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Mesopotamian Directory 2009. Thirteenth Edition

"This directory lists the names and addresses of persons domiciled in North America who are engaged in research on the pre-Islamic archeology, history, and languages of greater Mesopotamia (including Syria east of the Upper Euphrates, the Elamite plains, and regions using a standard cuneiform script). It includes academics, museum personnel, library staff, and senior graduate students with a formally approved dissertation topic. A directory of this kind will inevitably have omissions. It has not always been possible to obtain timely information about possible entrants, and it has seemed better to drop superannuated listings. Items enclosed in square brackets are based on the most recent data available (usually 2007 or later), but were not verified by the person listed. Phone numbers where messages can be left—other than the principal office or home number—are prefixed with an asterisk. This directory, now in its thirteenth edition, first appeared in February 1985 and has been published in hard copy every second February since then. The directory was first posted on the internet in February 2003. I wish to thank everyone who filled out and returned entry forms or responded to e-mail inquiries. A special debt is owed to Grant Frame, Ulla Kasten, David Weisberg, and Irene Winter for answering questions and verifying addresses."

Author(s):  Brinkman, John A
Format:  Article
Publisher:  The Oriental Institute
Publication City:  Chicago
Date:  Feb-09