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Bulletin de Médecine Ancienne / Ancient Medicine Newsletter

"For more than thirteen years, studies in Ancient Medicine have experienced a remarquable vitality. In great part, this success was due to their international development, helped by regular international meetings, and by the diffusion of two Newsletters, one in Europe, the Lettre d''information du Centre Jean Palerne (33 issues since 1982) and the other in the USA, the Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter. However, the difficulty of staffing these publications and the expense of maintaining them have prompted interest in creating an electronic newsletter. This newsletter will be known as Ancient Medicine Newsletter / Bulletin de Médecine ancienne and can be accessed at the Bibliothèque Interuniversaire de Médecine (BIUM) of the University René Descartes-Paris 5, which aims at making accessible ample resources for research in Ancient medicine. The purpose of the Ancient Medicine Newsletter is to gather and to make easily accessible bibliographic data, as well as invitations to conferences in the field both internationally and on a national level, including, whenever possible, abstracts of papers read or to be read. This electronic news board will be updated regularly (at least monthly)."

Format:  Journal
Publisher:  Bibliothèque Interuniversaire de Médecine (BIUM) of the University René Descartes-Paris 5
Publication City:  Paris