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ABZU Search Results (341)

Kugler, Robert A.. "Review of Qumrân Grotte 4 (XVIII) Textes Hébreux (4Q521-4Q528, 4Q576-579)". Review of Biblical Literature, 2000. (Book Review) [more]
Kugler, Robert A.. "Review of Raising Up a Faithful Priest: Community and Priesthood in Biblical Ideology". IOUDAIOS Review, 1994. (Book Review) [more]
Kuhlmann, Peter; unter Mitwirkung von Monika Gniffke und Barbara Kuhn, hrsg. von Manfred Landfester. Giessener Dokumente zur antiken Schriftkultur - Papyri, Keilschrifttafeln, Wachstafeln, Ostraka. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Kühn, Björn-Olaf. Nachrichten der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V.: Finanzbericht für die Jahre 1996 & 1997. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG). (Article) [more]
Kühne, Hartmut. Quo Vadis Assyria ?. FU-Nachrichten. (Article) [more]
Kuhrt, Amélie. A note on the excavations in the Tash-K'irman Oasis. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Kuhs, Clemens. Das Dorf Samareia im griechisch-römischen Ägypten. Eine papyrologische Untersuchung. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 1996. (Book) [more]
Kuklick, Bruce. "My Life’s Shattered Work!" The Strange Ordeal of Hermann Hilprecht. Archaeology Odyssey, 2000. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Archaeological dendrochronology. a lecture given in honor of Fritz Hans Schweingruber at the Tree Rings and People Conference held in Davos, Switzerland, 2001. Dendrochronologia Vol. 20/1-2 (2002), pp. 63-68. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Curriculum Vitae of Peter Ian Kuniholm. (Website) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Dendrochronological Investigations at Herculaneum and Pompeii. W. F. Jashemski and F. G. Meyer, eds., The Natural History of Pompeii, Cambridge University Press (2002) pp. 235-239. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Dendrochronology and Other Applications of Tree-ring Studies in Archaeology. The Handbook of Archaeological Sciences, D. R. Brothwell and A. M. Pollard, eds., London, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2001) pp.35-46. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Dendrochronology.. American Journal of Archaeology, 1995. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Forestation in Anatolia. The Archaeology of Anatolia: an Encyclopedia, Bilkent University Press. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Gordion Tree-Ring Measurements. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian. Scientific Chronology in Anatolian Archaeology. The Archaeology of Anatolia: an Encyclopedia, Bilkent University Press. (Article) [more]
Kuniholm, Peter Ian; Maryanne W. Newton, Carol B. Griggs, Pamela J. Sullivan. Dendrochronological Dating in Anatolia: The Second Millennium B.C.. Der Anschnitt, Anatolian Metal III, Beiheft 18, 2005, pp. 41-47. (Article) [more]
Kunz, George Frederick, 1856-1932; Price, Ira Maurice, 1856-1939; Ward, William Hayes, 1835-1916; Morgan, James Pierpont. On the ancient inscribed Sumerian (Babylonian) axe-head from the Morgan Collection in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 2005. (Article) [more]
Kusber, Eberhard. Der altägyptische Ka -. 2005. (Book) [more]