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ABZU Search Results (239)
Serrano Espinosa, Manuel.
Taurokathapsia y juegos del toro desde sus orígenes hasta la época imperial romana.
Smith, Sydney.
The first campaign of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, BC 705-681. The Assyrian text, edited with transliteration, translation, and notes.
Sommerfeld, Walter; Archi, Alfonso; Weiss, Harvey.
"Why 'Dada Measured 40,000 Liters of Barley from Nagar for Sippar': Tell Leilan Project Poster Presentations".
4ICAANE Berlin March 29-April 3, 2004.
Strong, Herbert A.; Garstang, John.
The Syrian Goddess: De Dea Syria, by Lucian of Samosata.
Tebes, Juan Manuel.
Centro y periferia en el mundo antiguo. El Negev y sus interacciones con Egipto, Asiria, y el Levante en la Edad del Hierro (1200-586 a.C.).
Thureau-Dangin, François.
Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon.
Tukulti-Ninurta, King of Assyria.
Annales de Tukulti Ninip II, roi d'Assyrie 889-884.
Unger, Eckhard.
Zum Bronzetor von Balawat ; Beiträge zur Erklärung und Deutung der assyrischen Inschriften und Reliefs Salmanassars III.
Ur, Jason.
Settlement and Landscape in Northern Mesopotamia: The Tell Hamoukar Survey 2000-2001.
Valdés Pereiro, Carmen.
Los Materiales cerámicos de Tell Qara Quzaq: periodización de un yacimiento del III milenio en el norte de Siria.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; AHMO, Khaled [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2002 - Rapport préliminaire.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; al-MECHRIF, Osama [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2003 - Rapport préliminaire.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; al-MECHRIF, Osama [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2004 - Rapport préliminaire.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; al-MOHAMMED, Qasem [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2005 - Rapport préliminaire.
van Berg, Paul-Louis; Picalause, Vincianne.
Archéologie et art rupestre en Djezireh syrienne: Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2001.
Vidal Palomino, Jordi.
Las aldeas de Ugarit. Según los archivos del Bronce Reciente (s. XIV-XII a.n.e.).
Volney, Constantin François de Chasseboeuf (1757-1820 ; comte de).
Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les années 1783, 1874 et 1785....
Ware, William.
Zenobia; or, The fall of Palmyra. In letters of L. Manlius Piso [pseud.] from Palmyra, to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome.
Weiss, Harvey.
Beyond the younger Dryas: Collapse as adaptation to abrupt climate change in ancient West Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Environmental disaster and the archaeology of human response, Edited by Garth Bawden and Richard Martin Reycraft. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers, No. 7: 75-95,
Weiss, Harvey.
Ninevite 5 Periods and Processes.
The origins of North Mesopotamian civilization: Ninevite 5 chronology, economy, society. Brussels: Brepols. E. Rova and H. Weiss, editors,
Weiss, Harvey, Francesca deLillis, Dominique deMoulins, Jesper Eidem, Thomas Guilderson, Ulla Kasten, Torben Larsen, Lucia Mori, Lauren Ristvet, Elena Rova, and Wilma Wetterstrom.
Revising the contours of history at Tell Leilan.
Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes, Cinquantenaire,
Weiss, Harvey, M.A. Courty, W. Wellerstrom, F. Guichard, L. Senior, R. Meadow, and A. Currow.
The genesis and collapse of Third Millennium north Mesopotamian Civilization.
Science, 291: 995-1088,
Weiss, Harvey; Bradley, Raymond S.
What drives societal collapse?.
Science, 291:609-610,
Weiss, Harvey; T. Cuyler Young, Jr.
Merchants of Susa: Godin V and plateau-lowland relations in the late Fourth Millennium BC.
Iran, 10:1-17,
Whitcomb, Donald.
Hadir Qinnasrin: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Whitcomb, Donald.
Hadir Qinnasrin: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Whitcomb, Donald S.
Discovering A New City In Syria: Hadir Qinnasrin 1998.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes.
Whitcomb, Donald S.
Hadir Qinnasrin: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Whitcomb, Donald [Editor].
Changing Social Identity with the Spread of Islam: Archaeological Perspectives.
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
Milet: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899.
1913, 1914, 1929.
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
Palmyra - Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917.
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
Palmyra - Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917 (Tafeln).
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
Palmyra - Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917 (Text).
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