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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Un-provenanced, Unauthenticated: Ethics and the Antiquities Market (Grand Rapids / May 2004).
Meyers, Eric.
López de la Orden, Mª Dolores.
Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998).
Una Isis Tyche y una Cabeza Femenina Egipcias, en el Museo Nacional de Arte Oriental, Buenos Aires.
Cersósimo, Alejandra.
Transoxiana Preprint Series: Estudios y Reportes Preliminares.
Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky.
Gabolde, Marc.
Preprint of a contribution to a volume of essays in Memory of William Murnane. The projected title of the book is:,
Undisclosed Speech: Patterns of Communication in the Book of Isaiah.
Liss, Hanna.
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
Une banque d''images sur El-Jem (Tunisie).
Centre de Compétence Thématique (aka Service Informatique et Recherches en Archéologie [SIRA]).
Une classe ouvrière en Egypte pharaonique: les _merit_..
Alam, S.
Revue Internationale de Droits de l'Antiquité, 3e Série, Tome LI 2004, pp. 21-29.
Une figure de la Section: le P. Vincent Scheil (1858-1940).
Charpin, Dominique.
Conférence d’ouverture de Mme Sophie Démare-Lafont, Paris, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Eudes, Paris, 2002, p. 27-37.
"Une nouvelle unité de service au CNRS: le centre pour la Communication scientifique directe (Ccsd)".
Laloë, Franck.
Une politique scientifique pour l’informatisation des données archéologiques du Centre Franco-égyptien des Temples de Karnak.
Sturla, Alessandro and Vergnieux, Robert.
Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon.
Thureau-Dangin, François.
UNESCO MISSION REPORT: Assessment Of Museums in the Kurdish Region of Iraq, 24 March – 15 April 2009.
Gibson, Stuart.
UNESCO MISSION REPORT: Preliminary Assessment Of Mosul Cultural Museum, Mosul, Iraq, 7 – 9 April 2009.
Gibson, Stuart.
Unfolding Sennedjem's Tomb.
Farid, Hany; Farid, S.
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, 12(1):46-59, 2001,
Unfolding Sennedjem's Tomb.
Farid, Hany; Farid, Samir.
From: KMT, vol. 12, no. 1, 2001.
Unicode Polytonic Greek for the Web Version 0.9.1-Draft.
Rourke, Patrick T..
United States Army Area Handbooks Gopher Archive- Egypt.
United States Army Area Handbooks Gopher Index- Israel.
United States Army Area Handbooks [1994 edition] Gopher Archive.
United States v. Schultz.
Gerstenblith, Patty.
Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre,
United with Eternity: A Concise Guide to the Monuments of Medinet Habu.
Murnane, William J., with a foreword by Kent R. Weeks.
Universal Dominion in Psalm 2?.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich Ägyptologie.
Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich Ägyptologie.
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Ouserhat, Centre Pour L''etude Et La Sauvegarde De La Peinture Egyptienne Ancienne.
The University Museum-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition to Saqqara, Egypt.
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
University of Chicago Libraries, The Ancient Near East Department.
University of Chicago.
The University of Chicago Library: On-Line Journals: Classics, Ancient Near East, and Related Fields.
The University of Chicago Library: Serial Guide: Classics, Ancient Near East, Medieval Latin and Byzantine.
University of Chicago, Oriental Institute 2000 Yili Hatay Aççana, Tayinat Höyükleri ve Samandagi Yüzey Arastirmalari [Exerpted from].
Yener, Aslihan; Harrison, Timothy P.; Pamir, Hatice.
The University of Illinois Mummy Project.
University of Illinois, Program on Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, The Classics Department.
University of Kentucky, Lexington.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project Homepage.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project.
The University of Memphis Department of History graduate program in Egyptology.
2008 -.
University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology.
University of Memphis.
The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection.
APIS: Advanced Papyrological Information System.
University of New England (Australia): Museum of Antiquities Home page.
University of New England (Australia): Museum of Antiquities.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Iowa State University, Excavations at Azoria, East Crete.
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology (MASCA).
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
The Gordion Archaeological Project at Gordion, Turkey.
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
The University Museum-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition to Saqqara, Egypt.
The University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 14 June-15 July, 1994.
Strange, James F. and Longstaff, Thomas R. W..
The University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 14 June-15 July, 1994.
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
The University Of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 3 May-18 July, 1993.
Strange, James F. and Longstaff, Thomas R. W..
The University Of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 3 May-18 July, 1993.
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
University of Texas at Austin Linguistics Research Center.
Jonathan Slocum.
8 Feb. 2002.
An Unpublished Coptic Sahidic Psalter Codex at The University Museum in Philadelphia: A Preliminary Report.
Kraft, Robert A.
The Unreliable Narrator of Job.
Watts, James W.
From The Whirlwind: Essays on Job, Hermeneutics and Theology in Memory of Jane Morse, ed.Corrine Patton, Steven Cook, & James Watts (JSOTSup Series 336, London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001), pp. 168-180.
Unremitting Activity: Herodotus’ Mycerinus and Zenon’s Correspondents.
West, Stephanie.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik,
Untersuchungen zur relativen Chronologie der Nekropole von Marlik.
Piller, Christian.
Unusual Accounting Practices in Archaic Mesopotamian Tablets.
Monaco, Salvatore F.
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ),
Unveiling the Versions: The Tactics of Tamar in Genesis 38:15.
Huddlestun, John R..
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
"Up to the Ears" in Horses Necks (B.M. 108a): On Sasanian Agricultural Policy and Private "Eminent Domain".
Elman, Yaakov.
Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (JSIJ).
Update on Possible Chinese Connection. (in the Dead Sea Scrolls).
Kraft, Robert A..
An Updated Chronology of the Reigns of Phoenician Kings during the Persian Period (539-333 BCE), Trans 32, 2007,.
Elayi, Josette.
Preprint from Transeuphratene 32 (2007),
Update—Finds or Fakes? Is BAR a “Foe”? Hershel Shanks Replies to Jim West.
Shanks, Hershel.
Biblical Archaeology Society - Only Online.
Ur dynasty tablets; texts chiefly from Tello and Drehem written during the reigns of Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibi-Sin.
Nies, James B.
Ur Excavation Texts I: Royal Inscriptions. Plates.
Gadd, C. J.; Legrain, L.
Ur Excavation Texts I: Royal Inscriptions. Text.
Gadd, C. J.; Legrain, L.
Ur Excavation Texts II: Archaic Texts: Sign List.
Burrows, E.
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Tools and Sundries.
Ur excavations II: The royal cemetery : a report on the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931: Text.
Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960.