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ABZU Search Results (3452)

Swinton, John. Remarks in the Palmyrene Inscriptions at Teive. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1766. (Article) [more]
Swogger, John. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1998 ARCHIVE REPORT : Archaeological Illustration. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1998 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1998. (Article) [more]
Swogger, John. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT: Archaeological Illustration. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1999. (Article) [more]
Swogger, John-Gordon. Archaeological Illustration. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2000 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Swogger, John-Gordon. Archaeological Illustration 2001. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2001 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Talalay, Lauren E. Reflections on Identity and Ethnicity in the Ancient World. All for One or One for All? (Re)constructing Identity in the Ancient World. Graduate Student Symposium. Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, October 17 - 18, 1997, 1997. (Article) [more]
Talalay, Lauren E.. Review Article: Cultural Biographies of the Great Goddess. American Journal of Archaeology, 2000. (Article) [more]
Talmon, Shemaryahu. Between the Bible and the Mishnah:. The Orion Center for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 1996. (Article) [more]
Tarzi, Zémaryalai. Le site ruiné de Hadda. Afghanistan. Patrimoine en péril. Actes d'une journée d'étude, 24 février 2001 (2001) 60-69, 2001. (Article) [more]
Tavernier, Jan. Some Thoughts on Neo-Elamite Chronology. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Taylor, Jon. Collations to ED Lu C and D. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (CDLB), 2003. (Article) [more]
Taylor, Jon. OB Nippur Lu=ša1. 2005. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 2001-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2002. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Individual Scholarship: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report, 2003. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Medinet Habu Documents Recovered. The Oriental Institute News and Notes. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. More Medinet Habu Documents Recovered. The Oriental Institute News and Notes. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. The New Egyptian Gallery: First Gallery Reopens At Oriental Institute Museum. The Oriental Institute News and Notes. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily. Oriental Institute Museum Renovation Moves Forward. The Oriental Institute News and Notes, 1996. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily; Vannier, Michael. Computed tomography scanning of Meresamun. (Article) [more]
Teixidor, Javier. Antiquités sémitiques: Aristote en syriaque : les philosophes de la Haute Mésopotamie au VIe siècle. Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1996 - 1997, 1997. (Article) [more]
Teixidor, Javier. Antiquités sémitiques: Des araméens errants de la Bible aux tribus aramaïsées de l’Arabie : permanences et emprunts.. Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1999 - 2000, 2000. (Article) [more]
Teixidor, Javier. Antiquités sémitiques: L’histoire de Palmyre. Annuaire scientifique du Collège de France: Résumé des cours et travaux 1998 - 1999, 1999. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B. Recent Acquisitions in the Department of Egyptian Art. BMFA, 1964. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B.. The Entourage of and Egyptian Governor. BMFA, 1968. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B.. A Fragmentary Triad of King Mycerinus. BMFA, 1961. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B.. "Some Recent Accessions:". BMFA, 1965. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B.. Three Egyptian Bronzes. BMFA, 1959. (Article) [more]
Terrace, E. L. B.. Two Amarna Reliefs. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Testen, David. Individual Scholarship: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Testen, David. Individual Scholarship: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Testen, David. Individual Scholarship: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Testen, David. Individual Scholarship: 2001-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Project. Brief Guide to Greek Unicode. (Article) [more]
Thesaurus Linguae Grecae Project. A Proposal to Encode Greek Capital Lunate Sigma in UCS. (Article) [more]
Thiesbonenkamp, Jürgen. Der somatische Aspekt des Todes - die Versorgung des Leichnams und seine postmortale Bedeutung bei den Bamileke in Kamerun im Gegenlicht zeitgenössischer Erfahrungen in Deutschland. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie: IBAES 1 - Die Aegyptische Mumie - ein Phaenomen der Kulturgeschichte. (Article) [more]
Thomas, Carol G.. Searching for the Historical Homer. Archaeology Odyssey, 1998. (Article) [more]
Thomas, David. Computing and Archaeology in Jordan. Assemblage, 1997. (Article) [more]
Thomas, K. R.. A psychoanalytic study of Alexander the Great. Psychoanal. Rev., 1995. (Article) [more]
Thompson, D. L.. A Painted Funerary Portrait from Roman Egypt. BMFA, 1976. (Article) [more]
Thompson, Dorothy J.. Digitising a Lycopolite Census. CSAD Newsletter, 1996. (Article) [more]
Thompson, Thomas L.. "Purveyor-General to the Hieroglyphics": Sir William Gell and the development of Egyptology. ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Article) [more]
Thompson, William R. Complexity, Diminishing Marginal Returns, and Serial Mesopotamian Fragmentation. Journal of World-Systems Research, Fall 2004. (Article) [more]
Thomson de Grummond, Nancy; Simon, Erika (eds.). The Religion of the Etruscans. Appendix C: Concordance of Etruscan Inscriptions. 2006. (Article) [more]
Thonissen, J. J. Mémoire sur l'organisation judiciaire, les lois pénales et la procédure criminelle de l'Egypte ancienne.. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Volume: 35. (Article) [more]
Thorpe, R. Which Way Is Up? Context Formation & Transformation: The Life and Deaths of a Hot Bath In Beirut. assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology, 1998. (Article) [more]
Tigay, Jeffrey H. THE BIBLE "CODES": A TEXTUAL PERSPECTIVE. (Article) [more]
Tindel, Raymond D. REGISTRY: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report, 2004. (Article) [more]
Toivari, Jaana. Obituary: Rostislav Halthoer (1937-1997). (Article) [more]
Tolini, Gauthier. Les travailleurs babyloniens et le palais de Taokè. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Tolini, Gauthier. Quelques elements concernant le prise de Babylon par Cyrus (Octobre 539 a. J.-C.). ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Townsend, Robert B. How Is New Media Reshaping the Work of Historians?. From The Profession column of the November 2010 issue of Perspectives on History. (Article) [more]
Tracy, William. Stones That Did the Work of Men. [Crusader castles]. ARAMCO WORLD MAGAZINE, 1993. (Article) [more]
Traill, David A. and Igor Bogdanov. Heinrich Schliemann: Improbable Archaeologist. Archaeology Odyssey, 1999. (Article) [more]
Treat, Jay. Scribal Marks in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1997. (Article) [more]
Treu, Kurt (Adler, William and Kraft, Robert, translators). The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire. Ioudaios Articles, 1991. (Article) [more]
Tropper, Josef. "Im siebten Jahr wurde wüttend auf Baal". Zur Interpretation von KTU 1.6 V:8-10. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL). (Article) [more]
Tsang, Louise. Legal Protection of Cultural Property: A Selective Resource Guide. Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals. (Article) [more]
Tucker, Ed. Revisionism: The Historiographical Method of Peter Green. David’s Ancient World. (Article) [more]
Tuplin, Christopher. Ctesias as a Military Historian. Paper finalised in November 2006 (and not substantively updated since) for publication in: J.Wiesehöfer et al. (edd.), Ktesias und der Orient, 2009. (Article) [more]
Tuplin, Christopher. Fratama. Arta, 2005. (Article) [more]
Turner, D. R.. Ruminations on Romanisation in the East: Or, the Metanarrative in History. assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology, 1998. (Article) [more]
Ulansey, David. The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras. (Article) [more]
Underbjerg, Heidi. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1998 ARCHIVE REPORT : Obsidian Microdebitage at Çatalhöyük. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1998 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1998. (Article) [more]
Ur, Jason. Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in the Near East: Case Studies using CORONA Satellite Photography. ArchAtlas Workshop 2007: Mapping Human History from Space: Tells, Routes and Archaeogeography in the Near East: Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield , SATURDAY, 3rd MARCH 2007, 2007. (Article) [more]
Urbrock, William J.. Oral Antecedents to Job: A Survey of Formulas and Formulaic Systems. Semeia 05: Oral Tradition and Old Testament Studies. (Article) [more]
Urbrock, William J.. Reconciliation of Opposites in the Dramatic Ordeal of Job. Semeia 07: Studies in the Book of Job. (Article) [more]
Utzschneider, Helmut. Text - Reader - Author: Towards a Theory of Exegesis: Some European Viewpoints. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 1996-1997. (Article) [more]
Vallat, François. Les prétendus fonctionnaires unsak des textes néo-élamites et achéménides. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Van De Mieroop, Marc. Reading Babylon. American Journal of archaeology 107.2 (2003). (Article) [more]
Van De Mieroop, Marc. Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq: A Response to Matthews (2). Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 14 (2003). (Article) [more]
van den Berg, Hans. Restoring ancient Egyptian artifacts... by computer. 1995-1999. (Article) [more]
van den Hout, Theo. Chicago Hittite Dictionary: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report.. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]