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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety.
Jacquet-Gordon, Helen.
The Temple Oval at Khafajah.
Delougaz, Pinhas, with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen.
The Temple Theophanies of Jaddus, Hyrcanus, and Zechariah.
Gnuse, R..
Temples and Palaces in the Ancient Georgia: Interpretation Difficulties in the Context of the Near Eastern Archaeology.
Khimshiashvili, Kakha.
Studies on Georgian Art, 2001, Tbilisi (English).
The Temples of Lower Nubia. II. The Monuments of Sudanese Nubia: Report of the Work of he Egyptian Expedition, Season of 1906-'07.
Breasted, James Henry.
[Reprinted from The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, October 1906 and October 1908.
Terminologische Verknüpfungen und Genesis 12,1-3.
Warning, Wilfried.
The Terminology for Prayer in the Bible and DSS.
Schubert, P..
The Orion Center for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature,
"Terqa and Haradum: A Comparative Analysis of Old Babylonian Period Houses Along the Euphrates".
Chavalas, Mark W..
Terra Italia: Associazione per lo sviluppo e la diffusione degli studi sull'Italia romana.
Belén, Maria; Escacena, José Luis.
Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998).
The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, volume II, The Tomb of Ankhmahor.
Kanawati, N.; Hassan, A.
Text - Reader - Author: Towards a Theory of Exegesis: Some European Viewpoints.
Utzschneider, Helmut.
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
Text and Redaction in Jeremiah’s Oracles Against the Nations.
Watts, James W.
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly,
"Text and Tradition: The Role of New Testament Manuscripts in Early Christian Studies. The Kenneth W. Clark Lectures, Duke Divinity School,1997. Lecture One: Text and Interpretation: The Exegetical Significance of the "Original" Text.".
Ehrman, Bart D..
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism,
Text-Based- Modeling Of Upper Mesopotamia In The Third And Second Millennia B.C..
Widell, Magnus; David Schloen; Jacob Lauinger; Jonathan Tenney.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Text: Gudea Cylinder A in: Thureau-Dangin, "Les Cylindres de Goudea decouverts par Ernest de Sarzec a Tello", Textes Cuneiformes / Musee du Louvre, Tome VIII (= TCL 8), Paris 1925, pl. i-xxx.
Jagersma, Bram.
Text: Gudea Cylinder B in: F. Thureau-Dangin, "Les Cylindres de Goudea decouverts par Ernest de Sarzec a Tello", Textes Cuneiformes / Musee du Louvre, Tome VIII (= TCL 8), Paris 1925, pl. xxxi-lii.
Jagersma, Bram.
Textes de l'époque d'Agadé et de l'époque d'Ur. Tome II.
de Genouillac, Gourdon.
Textes Èlamites-Sémitiques, 5. série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes Èlamites-Sémitiques, deuxieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes Èlamites-Sémitiques, premiere série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-anzanites : deuxieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-anzanites : première série..
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-anzanites : quatrieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-anzanites : quatrieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-anzanites : troisieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes élamites-seemitiques : troisieme série.
Scheil, Vincent.
Internet Archive,
Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens. Première série.
Martin, François.
Texts 1-21 from: G.Th.Ferwerda, "A Contribution to the early Isin craft archive", TLB/SLB 5, Leiden 1985.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts 14-45 from: F.M. Fales "Prima dell' alfabeto" Venezia 1989.
Stempien; Marek; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from : TCND = A.Archi and F.Pomponio, "Testi Cuneiformi Neo-Sumerici da Drehem. N.0001-0412" (Milano 1990).
Jagersma, Bram; de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: "Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part I, London 1896.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Alexander Uchitel, "Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archives", University College London - Department of Ancient History, 1985. (Since texts 11-13 are Old-Babylonian, they have not been included).
de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: David Owen, "Neo-Sumerian texts from American collections" Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 15, Roma 1991,.
Owen, David.
Texts from: David Owen, "Selected Ur III texts from the Harvard Semitic Museum", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 11, Roma 1982.
Owen, David.
Texts from: Fatma Yildiz und Tohru Gomi, "Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaeologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Band III (Nr. 1601-2300)" Bethesda, 1993.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Fatma Yildiz und Tohru Gomi: "Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler Archaeologischen Museen, Teil II: Nr. 726-1379", Freiburger Altorientalische Studien Band 16, Stuttgart 1988.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Fatma Yildiz [et al.], "Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaeologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Nr. 1-600", Materiali per il vocabolario neosumerico Vol. XIV, Roma 1988.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: G. Pettinato - S.A. Picchioni, "Testi economici di Lagas del Museo di Istanbul", Materiali per il vocabolario Neosumerico 7, Roma 1978.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: G. Pettinato, "Test economici di Lagas del Museo di Instanbul, Parte I: La. 7001-7600", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. VI, Roma 1977 (= MVN 6).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Giovanni Pettinato, "Test economici neo-sumerici del British Museum (BM 12230-BM 12390)", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico", Vol. XVII, Roma 1993.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Hartmut Waetzoldt, "Untersuchungen zur neusumerischen Textilindustrie", Roma 1972.
Behrens, Hermann ; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Herbert Sauren, "Wirtschaftsurkunden des Musee d'Art et d'Histoire in Genf", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. II, Roma 1974.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: I.J. Gelb, "Sargonic texts in the Louvre Museum", Materials for the Assyrian dictionary, no. 4, Chicago 1970..
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: L.W. King, "Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part III, London 1898 (=CT 3).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: L.W. King, Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets in the British Museum, Part XXXII (= CT 32), London 1912.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: M.V. Nikol'skij, "Dokumenty chozjajstvennoj otcetnosti drevnejsej epochi Chaldei iz sobranija N.P. Lichaceva", S.-Peterburg 1908 (= Nik 1).
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Marcel Sigrist, "Messenger texts from the British Museum", Potomac, Maryland, 1990.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Mary Inda Hussey, "Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum - Part II - From the time of the dynasty of Ur", Harvard Semitic Series, Vol. IV, Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1915 (= HSS 4).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Maryse Touzalin, "L'administration palatiale a l'epoque de la Troisieme Dynastie d'Ur: Textes inedites du musee d'Alep", These de doctorat de troisieme cycle soutenue a l'universite de Tours, 1982.
de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: P.J.Watson, "Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in Birmingham City Museum, Vol.1, Neo-Sumerian Texts from Drehem" (1986) = BCT 1.
Jagersma, Bram; de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Shin T. Kang, "Sumerian economic texts from the Umma archive", Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform texts in the collection of the World Heritage Museum of the University of Illinois, Vol. 2, Urbana, 1973 (= SACT 2).
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Tohru Gomi [et al.], "Neo-Sumerian administrative texts of the Hirose collection", Potomac 1990.
Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Tohru Gomi, "Wirtschaftstexte der Ur III-Zeit aus dem British Museum", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. XII, Roma 1982.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: W.W. Hallo, "Tabulae Cuneiformes a F.M.Th. de Liagre Boehl Collectae, Leidae Conservatae III - Sumerian Archival Texts copied by William W. Hallo" (Leiden, The Netherlands, Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1963 and 1973) = TLB III.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts: Gudea 1-99 from Horst Steible, "Die neusumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften", Stuttgart 1991.
Jagersma, Bram.
Tharu : the starting point on the Ways of Horus.
Al-Ayedi, Abdul Rahman.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Theadelphian Taxes in CPR VI 5.
Bagnall, Roger S.
BullSocArchCopte 24 (1982) 115-18.
Theatricality Beyond the Theater. Staging Public Life in the Hellenistic World.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
B. Le Guen (ed.), De la scène aux gradins. Thêatre et représentations dramatiques après Alexandre le Grand dans les cités hellénstiques. Actes du Colloque, Toulouse 1997 (Pallas, 41), Toulouse 1997, S. 219-259,
The Theban Desert Road Survey (The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Survey): 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
The Theban Desert Road Survey (The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Survey): 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report..
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
The Theban Desert Road Survey (The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Survey): 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Theban Desert Road Survey in the Egyptian Western Desert, Volume 1. Gebel Tjauti Rock Inscriptions 1–45 and Wadi el-Hôl Rock Inscriptions 1–45.
Darnell, John C.
Theban Tombs Publication Project: The Tombs of Ahmose (no. 121) and Rây (no. 72).
Piccione, Peter.
Theben und Memphis - Metropolen im Alten Ägypten.
Franke, Detlef.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
Theben und Memphis - Metropolen im Alten Ägypten Thebes and Memphis - Metropolises in Ancient Egypt.
Franke, Detlef.
HeiDok - Portale.
Thebes and its five greater temples.
Abney, William de Wiveleslie.
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,
Thebes; its tombs and their tenants, ancient and present, including a record of excavations in the Necropolis.
Rhind, A. Henry 1833-1863. (Alexander Henry).
Google Books.