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Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Sttlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age

Author(s):  Davis-Kimball, Jeannine; Eileen M. Murphy; Ludmila Koryakova; Leonid T. Yablonksy, Editors
Format:  Book
Publisher:  Archeopress
Publication City:  Oxford
Date:  2000
Series:  BAR International Series 890
Notes:  Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................... ix Jeannine Davis-Kimball Part I. Eurasian Archaeological Theory ....................... 1 “Scythian Triad” and “Scythian World” .........................3 Leonid T. Yablonsky Some Current Problems Concerning the History of Early Iron Age Eurasian Steppe Nomadic Societies....................... 9 Vladimir A. Bashilov and Leonid T. Yablonsky Some Notes About the Material Culture of Eurasian Nomads ........................ 13 Ludmila Koryakova Iron Age Nomadic Burials of the Eurasian Steppe: A Discussion Exploring Burial Ritual Complexity ........................ 19 Bryan Hanks Part II. Archaeological Excavations.......................................31 Ancient Sanctuaries of the Aral and Caspian Regions: A Reconstruction of their History ..................................33 Valery S. Olkhovskiy Excavations of the Aksai Kurgans in the Volga-Don Region (Russia).......................................................................... 43 A. N. Dyachenko, A. S. Skripkin, V. M. Klepikov, A. I. Kubyshkin, and A. Mabe Burials and Settlements at the Eurasian Crossroads: Joint Franco-Russian Project............................................63 Ludmila Koryakova and Marie-Yvane Daire With assistance of Patrice Courtaud, Esther Gonzalez, Andrew Kovrigin1, Luic Languet, Dominique Marguerie, Dmitry Razhev, Svetlana Sharapova, and Marie-Celine Uge The Environment of Iron Age Burials and Settlements at the Eurasian Crossroads (Urals, Russia): Preliminary Results of the Charcoal Analysis of Anthropogenic Fires .................................75 Dominique Marguerie and Nancy Marcoux The Kazakh-American Talgar Project Archaeological Field Surveys in the Talgar and Turgen-Asi Areas of Southeastern Kazakhstan: 1997-1999 ............................ 83 Claudia Chang and Perry A. Tourtellotte The Beiram Mound: A Nomadic Cultic Site in the Altai Mountains (Western Mongolia) ........................89 Jeannine Davis-Kimball Part III. Interpretations of Eurasian Archaeology: The Bronze Age .................................. 107 Bronze Age Textiles of the Caspian Sea Maritime Steppes .................................................... 109 Natalia I. Shishlina, Valery P. Golikov, and Olga V. Orfinskaya The Eurasian Steppes: The Transition from Early Urbanism to Nomadism ......................... 118 Elena Kuzmina Sintashta Burials and their Western European Counterparts ............................................... 126 Karlene Jones-Bley The Sintashta “Chariots”.................................................................................................................. 135 Karlene Jones-Bley Investigation of Bronze Age Metallurgical Slag ........................................................................141 S. A. Grigoryev Part IV. The Iron Age .............................................................................................................................. 151 Historical and Archaeological Sources Relating to the Migration of Nomadic Peoples Toward Central and Southern Europe During the Imperial Age (1st - 5th centuries AD)............................. 153 Paolo de Vingo Early Iron Age Pastoral Nomadism in the Great Hungarian Plains: Migration or Assimilation? The Thraco-Cimmerian Problem Revisited ................................ 160 Carola Metzner-Nebelsick Intercultural Relations among Eurasian Pastoral Nomads: The Case of Northern Fennoscandia ....................185 Kjell–Åke Aronsson and Sven–Donald Hedman A Comparative Study of the Early Iron Age Cultures in the Lower Volga and the Southern Urals Regions ............ 194 Maria A. Otchir-Goriaeva Iron Age Ceramics of the Transurals ....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 207 Svetlana Sharapova Looted Graves or Burials Without Bodies? ............................. 215 Part IV. (2) Ann-Marie Kroll Enarees and Women of High Status: Evidence of Ritual at Tillya Tepe (Northern Afghanistan) ......................223 Jeannine Davis-Kimball From a Settled Way of Life to Nomadism ............................................................. 240 N. B. Vinogradov and V. Epimakhov Variants in Models of Transition: The Cimmerian Traditions of the Gordion Tumuli (Phrygia): Found in the Altai Barrows (Bashadar, Pazyryk) .......................................... 247 Leonid Marsadolov “Animal Style” and Shamanism: Problems of Pictoral Tradition in Northern in Central Asia .......................... 259 (Part IV (3) Burchard Brentjes Post-Mortem Trepanations in Central Asia: Types and Trends ............................................ 269 Maria Mednikova Mummification and Body Processing: Evidence from the Iron Age in Southern Siberia ................................... 279 Eileen M. Murphy The Origins of the “Geometric Style” in Hsiung nu Art ................................................. 293 Part IV (4) Sergey Minyaev The Origins of Horse riding and the Development of Ancient Central Asian Nomadic Riding Harnesses ............................... 304 N. A. Bokovenko Petroglyphs and Sacred Spaces at Terekty Aulie, Central Kazakstan ......................................... 311 Kenneth Lymer