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ABZU Search Results (427)

Tuplin, C. J. "Review of Xenophon and the History of his Times". Histos, 1997. (Book Review) [more]
Tuplin, Christopher. Ctesias as a Military Historian. Paper finalised in November 2006 (and not substantively updated since) for publication in: J.Wiesehöfer et al. (edd.), Ktesias und der Orient, 2009. (Article) [more]
Tuplin, Christopher. Fratama. Arta, 2005. (Article) [more]
Tur-Sinai, Naphtali; Albert Tobias Clay, ed. Altbabylonische tempelrechnungen. ETANA, 1913. (Book) [more]
Turkey. Internet services in Turkey. (Website) [more]
Turkey, Republic of. Turkey, Republic of. (Website) [more]
Turner, D. R.. Ruminations on Romanisation in the East: Or, the Metanarrative in History. assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology, 1998. (Article) [more]
The University Museum-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition to Saqqara, Egypt. University of Pennsylvania Museum. (Museum) [more]
The University Museums at the University of Mississippi, David M. Robinson Collection. Egyptian Artifacts from the David M. Robinson Collection. (Website) [more]
The University of Chicago. The University of Chicago Libraries. (Website) [more]
The University of Chicago Networked Multimedia & Learning Technologies (NMLT) Group. New Tools Reveal Old Truths: Oriental Institute. (Website) [more]
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project. Bayburt plain survey. (Website) [more]
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project. Buyuktepe Hoyuk Excavations. (Website) [more]
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project. Sos Huyuk. (Website) [more]
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project. The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project Homepage. (Website) [more]
The University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum. Babylonian Section. Publications of the Babylonian Section / The Museum, University of Pennsylvania. 1911-. (Book) [more]
The University of Stellenbosch. Department of Ancient Studies. 21-02-2002. (Website) [more]
The University of Texas at Austin. IE Documentation Center. (Website) [more]
The University of Texas at Austin. Perry-Castañeda Library. 2001. (Website) [more]
The University of Texas at Austin. The Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection. 2001. (Website) [more]
The University of Texas at Austin. Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Africa Maps. 2001. (Website) [more]
The University of Texas at Austin. Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Middle East Maps. 2001. (Website) [more]
The Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities (Museum Gustavianum - Uppsala University Museum). Home Page of The Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities (Museum Gustavianum - Uppsala University Museum). (Museum) [more]
The WWW Virtual Library. The WWW Virtual Library. 1994-2002.. [more]
The WWW Virtual Library. The WWW Virtual Library. 1994-2002.. (Website) [more]