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"The purpose of this bibliography is to highlight the most important books in the vast field of Old Testament studies. It offers a selection of texts and tools which are essential, or at least useful for personal study, research and instruction. It may also be of value for those who are constructing or completing the Old Testament section of a biblical library. Above all, though, it aims to acquaint one with the materials which are indispensable for the teaching of the Old Testament; thus, a major part of the books listed are commentaries. Other sections, at the beginning and the end of this bibliography, deal with such essential matters as the Introduction to the study of the Old Testament, history and archaeology of the ancient Near East, and Old Testament theology. Not all the books are of the same value, quality or importance. It is necessary therefore to use this bibliography with discretion. Moreover, one will not find here such fundamental works as critical editions, dictionaries, grammars, concordances and other tools of the trade. Other useful bibliographies for this purpose already exist such as J.A. Fitzmyer, An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture (Subsidia Biblica 3; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Press, 1990) or S. Bazylinski, Guida alla ricerca biblica. Note introduttive (Subsidia Biblica 24; Roma: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2004, 22005)..."

Author(s):  Ska, Jean Louis
Format:  Website
Publisher:  Pontificio Istituto Biblico
Publication City:  Rome
Date:  2006