[] Loding, Darlene. [] Economic texts from the Third Dynasty. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [] Published for the trustees of the two museums by the Babylonian Fund [] 1976. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Burrows, Eric R. [] Ur Excavation Texts II: Archaic Texts. [] ETANA. [] [] [] London [] British Museum [] 1935. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur excavations II: The royal cemetery : a report on the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931: Text. [] [] [] [] [London] [] Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums [] 1934. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations II: The Royal Cemetery, Plates.. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations II: The Royal Cemetery, Text. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur excavations II: The royal cemetery : a report on the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931: Plates. [] [] [] [] [London] [] Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums [] 1934. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Legrain, Leon. [] Ur Excavations III: Archaic seal-impressions. [] ETANA. [] [] [] London [] Oxford University Press [] 1936. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur excavations IV: The Early Periods. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations IV: The early periods a report on the sites and objects prior in date to the third dynasty of Ur discovered in the course of the excavations. [] [] [] [] [London] [] Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums [] 1955. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960; Mallowan, M. E. L. [] Ur Excavations IX: The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods. [] ETANA. [] 2 [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1962. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations V: The ziggurat and its surroundings. [] [] [] [] [London] [] Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums [] 1939. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and Its Surroundings. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations VI: The Ur III Period. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960; Mallowan, Max. [] Ur Excavations VII: The Old Babylonian Period. [] ETANA. [] [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ---------------------------------------- [] Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. [] Ur Excavations VIII: The Kassite Period. [] ETANA. [] 2 [] [] [London] [] Pub. for the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press [] 1927. [] (Book) ----------------------------------------