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ABZU Search Results (756)
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 2001-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Soysal, Oguz.
Individual Scholarship: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
Spalding, Tim.
Herodotus on the Web: The complete guide to Herodotus of Halicarnassus.
Spalinger, Anthony.
"Review of: <span style=font-style:italic>Akhenaton and the Religion of Light,</span> by Erik Hornung, Translated by David Lorton. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1999. Pp. xiv + 146".
(Book Review)
Spalinger, Anthony J..
"Review of Sun, Moon, and Sothis".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Sparks, Rachael.
"The Contribution of Luxury Stone Vessels to an Understanding of Relations Between Egypt and the Near East during the Bronze Age: diplomatic gifts, dowries, rewards and booty".
Speleers, Louis.
Le Papyrus de Nefer Renpet: Un Livre des Morts de la XVIIIme dynastie aux Musees royaux du Cinquantenaire a Bruxelles..
Spencer, A. J.
The possible existence of Third Intermediate Period elite tombs at el-Ashmunein.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES).
Spencer, Jeffrey.
The Subsidiary Temple of Nekhtnebef at Tell el-Balamun.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES).
Spencer, Neal, with a contribution by Daniela Rosenow.
A Naos of Nekhthorheb from Bubastis: Religious Iconography and Temple building in the 30th Dynasty.
Sperber, Daniel.
On the Need to Correct Krauss's Lehnwörter: Pnqrysyn (Hebrew).
Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (JSIJ).
Sperling, S. David.
H. L. Ginsberg and the Smaller Books of the Bible.
SBL Forum,
Spieckermann, H..
God’s Steadfast Love: Towards a New Conception of Old Testament Theology.
Spieckermann, H..
Suchen und Finden; Kohelets kritische Reflexionen.
Spiegelberg, Wilhelm, 1870-1930.
Der egyptische Mythus vom Sonnenauge, der Papyrus der Tierfabeln, Kufi. Nach dem Leidener demotischen Papyrus I 384.
Spiegelberg, Wilhelm, 1870-1930.
Die demotischen Denkmäler 30601-31270; 50001-50022: Die demotischen Papyrus, Text.
New York University, Institute of Fine Arts Library,
Spiegelberg, Wilhelm, 1870-1930.
Die demotischen Papyrus der Strassburger Bibliothek.
Spiess, Georgius (Georg Spiess).
Instrumenta graeca publica et privata. Pars altera.
Papyri Iandanae,
Spineto, Marquis.
Lectures on the elements of hieroglyphics and Egyptian antiquities.
Google Books,
Spinti, James.
Idle musings of what it is like to be an online bookseller in a niche market.
Spohr, Ludovicus (Ludwig Spohr).
Instrumenta graeca publica et privata. Pars prima.
Papyri Iandanae,
Sprengling, Martin.
The Alphabet: Its Rise and Development from the Sinai Inscriptions.
Spurr, Jeff.
Bosnian Libraries: Their Fate in the War and Responses to it, with Lessons for Iraq.
Middle East Librarians Association Committee on Iraqi Libraries.
Spurr, Jeff.
Indispensable yet Vulnerable: The Library in Dangerous Times. Preface to a Report on the Status of Iraqi Academic libraries and a Survey of Efforts to Assist Them.
Spurr, Jeff.
Iraqi Libraries and Archives in Peril: Survival in a time of Invasion, Chaos, and Civil Conflict, A Report. 2007.
Spurr, Jeffrey B.
Lessons for Assistance to Iraq Libraries Derived from Similar Efforts to Assist Bosnian Libraries after the 1992-1996 War.
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin.
Stackelberg, Katharine T. von.
"Review of: Maureen Carroll, Earthly Paradises. Ancient Gardens in History and Archaeology. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2003. Pp. 133; ills. 92. ISBN 0-89236-721-0. $35.00".
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.03.30.
(Book Review)
Stadnikow, Sergei.
Die Bedeutung des Alten Orients für deutsches Denken: Skizzen aus dem Zeitraum 1871-1945.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft.
Stadter, Philip.
Herodotus and the North Carolina Oral Narrative Tradition.
Stahl, Nanette [and others].
A Great Assemblage*: An Exhibit of Judaica in honor of the opening of the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. Sterling Memorial Library Fall 1995.
Stanford, William Bedell.
Aeschylus in his style :a study in language and personality.
Stanley, Ted.
Papyrus Storage at Princeton University.
The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Starck, Sylvia.
The Victoria Museum - An Introduction.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS: Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations,
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
Corpus of Neo-Assyrian.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
Search SAA Volumes for Published Texts.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria Bulletin.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria Newsletter 15-16, December 1994.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria Studies.
Stech, Tamara.
"Review of Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeoloqical Evidence.".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Steen, Danielle.
Nation Building and Archaeological Narratives in the West Bank.
Stanford Journal of Archaeology.
Stegemann, Viktor.
Die koptischen Zaubertexte der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer in Wien.
Stein, Gil J.
Development: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
A Heritage Threatened: The Persepolis Tablets Lawsuit and the Oriental Institute.
post-print of an article which appeared in The Oriental Institue News and Notes, Winter 2007.
Stein, Gil J.
In Memoriam Robert J. & Linda S. Braidwood: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
IN MEMORIAM: Elizabeth "Betty" Baum: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: The Comparative Archaeology of Colonial Encounters.
2005 Gil Stein (ed.) The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters. Santa Fe, SAR Press,
Stein, Gil J.
N MEMORIAM: Albert "Bud" Haas: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.
PERSEPOLIS FORTIFICATION TABLETS: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
Stein, Gil J.; Ozbal, Rana.
A tale of Two Oikumenai: Variation in the Expansionary Dynamics of ‘Ubaid and Uruk Mesopotamia”.
Elizabeth C. Stone, ed. Settlement andSociety: Ecology, urbanism, trade and technology in Mesopotamia and Beyond (Robert McC. Adams Festschrift). Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology,
Steinborn, Florian.
Das Netzwerk des Berliner Aegyptischen Museums.
Informatique et Egyptologie,
Steinborn, Florian.
Die Kartonagesärge der Ägyptensammlung des Schloßmuseums Schloß Friedenstein Gotha.
Steiner, Richard.
Addendum to "Proto-Canaanite Spell in the Pyramid Texts" (Revised February 11, 2007).
Steiner, Richard.
Proto-Canaanite Spell in the Pyramid Texts [Text in Hebrew].
Steinhauer, George.
The Archaeological Museum of Piraeus.
John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library,
Steinhauer, George.
Marathon and the Archaeological Museum.
John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library,
Steinicke, Marion Michaela.
Apokalyptische Heerscharen und Gottesknechte: Wundervölker des Ostens vom Untergang der Antike bis zur Entdeckung Amerikas / Apocalyptic hosts and servants of God.
Steinkeller , Piotr.
New Light on Marhashi and its Contacts with Makkan and Babylonia.
Journal of Magan Studies.
Steinmayer, Otto.
"Review of Music in the Aegean Bronze Age".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews,
(Book Review)
Steinschneider, Moritz.
Judische Schriften zur Geographie Palastina’s (X-XIX. Jahrh.).
Steinsky, Ph.
Beitrag zum Erbrecht des Mannes nach seiner Ehegattin.
Revue Internationale de Droits de l'Antiquité, 3e Série, Tome LI 2004, pp. 282-294.
Stempien; Marek; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts 14-45 from: F.M. Fales "Prima dell' alfabeto" Venezia 1989.
Stephens, Ferris J.
Votive and historical texts from Babylonia and Assyria.
Stephens, John Lloyd.
Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land.