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Materials for Emar Studies

"...Facing the increasing number of publications dedicated to Emar and the new archaeological work, the Institut für Altorientalistik of the Freie Universität Berlin and the Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo in Zaragoza, represented by Betina Faist and Juan-Pablo Vita, started a common project with the aim of facilitating and supporting the research of the Emar corpus. To this purpose, a number of tools are in the course of development while keeping a close contact to the Syrian-German excavation team. The first result of the project is a bibliography as complete as possible, which is here at disposal of any interested person. The bibliography is presented here in two forms: on the one hand, arranged by subjects, so that the same title may be found in various sections, and on the other hand, arranged alphabetically by authors. The bibliography, including the corresponding reviews, will be updated regularly and the new titles will be published every two years in Ugarit Forschungen, where the first edition has already appeared (Betina I. Faist, Josué-Javier Justel, Juan-Pablo Vita, “Bibliografía de los estudios de Emar”, UF 35, 2003 [published 2004], 191-230). Therefore, we will be very grateful to everyone who informs us of any omitted reference or of a publication not easily available..."

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