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ABZU Search Results (1696)

Association Internationale des Égyptologues - International Association of Egyptologists - Internationaler Ägyptologen-Verband (IAE). Addresses of Egyptologists. (Website) [more]
Association Internationale des Égyptologues - International Association of Egyptologists - Internationaler Ägyptologen-Verband (IAE). Addresses of Egyptologists. (Website) [more]
Avina, Michael. Per-Medjat. (Website) [more]
Avina, Michael. Per-Medjat. (Website) [more]
Azim, Michel; Rondot, Vincent. Note archéologique et épigraphique sur les architraves de la grande salle hypostyle du temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak. Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane, 2006. (Article) [more]
Azim, Michel; Rondot, Vincent. Note archéologique et épigraphique sur les architraves de la grande salle hypostyle du temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak. Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane, 2006. (Article) [more]
Baedeker, Karl. Egypt, handbook for travellers. Pt. 1. Lower Egypt, with the Fayum and the peninsula of Sinai. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Book) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Archaeological Work on Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, 1995-2000. AJA 105 (2001) 227-43. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Archaeology and Papyrology. Journal of Roman Archaeology 1 (1988) 197-202. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Army and Police in Roman Upper Egypt. JARCE 14 (1977) 67 f.. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. An Arsinoite Metropolitan Landowning Family of the Fourth century. Papyrologica Lupiensia 2 (1993) [Papiri Documentari Greci] 97-101 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XIII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Beginnings of the Roman Census in Egypt. GRBS 32 (1991) 255-65. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Bullion Purchases and Landholding in the Fourth Century. Cd'E 52 (1977) 322-36 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XIX). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Census Declarations from Tebtunis. Aegyptus 72 (1992) 61-84. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Census Declarations from the British Library. Cd'E 69 (1994) 109-26. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Census Declarations in the Berlin Collection. Archiv für Papyrusforschung 39 (1993) 21-28. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Charite's Christianity. BASP 32 (1995) 37-40 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XI). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Charles Bradford Welles. American National Biography 23 (New York 1999) 4-5. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Church, State and Divorce in Late Roman Egypt. Florilegium Columbianum: Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller (New York 1987) 41-61 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter IV). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Combat ou vide: Christianisme et paganisme dans l'Egypte romaine tardive. Ktema 13 (1988 [1992]) 285-96 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter X). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Computer and Classical Research. Classical Views 30 (1986) 53-62. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Count Ausonius. Tyche 7 (1992) 9-13 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XXII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Cults and Names of Ptolemais in Upper Egypt. Egyptian Religion: The Last Thousand Years (Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Jan Quaegebeur) (Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 85, Leuven 1998) II 1093-1101. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Date of P.Kell. I G. 62 and the Meaning of ______. Chronique d'Égypte 74 (1999) 329-3. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Due papiri fiorentini del quarto secolo. StudPap 21 (1982) 87-92. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. An Early Christian Burial at Tell el-Maskhuta?. ZPE 74 (1988) 291-92. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Effects of Plague: Model and Evidence. JRA 15 (2002) 114-120. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Egypt and the 'Barbarians'. New York Review of Art 1.2 (1994) 8-9. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Egypt and the Lex Minicia. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 23 (1993) 25-28. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Eirene to Epaphrys: P.Yale I 77 revised. Cd'E 74 (1999) 109-117. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. End of a Sale Contract. Scritti in onore di Orsolina Montevecchi (Bologna 1981) 11-14. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Five Problematic Fourth-Century Pieces. BASP 27 (1990) 79-93. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Flavius Neaptius, Ghost-Comes Aegypti. GRBS 25 (1984) 83-85. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Freedmen and Freedwomen with Fathers?. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 21 (1991) 7-8. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Governmental Roles in the Economy of Late Antiquity. Production and Public Powers in Antiquity, ed. E. Lo Cascio and D. Rathbone. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Economy History Congress B1 (Milan 1994) 61-69; reprinted in Production and Public Powers in Classical Antiquity, ed. E. Lo Cascio and D. Rathbone (Cambridge Philological Society, Suppl. 26, Cambridge 2000) 86-91. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Greek Papyri and Coptic Studies, 1990-1995. Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit 2. Schrifttum, Sprache und Gedankenwelt (Wiesbaden 1999) 219-30. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Imaging of Papyri: A Strategic View. Literary and Linguistic Computing 12 (1997) 153-54. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Jesus Reads a Book. Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 51 (2000) 577-88. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Landholding in Late Roman Egypt: The Distribution of Wealth. JRS 82 (1992) 128-49 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Lender, Borrower, and Banker in P.Yale I 65. BASP 36 (1999) 45-52. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Les lettres prives des femmes : un choix de langue en Égypte byzantine. Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres de l'Académie Royale de Belgique 6 ser. 12 (2001) 133-153. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Managing Estates in Roman Egypt: A Review Article. BASP 30 (1993) 127-35. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. A Mandate from the Great Oasis. ZPE 116 (1997) 149-51. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Military Officers as Landowners in Fourth Century Egypt. Chiron 22 (1992) 47-54 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XIV). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Missing Females in Roman Egypt. Scripta Classica Israelica 16 (1997) 121-38 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter III). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. A New Arsinoite Strategos?. ZPE 119 (1997) 202. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, I. BASP 27 (1990) 1-14. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, II. BASP 28 (1991) 13-32. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, III. BASP 28 (1991) 121-33. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, IV. BASP 29 (1992) 101-15. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, V. BASP 30 (1993) 35-56. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Roman and Byzantine Documents. Cd'E 66 (1992) 282-96. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Number and Term of the Dekaprotoi. Aegyptus 58 (1978) 160-67 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XXIV). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Official and Private Violence in Roman Egypt. BASP 26 (1989) 201-16 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter V). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. An Order for Nails. BASP 5 (1968) 99. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Ostraka from the Yale Collection. BASP 16 (1979) 3-11. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. An Owner of Literary Papyri. CP 87 (1992) 137-40 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter VII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. P. NYU 15 and the Kephalaiotai of Karanis. StudPap 17 (1978) 49-54. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. P. Oxy. XVI 1905, SB V 7756, and Fourth Century Taxation. ZPE 37 (1980) 185-96 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XVIII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. P.Oxy. 4527 and the Antonine Plague in Egypt: Death or Flight?. JRA 13 (2000) 288-92. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Painted Garden of Coptos. Cd'E 71 (1996) 145-52. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Papyrus and Preservation. Classical World 91 (1998) 543-52. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Papyrus Documentation in Egypt from Constantine to Justinian. Miscellanea Papyrologica ed. R. Pintaudi (Pap.Flor. 7, Florence 1980) 105-16. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The People of P.Mich.inv. 5806. ZPE 105 (1995) 253-55. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Periodicity and Collection of the Chrysargyron. Tyche 7 (1992) 15-17 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XXI). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Population of Theadelphia in the Fourth Century. BullSocArchCopte 24 (1982) 35-57 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter VI). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Professor Roger S. Bagnall. (Website) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Property-holdings of Liturgists in Fourth-century Karanis. BASP 15 (1978) 9-16 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XXIII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Ptolemaic Foreign Correspondence in P.Tebt. 8. JEA 61 (1975) 168-80. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Ptolemaic Trierarchs. Cd'E 46 (1971) 356-62. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Publius Petronius, Augustan Prefect of Egypt. Yale Classical Studies 28 (1985) 85-93. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Religious Conversion and Onomastic Change. BASP 19 (1982) 105-24 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter VIII). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Restoring the Text of Documents. TEXT 4 (1988) 109-19. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Roman Egypt, Later. Dictionary of the Middle Ages 10 (1988) 453-56. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Roman Garrison of Latopolis. BASP 12 (1975) 134-44. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Some Notes on P. Hib. 198. BASP 6 (1979) 73-118. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Stolos the Admiral. Phoenix 26 (1972) 358-68. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Taxes of Toka. Tyche 6 (1991) 37-43 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XX). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Theadelphian Archives: A Review Article. BASP 17 (1980) 97-104. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Theadelphian Taxes in CPR VI 5. BullSocArchCopte 24 (1982) 115-18. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Theogenes the Dioiketes. AncSoc 3 (1972) 111-19. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Three Notes on Ptolemaic Inscriptions. ZPE 11 (1973) 121-27. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Three Papyri from Oxyrhynchus. BASP 5 (1968) 135-50. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. The Toparch Leon and his Archive. GRBS 15 (1974) 215-20. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Two Byzantine Legal Papyri in a Private Collection. Studies in Roman Law in Memory of A. Arthur Schiller (CSCT 13, Leiden 1986) 1-9. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Two Linguistic Notes on Ostraka from Mons Claudianus. Cd'E 72 (1997) 341-44. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. Women, Law, and Social Realities in Late Antiquity: A Review Article. BASP 32 (1995) 65-86 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter II). (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S. 'Your Wife in Your Name': P.Oxy. LXII 4340. GRBS 39 (1998 [2000]) 157-67. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; and others. Berenike Crossroads: The Integration of Information. JESHO 46 (2003) 46-87. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Bogaert, R. Orders for Payment from a Banker's Archive: Papyri in the Collection of Florida State University. AncSoc 6 (1975) 79-108. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Bülow-Jacobsen, A.; Cuvigny, H. Security and Water on Egypt's Desert Roads: New Light on the Prefect Iulius Ursus and Praesidia-building under Vespasian. JRA 14 (2001) 325-333. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Drew-Bear, Thomas. Documents from Kourion: A Review Article (part 1). Phoenix 27 (1973) 99-117. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Drew-Bear, Thomas. Documents from Kourion: A Review Article (part 2). Phoenix 27 (1973) 213-44. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Harris, Carolyn L. Involving Scholars in Preservation Decisionmaking: the Case of the Classicists. Journal of Academic Librarianship 13 (1987) 140-46. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Lajatar, Adam. Collection Froehner 81 Once Again. JJurPap 24 (1994) 11-12. (Article) [more]
Bagnall, Roger S.; Manning, J.; Sidebotham, S.; Zitterkopf, R.. A Ptolemaic Inscription from Bir 'Iayyan. Cd'E 71 (1996) 317-30. (Article) [more]