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ABZU Search Results (427)
Tuplin, Christopher.
Ctesias as a Military Historian.
Paper finalised in November 2006 (and not substantively updated since) for publication in: J.Wiesehöfer et al. (edd.), Ktesias und der Orient,
Tur-Sinai, Naphtali; Albert Tobias Clay, ed.
Altbabylonische tempelrechnungen.
Turaev, B. A.
Rasskaz egiptyanina Sinukhet i obraztsy egipetskikh dokumental'nykh avtobiografij.
Turfa, Jean.
"Review of : Glenn E. Markoe, <i>Phoenicians</i>. Avon (London): British Museum Press, 2000. Pp. 224; 86 ills. (12 color); 2 maps. ISBN 0-7141-2095-2. $45.00. ".
Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews.
(Book Review)
Turner, D. R..
Ruminations on Romanisation in the East: Or, the Metanarrative in History.
assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology,
The University Museum-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition to Saqqara, Egypt.
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
The University Museums at the University of Mississippi, David M. Robinson Collection.
Egyptian Artifacts from the David M. Robinson Collection.
The University of Chicago Networked Multimedia & Learning Technologies (NMLT) Group.
New Tools Reveal Old Truths: Oriental Institute.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project.
Buyuktepe Hoyuk Excavations.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project Homepage.
The University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum. Babylonian Section.
Publications of the Babylonian Section / The Museum, University of Pennsylvania.
The University of Texas at Austin.
The Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection.
The University of Texas at Austin.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Africa Maps.
The University of Texas at Austin.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Middle East Maps.
The Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities (Museum Gustavianum - Uppsala University Museum).
Home Page of The Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities (Museum Gustavianum - Uppsala University Museum).