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ABZU Search Results (427)

Thimmes, Pamela. "Review of Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations". IOUDAIOS Review, 1992. (Book Review) [more]
Thissen, H.J.; Felber, H.; Depauw, M.; Hoffmann, F. Demotistische Literaturübersicht 1968— featured in the journal Enchoria since 1971. 2006. (Website) [more]
Thomas Cook Ltd. [Corporate author]. Cook's tourists' handbook for Egypt, the Nile, and the Desert [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Book) [more]
Thomas, Carol G.. "Review of The World of Troy: Homer, Schliemann, and the Treasures of Priam". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1998. (Book Review) [more]
Thomas, Carol G.. Searching for the Historical Homer. Archaeology Odyssey, 1998. (Article) [more]
Thomas, David. Computing and Archaeology in Jordan. Assemblage, 1997. (Article) [more]
Thomas, K. R.. A psychoanalytic study of Alexander the Great. Psychoanal. Rev., 1995. (Article) [more]
Thompson, D. L.. A Painted Funerary Portrait from Roman Egypt. BMFA, 1976. (Article) [more]
Thompson, Dorothy Burr. Miniature Sculpture from the Athenian Agora. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Dorothy J.. Digitising a Lycopolite Census. CSAD Newsletter, 1996. (Article) [more]
Thompson, Herbert. The Gospel of St. John according to the earliest Coptic Manuscript. ETANA, 1924. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Homer A. Hellenistic Pottery and Terracottas. Google Books, 1987. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Homer A. The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens. (Book) [more]
Thompson, R. Campbell. A new decipherment of the Hittite Hieroglyphics. 1913. (Book) [more]
Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; English translations, vocabulary, etc. ETANA, 1900. (Book) [more]
Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; The cuneiform texts. ETANA, 1900. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Assyrian medical texts from the originals in the British Museum. ETANA, 1923. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Thomas L.. "Purveyor-General to the Hieroglyphics": Sir William Gell and the development of Egyptology. ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Article) [more]
Thompson, William R. Complexity, Diminishing Marginal Returns, and Serial Mesopotamian Fragmentation. Journal of World-Systems Research, Fall 2004. (Article) [more]
Thomson de Grummond, Nancy; Simon, Erika (eds.). The Religion of the Etruscans. Appendix C: Concordance of Etruscan Inscriptions. 2006. (Article) [more]
Thonissen, J. J. Mémoire sur l'organisation judiciaire, les lois pénales et la procédure criminelle de l'Egypte ancienne.. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Volume: 35. (Article) [more]
Thorpe, R. Which Way Is Up? Context Formation & Transformation: The Life and Deaths of a Hot Bath In Beirut. assemblage: the sheffield graduate journal of archaeology, 1998. (Article) [more]
ThotM Éditions. ThotM Éditions. (Website) [more]
THOTWEB. THOTWEB - Actualités. (Website) [more]
THOTWEB. THOTWEB - Encyclopédie. (Website) [more]
THOTWEB. THOTWEB Portail. (Website) [more]
THOTWEB. THOTWEB Professionnel. (Website) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, F. Les Cylindres de Goudea. 1925. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, François. Rituels accadiens. ETANA, 1921. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Sumerischen und akkadischen Königsinschriften. 1907. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Tablettes cappadociennes, Deuxieme serie. ETANA, 1928. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Tablettes d'Uruk a l'usage des pretres du temple d'Anu au temps des Seleucides. ETANA, 1922. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Textes de l'epoque d'Agade. Tome I. 1910. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, François. Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
Tigay, Jeffrey H. THE BIBLE "CODES": A TEXTUAL PERSPECTIVE. (Article) [more]
Tigay, Jeffrey H. Jeffrey H. Tigay, Publications. (Website) [more]
Tindel, Raymond D. REGISTRY: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report, 2004. (Article) [more]
Tinney, Steve; Fitzgerald, Madeleine; Englund, Robert. Data Entry Conventions for CDLI, DCCLT and PSD Text Transliterations. 2004. (Website) [more]
Tjäder, Jan-Olof. Papyrus Iandana 68b - eine paläographische Studie. - 2. durchges. u. erg. Aufl.. Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 2003. (Book) [more]
Toivari, Jaana. Obituary: Rostislav Halthoer (1937-1997). (Article) [more]
Tolini, Gauthier. Les travailleurs babyloniens et le palais de Taokè. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Tolini, Gauthier. Quelques elements concernant le prise de Babylon par Cyrus (Octobre 539 a. J.-C.). ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Tom Elliott, Associate Director for Digital Programs, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University. Elliott, Tom. 2008-. (Website) [more]
Tonietti, Maria Vittoria. Maria Vittoria Tonietti [Bibliography]. (Website) [more]
Toronto School of Theology. Biblical Department Seminars.. (Website) [more]
Townsend, Robert B. How Is New Media Reshaping the Work of Historians?. From The Profession column of the November 2010 issue of Perspectives on History. (Article) [more]
Tracy, Stephen V., 1941-. The lettering of an Athenian mason. Google Books, 1967. (Book) [more]
Tracy, William. Stones That Did the Work of Men. [Crusader castles]. ARAMCO WORLD MAGAZINE, 1993. (Article) [more]
Traductions. Arttinger, Pascal. (Website) [more]
Traill, David A. and Igor Bogdanov. Heinrich Schliemann: Improbable Archaeologist. Archaeology Odyssey, 1999. (Article) [more]
Transactions of the American Philological Society [TAPA]. Transactions of the American Philological Society [TAPA]. (Website) [more]
Traunecker, Claude. Dimensions réelles et dimensions imaginaires des dieux d'Egypte : les statues secrètes du temple d'Opet à Karnak. KTEMA. Cilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 29 (2004) 51-65, 2004. (Website) [more] Africa. (Website) [more] Middle East. (Website) [more]
Treat, Jay. "Review of Fathers of the World: Essays in Rabbinic and Patristic Literatures". IOUDAIOS Review, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
Treat, Jay. Scribal Marks in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1997. (Article) [more]
Tremayne, Arch. Records from Erech, time of Cyrus and Cambyses (538-521 BC). ETANA, 1925. (Book) [more]
Trémouille, Marie-Claude. Répertoire onomastique. 2006. (Website) [more]
Trendelenburg, Adolf. Phantasiai. Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 1910. (Book) [more]
Treptow, Tanya; with the collaboration of Donald Whitcomb. Daily Life Ornamented: The Medieval Persian City of Rayy. 2007. (Book) [more]
Treu, Kurt (Adler, William and Kraft, Robert, translators). The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire. Ioudaios Articles, 1991. (Article) [more]
Trianti, Ismini. The Acropolis Museum. John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library, 1998. (Book) [more]
Tringham, Ruth; Wittman, Noah. Remixing Çatalhöyük. (Website) [more]
Tritle, Lawrence A.. "Review of A History of the Byzantine State and Society". American Historical Review, 2000. (Book Review) [more]
Tritle, Lawrence A.. "Review of Not Out of Africa. How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History.". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
TRKNWS-L. TRKNWS-L. (Website) [more]
Tropper, Josef. "Im siebten Jahr wurde wüttend auf Baal". Zur Interpretation von KTU 1.6 V:8-10. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL). (Article) [more]
Tsang, Louise. Legal Protection of Cultural Property: A Selective Resource Guide. Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals. (Article) [more]
Tsolakis, Kyriakos A. (Kyriakos Antony). Valuation and administration of lands containing antiquities in Cyprus. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [1998]. (Book) [more]
Tuck, John. "Archiving Electronic Resources. VDEP and Web Archiving at the British Library". Archiving Egyptological and Ancient Near Eastern Resources on the Internet, 28 NOVEMBER 2003, 2003. (Presentation) [more]
Tucker, Ed. Revisionism: The Historiographical Method of Peter Green. David’s Ancient World. (Article) [more]
Tucker, J. Brian. "Review of Esther: A Commentary.". Journal of Biblical Studies, 2001. (Book Review) [more]
Tucker, M. E.. Home Page of M. E. Tucker. 2000. (Website) [more]
Tukulti-Ninurta, King of Assyria. Annales de Tukulti Ninip II, roi d'Assyrie 889-884. ETANA, 1909. (Book) [more]