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ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT: Micromorphology Archive Report / Mikromorfoloji Arßiv Raporu.

A large number of micromorphological samples were collected in order to examine the microscopic nature of deposits. Microscopic analysis of fine water-laid silts and sands at the base of the deep sounding and KOPAL excavations, suggest this area was a delta at the edge of the Pleistocene lake. The lower levels deposits were very moist during early occupation at the site, and have remained so although there is evidence for some fluctuation in the water-table at the base of the mound.Microscopic analyses enabled identification and study of stable and midden deposits, and probable fired lime-plasters and lime-burning, in Space 181. They are also contributing to study of uses and concepts of space in buildings in the South and BACH areas.

Author(s):  Matthews, Wendy
Format:  Article
Date:  1999