three Punctuation Characters in the UCS.
Reynolds, Joyce; Roueché, Charlotte; Bodard, Gabriel [ editions, translations and commentary by].
Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project.
Roueché, Charlotte.
Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions.
Schentuleit, Maren.
Dime online - Datenbank zur Prosopographie des Fajumortes Soknopaiu Nesos.
Stanford, William Bedell.
Aeschylus in his style :a study in language and personality.
Thesaurus Linguae Grecae Project.
A Proposal to Encode Greek Capital Lunate Sigma in UCS.
Verreth, H.
The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD Version 1.0 (August 2009).
Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP),
Verreth, H.
A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-Roman period, Version 1.0 (September 2008).
Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP),
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Strassburg; Preisigke, Friedrich, 1856-1924; Bilabel, Friedrich, 1888-1948; Kiessling, Emil, 1896-; Rupprecht, Hans-Albert, 1938-.
Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Zweiter Band.
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Strassburg; Preisigke, Friedrich, 1856-1924; Bilabel, Friedrich, 1888-1948; Kiessling, Emil, 1896-; Rupprecht, Hans-Albert, 1938-.
Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Zweiter Band.
Yiftach-Firanko, Uri.
Greek Law in Roman Times: A Computerized Databank of Greek Legal Documents From Egypt And the Hellenistic World in the Ptolemaic, Roman and Byzantine Periods.
2007 -.