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ABZU Search Results (1696)

Edgerton, William F.; and Wilson, John A. Historical Records of Ramses III: The Texts in Medinet Habu Volumes 1 and 2. 1936. (Book) [more]
Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar [Corporate Author]. Notice Des Principaux Monuments Exposés Au Musée De Gizeh [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Article) [more]
Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar [Corporate Author]. Notice Des Principaux Monuments Exposés Au Musée De Gizeh [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Article) [more]
Eisner , Leonhardus (Leonhard Eisner). Epistolae privatae graecae. Papyri Iandanae, 2003. (Book) [more]
The Epigraphic Survey in Cooperation with The Department of Antiquities of Egypt. The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192, The Epigraphic Survey, The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago.. 1980. (Book) [more]
Erhart Graefe. Das Stundenritual. 1997. (Article) [more]
Erhart Graefe. Das Stundenritual. 1997. (Article) [more]
Erhart Graefe. The Royal Cache and the Tomb robberies. Lecture held at the colloquium, 1997. (Article) [more]
Erhart Graefe. The Royal Cache and the Tomb robberies. Lecture held at the colloquium, 1997. (Article) [more]
Erman, Adolf. Aegyptische Chrestomathie. 1904. (Book) [more]
Erman, Adolf. Aegyptische Chrestomathie. 1904. (Book) [more]
Eyma. A. K. EEF News. (Website) [more]
Eyma. A. K. EEF News. (Website) [more]
Ezzamel, Mahmoud. Work Organization in the Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egypt. Organization. (Article) [more]
Fallon, Amanda; Webb, Robert. A Review of Precise Measurements of the Pyramids: A Brief Historical Context. Spatial Science Queensland Journal 2006(3).. (Article) [more]
Farid, Hany. Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Tombs. The International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Architecture, Dublin, Ireland, 2001, 2001. (Article) [more]
Farid, Hany; Farid, S. Unfolding Sennedjem's Tomb. KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, 12(1):46-59, 2001, 2001. (Article) [more]
Farid, Hany; Farid, Samir. Unfolding Sennedjem's Tomb. From: KMT, vol. 12, no. 1, 2001. (Article) [more]
Fazzini, Richard. Two Semi-Erased Kushite Cartouches in the Precinct of Mut at South Karnak. Preprint of a contribution to a volume of essays in Memory of William Murnane. The projected title of the book is:, 2007. (Article) [more]
Fazzini, Richard A. Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993). Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993): An Egyptologist and His Legacy. (Article) [more]
Fazzini, Richard A. Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993). Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993): An Egyptologist and His Legacy. (Article) [more]
Fechheimer, Hedwig. Kleinplastik der Ägypter. (Book) [more]
Feucht, Erika. Die Gräber des Nedjemger (TT 138) und des Hori (TT 259). Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 2006. (Article) [more]
Fitzenreiter, Martin. Das Heilige und die Ware. Zum Spannungsfeld von Religion und Ökonomie. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie Vol. 7 (IBAES 7), 2008. (Article) [more]
Fitzenreiter, Martin. Raumkonzept und Bildprogramm in dekorierten Grabanlagen im Alten Reich. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie Vol. 6 (IBAES 6): Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich Methodik und Interpretation. (Article) [more]
Fitzenreiter, Martin. Relevanz und Beliebigkeit. Bemerkungen zu archäologischer Methodik und Interpretation, unter Bezugnahme auf die Ägyptologie. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie Vol. 6 (IBAES 6): Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich Methodik und Interpretation. (Article) [more]
Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880). Par les champs et par les grèves; Voyages et carnets de voyages. Gallica, 1997. (Book) [more]
Flores, Diane Victoria. The funerary sacrifice of animals during the predynastic period. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [2000]. (Book) [more]
Flores, Diane Victoria. The funerary sacrifice of animals during the predynastic period. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [2000]. (Book) [more]
Franke, Detlef. Das Photoarchiv H.W. Müller der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. Göttinger Miszellen, 1992. (Article) [more]
Franke, Detlef. Das Photoarchiv H.W. Müller der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. Göttinger Miszellen, 1992. (Article) [more]
Franke, Detlef. Theben und Memphis - Metropolen im Alten Ägypten. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 2003. (Article) [more]
Franz, Julius. Kairo. 1903. [more]
Friedman, Renee. Interactive Dig: Hierakonpolis. (Website) [more]
Frith, Francis; Frith, Francis (Hrsg.). Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine: Supplementary volume. Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 1862. (Book) [more]
Gabolde, Luc. Un assemblage au nom d'Amenemhat Ier dans les magasins du temple de Louxor. Preprint of a contribution to a volume of essays in Memory of William Murnane. The projected title of the book is:, 2007. (Article) [more]
Gabolde, Marc. Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky. Preprint of a contribution to a volume of essays in Memory of William Murnane. The projected title of the book is:, 2007. (Article) [more]
Gadre, Karine. Les horloges stellaires et l'année civile égyptienne. Revista de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Egyptologia n°25 , 2008, 2008. (Article) [more]
Gadre, Karine. Les horloges stellaires et l'année civile égyptienne. Revista de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Egyptologia n°25 , 2008, 2008. (Article) [more]
Galán, José M. EL VIAJE DE UNAMÓN Y LA EMBAJADA DE LOS REYES CATÓLICOS A EGIPTO. Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998). (Article) [more]
García Trabazo, José Virgilio. LINEAL A: ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN. Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998). (Article) [more]
Gärtner, Otto; Gundel, Hans Georg. Giessener Papyri 1971. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Gärtner, Otto; Gundel, Hans Georg. Giessener Papyri 1971. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Garusti, Ana. Nota breve: Sobre el artículo "Dos piezas de sarcófago de la dinastía XVIII". ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
Gascou, Jean. Edfou au Bas-Empire d'après les trouvailles de l'IFAO. Tell-Edfou soixante ans après. Actes du colloque franco-polonais, Le Caire-15 octobre 1996 (1999) 13-20, 1999. (Article) [more]
Getman, David; Sanders, Paula. The "Souvenir of Egypt". 2006. (Website) [more]
Getman, David; Sanders, Paula. The "Souvenir of Egypt". 2006. (Website) [more]
Gilberg, Mark. Alfred Lucas: Egypt's Sherlock Holmes. The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. (Article) [more]
Glaue, Paul. Ein Bruchstück des Origenes über Genesis 1,28 (P. bibl. univ. Giss. 17). Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Giessener Universitätsibibliothek, 2003. (Book) [more]
Gómez Portela, Rafael. Cuál era la identidad de la 'Reina Doliente'? (I). ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
Gómez Portela, Rafael. Cuál era la identidad de la 'Reina Doliente'? (II). ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
Gómez Portela, Rafael. Cuál era la identidad de la 'Reina Doliente'? (III). ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
Green, Lyn. Hairstyles. Excerpt from: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. (Article) [more]
Grieshaber, Frank. Date converter for Ancient Egypt. (Website) [more]
Grieshaber, Frank. Stellenregister zu Bonneau, Le régime administratif de l'eau du Nil. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 2003. (Article) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom) Plates. ETANA, 1898. (Book) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom) Text. ETANA, 1898. (Book) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. (Francis Llewellyn), 1862-1934. Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus: Plates. 1937. (Book) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. (Francis Llewellyn), 1862-1934. Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus: Plates. 1937. (Book) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. (Francis Llewellyn), 1862-1934. Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus: Text. 1937. (Book) [more]
Griffith, F. Ll. (Francis Llewellyn), 1862-1934. Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus: Text. 1937. (Book) [more]
Griffith, R. Drew. The Origin of Memnon. From: Classical Antiquity, vol. 17, pp. 212-234 (1998). (Article) [more]
Griffiths, Alan. Egypt in the 19th century. (Article) [more]
Grimal, Nicolas; Hallof, Jochen; van der Plas, Dirk. Hieroglyphica (hieroglyphic library of more than 6900 signs). (Book) [more]
Grimal, Nicolas; Hallof, Jochen; van der Plas, Dirk. Hieroglyphica (hieroglyphic library of more than 6900 signs). (Book) [more]
Grohmann, Adolf. Die arabischen Papyri aus der Gießener Universitätsbibliothek. Abhandlungen der Gießener Hochschulgesellschaft, 2003. (Book) [more]
Grutz, Jane Waldron. The Lost Portfolios of Robert Hay. 2005. (Article) [more]
Grutz, Jane Waldron. The Lost Portfolios of Robert Hay. 2005. (Article) [more]
Grutz, Jane Waldron. The Lost Portfolios of Robert Hay. Saudi Aramco World. (Article) [more]
Grutz, Jane Waldron. The Lost Portfolios of Robert Hay. Saudi Aramco World. (Article) [more]
Guidi, Ignatius. Elementa Linguae Copticae. 1925. (Book) [more]
Guidi, Ignatius. Elementa Linguae Copticae. 1925. (Book) [more]
Guilleux , Alain. Une promenade en Egypte. (Website) [more]
Gundel, Hans Georg. Antike Papyri in Giessen : Proben aus den Papyrus-Sammlungen der Universitaetsbibliothek. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Gundel, Hans Georg. Antiker Kaufvertrag auf einer Wachstafel aus Ravenna. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Gundel, Hans Georg. Ausgewählte Giessener Papyri - Ein Katalog. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]