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The Prehistory of the Hesban Region. The Results of the 1998 Survey: A Preliminary Report (1999)

"The Andrews University Heshbon Expedition began excavations at Tall Hesban in 1968. During the 1973 season, and continuing through the 1974 and 1976 seasons, a regional survey was launched with the purpose of reaching a better understanding of Tall Hesban in its wider geographical and archaeological context. Under the direction of Robert Ibach, the survey operated in the Hesban region with the objective of locating archaeological sites from all ceramic cultures (Ibach 1987: 3). Pre-ceramic cultures were ignored by this survey because personnel lacked both interest and expertise in prehistoric material culture. This emphasis on ceramic cultures led to data collection and publication that ignored pre-ceramic material. In an effort to correct this problem, a joint project was launched in 1998 between BirZeit University (Palestine), University of Bergen (Norway), and the Madaba Plains Project, with the aim of examining prehistoric remains within a five kilometer radius of Tall Hesban. Within this report, I will attempt to give a clear description and classification of the lithics collected in 1998, and I will attempt to date them based on their typological features."

Author(s):  Sayej, Ghattas J
Format:  Article