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ABZU Search Results (2787)
(No Author)
21 décembre 1904 - 21 décembre 2004. 100e anniversaire de la naissance de Claire Préaux.
7 ICAANE: 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 12th to 16th April 2010.
Abbreviations for titles of Classical/Medieval Studies journals available at Indiana University Libraries as found in l'Annee Philologique.
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: Liste des publications relatives à l'orientalisme.
AMBROSIA: AMerican BRitish Online Search In Athens: Union Catalogue of the Blegen and Gennadius Libraries of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Libraries of the British School at Athens.
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Blegen Library - Electronic Resources and Journals.
The Ancient Kingdom of Qatna: The official site of the Italian Archaeological Expedition.
Ancient Law Forum / The Israeli Forum for the Research in Legal History of the ancient and Pre-industrial World.
2007 -.
The Ancient World Mapping Center. An Interdisciplinary Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Annual Reports of the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies.