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ABZU Search Results (756)

Sisson, Janet D. (Janet Davenport), 1945-. The influence of mathematics on Plato's moral theory. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, 2001. (Book) [more]
Sivan, Hagith. "Review of Land and Economy in Ancient Palestine". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1998. (Book Review) [more]
Sjöberg, Åke W.. Hermann F. Behrens, 1944-1996. (Article) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Curriculum Vitae. (Website) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Manicheism. (Book) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Old Avestan. (Book) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Old Persian. (Book) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Sogdian. (Book) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Young Avestan. (Book) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Introduction to Zoroastrianism. (Website) [more]
Skjaervo, P. Oktor. Iranian Studies at Harvard University. (Website) [more]
Skoyles, John R. "The Left Hemisphere Reading Paradigm". In Derrick de Kerckhove & Charles J. Lumsden, (Eds.), (1988). The alphabet and the brain: The lateralization of writing. CHAPTER 18 pp. 363-380. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. (Chapter) [more]
Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton, 1856-1947. Queer things about Egypt [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2005. (Book) [more]
Slayman, Andrew L.. Geneva Seizure. Archaeology on-line, 1998. (Article) [more]
Slim, Hédi. Les Amphithéatres d’el-Jem. [more]
Slim, Hédi. Recherches préliminaires sur les amphithéâtres romains de Tunisie. [more]
Slingerland, Dixon. "Review of The Figure of Joseph in post-Biblical Jewish Literature". IOUDAIOS Review, 1993. (Book Review) [more]
Slingerland, Dixon. "Review of The Figure of Joseph in post-Biblical Jewish Literature". IOUDAIOS Review, 1993. (Book Review) [more]
Sly, Dorothy I.. "Review of The Jewish Family in Antiquity". IOUDAIOS Review, 1994. (Book Review) [more]
Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago. In the Presence of the Gods: The Art of Ancient Sumer, July 1-March 8, 1998. 1998. (Museum) [more]
Smith, Adam T.. Rendering the Political Aesthetic: Political Legitimacy in Urartian Representations of the Built Environment. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2000. (Article) [more]
Smith, Adam T., Ruben S. Badalyan, Pavel Avetisyan, with contributions by Alan Greene and Leah Minc. The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies, Volume 1. The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia. 2009. (Book) [more]
Smith, Andrew M., II. "Considerations on the Economic Development of Wadi Araba". 1995. (Presentation) [more]
Smith, Andrew M., II. Results of the Southeast Araba Archaeological Reconnaissance. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 1994. (Article) [more]
Smith, Eli; Dwight, H. G. O. (Harrison Gray Otis). Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H.G.O. Dwight in Armenia. 2006. (Book) [more]
Smith, Ellie. The Death Suite, Reincarnated. Chicago House Bulletin, 1994. (Article) [more]
Smith, G. Elliot. The Evolution of the Dragon. 1919. (Book) [more]
Smith, George. Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. ETANA, 1875. (Book) [more]
Smith, George Adam. The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, Especially in Relation to the History of Israel and of the Early Church. Seventh Edition. ETANA, 1901. (Book) [more]
Smith, George Adam. The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, Especially in Relation to the History of Israel and of the Early Church. Sixteenth Edition. ETANA, 1901. (Book) [more]
Smith, George Adam. Jerusalem; the Topography, Economics, and History from the Earliest Times to A.D. 70, vol. 1. ETANA, 1907-08. (Book) [more]
Smith, George Adam. Jerusalem; the Topography, Economics, and History from the Earliest Times to A.D. 70, vol. 2. ETANA, 1908. (Book) [more]
Smith, Jonathan Z. "Differential Equations: On Constructing the Other". 1992. (Presentation) [more]
Smith, L.M.V.; Bourriau, J.D.; and Serpico, M.. The Provenance of Late Bronze Age Transport Amphorae found in Egypt. Internet Archaeology, 2000. (Article) [more]
Smith, Mark. Democratization of the Afterlife. UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2009. (Article) [more]
Smith, Mark S. Mark Smith. (Website) [more]
Smith, Neel. Digital publication for digital libraries. Digital incunabula: a CHS site devoted to the cultivation of digital arts and letters, 2005. (Article) [more]
Smith, Samuel Alden. Die keilschrifttexte Asurbanipals, königs von Assyrien. 1887. (Book) [more]
Smith, Sydney. The first campaign of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, BC 705-681. The Assyrian text, edited with transliteration, translation, and notes. ETANA, 1921. (Book) [more]
Smith, W. S.. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. BMFA, 1958. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Early Dynastic Egyptian Mask. BMFA, 1960. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Egyptian Faience Jar, 4th. Cent.. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. An Eighteenth Dynasty Toilet Box. BMFA, 1952. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Five Small Egyptian Works of Art. BMFA, 1954. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Glazed Faience Tiles Found at Kerma. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Head of King Akhenaten: Relief. BMFA, 1963. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. The Judge Goes Fishing. BMFA, 1958. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. A Late Reflection of an Old Kingdom Relief. BMFA, 1955. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Linen Shroud from the Mummy of Thutmosis III. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Reconstruction of a cap with mica appliques. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Silver Headdress from the Body of a Woman at Kerma. BMFA, 1962. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Three Late Egyptian Reliefs. BMFA, 1949. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. The Tomb of Hetep-heres I. BMFA, 1953. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. The Tomb of Hetep-heres, The Mother of Cheops. BMFA, 1955. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. Two Archaic Egyptian Sculptures. BMFA, 1967. (Article) [more]
Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. The Ancient Library. (Book) [more]
Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. The Ancient Library. (Book) [more]
Smith, William Robertson. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: first series, the fundamental institutions. ETANA, 1894. (Book) [more]
Smith,. Anthony D. Nation and Covenant: The Contribution of Ancient Israel to Modern Nationalism. Elie Kedourie Memorial Lecture; published in Proceedings of the British Academy 151 , 213-255, 2007. (Article) [more]
Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium / Het Oosters Antiquarium BV. Home Page of Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium / Het Oosters Antiquarium BV. (Website) [more]
Smyth, Ethel. A three-legged tour in Greece. (Book) [more]
Smythe, Emily Anne Beaufort. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines. (Book) [more]
Snyder, Clifford C.. Syllabus of the History of Medicine. (Website) [more]
Snyder, Dean A. Dean A. Snyder. (Website) [more]
Snyder, Dean A. Ugaritic for Unicode. (Website) [more]
Society for American Archaeology Bulletin. Home Page of Society for American Archaeology Bulletin. (Journal) [more]
Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science. Home Page of Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science. (Website) [more]
Soden, Hermann Freiherr von. Griechisches Neues Testament: Text mit kurzen Apparat. 1913. (Book) [more]
Soghayroun; Intisar Soghayroun Elzein. Trade and Wadis System(s) in Muslim Sudan. 2010. (Book) [more]
Solow, Shane. Herodotus project. [more]
Sommerfeld, Walter. Walter Sommerfeld : Projekte. (Website) [more]
Sommerfeld, Walter; Archi, Alfonso; Weiss, Harvey. "Why 'Dada Measured 40,000 Liters of Barley from Nagar for Sippar': Tell Leilan Project Poster Presentations". 4ICAANE Berlin March 29-April 3, 2004. (Presentation) [more]
Sottas, Henri. Papyrus Demotiques de Lille. 1921. (Book) [more]
Soudavar, Abolala. The Significance of "chitra" for the Iranian Cosmogony of Light [prepublication version]. To appear in Iranica Antiqua 2006, 2004. (Article) [more]
Sourouzian, Hourig; Rainer Stadelmann; Myriam Seco Álvarez. Trabajos de la misión de los colosos de Memnon y del templo de Amen-hetep (Amenofis) III en Kôm el-Hettan (2002-2003). ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
Soutzo, M.-G. [and others]. Recherches archéologiques: quatrieme série. Internet Archive, 1911. (Book) [more]
Sowada, Karen. Egyptology in Australia. 1998. (Website) [more]
Sowada, Karen. "Review of Flinders Petrie. A Life in Archaeology. 2nd Ed.". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
Soysal, Oguz. Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]