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ABZU Search Results (9942)

Mannung Joseph G. Egyptian grain transport. Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Article) [more]
Mannung Joseph G. Land tenure, rural space, and the political economy of Ptolemaic Egypt (332 BC-30 BC). Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005. (Article) [more]
Mansoor, Christine. The Scandal of the Century: The Mansoor Amarna Exposé. [more]
Mansoor, Edmond Robert. Certain Infamy in Egyptology and Museology. 1999. (Website) [more]
Manuelian, Peter Der. Peter Der Manuelian. Giza Digital Library. (Book) [more]
Manuelian, Peter Der. Virtual Pyramids: The Museum Of Fine Arts, Boston’s Giza Archives Project. Museums and the Web 2002, 2002. (Article) [more]
Mapunda, Bertram. "Ancient Egypt in school and college education in Tanzania". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice. The Orientations of the nine Tholos Tombs at Mycenae. Archaeoastronomy no. 27 (JHA, xxxiii (2002). (Article) [more]
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice. Some Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, from the Study of the Principal Love Poem's Ostraca from Deir al-Medina. in: Zahi Hawass (ed.), Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, vol. 3, Cairo 2000, pp. 282-288. (Article) [more]
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice. The Stellar Horizon of Khufu: Archaeoastronomy, Egyptology … and Some Imaginary Scenaria. Basel Egyptology Prize 1: Junior Research in Egyptian History, Archaeology, and Philology (Bickel, S. & Loprieno, A., eds), Basel (Schwabe & Co - Verlag / AH, 17) 2003, 55-74.. (Article) [more]
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice. Two Faience Shabtis from the Egyptian Collection at the Benaki Museum. Mouseio Benaki, 2, 2002 [2003], pp. 19-24. (Article) [more]
Marazzi, Massimiliano; Müller, Gerfrid W.; Souckova, Jana; Wilhelm, Gernot; unter Mitarbeit von Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo & Andrea Intilia. Hethitische Bibliographie. 2004. (Website) [more]
Marc, Jean-Yves. Les agoras grecques d'après les recherches récentes. Histoire de l'Art, Architecture et décor (1998-10) 3-15. (Article) [more]
Marc, Jean-Yves. Les en-têtes de décrets à relief à Athènes : entre consécration privée et pratique publique. KTEMA. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 23 (1998) 147-152. (Article) [more]
Marchesi, Gianni. Notes on Two Alleged Literary Texts from al-Hiba/Lagas. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL). (Article) [more]
MARGANNE, Marie-Hélène; KOEMOTH, Pierre. PHARMACOPOEA AEGYPTIA ET GRAECO-AEGYPTIA. Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire [CEDOPAL]. (Website) [more]
Marganne, Marie-Hélène; Renard, Denis. La base de données expérimentale Mertens-Pack3. 2001. (Website) [more]
Mariette, Auguste. Catalogue général des monuments d'Abydos découverts pendant les fouilles de cette ville. Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. (Book) [more]
Mariette, Auguste, 1821-1881. Exposition universelle de 1867. Description du Parc egyptien. [Electronic Edition]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA). (Book) [more]
Marinatos, Nanno. A Response to James C. Wright’s Review of Minoan Religion. Ritual, Image, and Symbol.. Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1995. (Article) [more]
Marinescu, Nicoleta. Zooming in on Egypt. The College of Charleston Magazine, 2004. (Article) [more]
Marley, Marie; Costello, Sarah K.; Pollock, Susan; Bernbeck, Reinhard. Fistikli Höyük 1999-2000. 2000. (Website) [more]
Marr, John S., Malloy, Curtis D. and Cathey, John T.. The Ipuwer Papyrus. (Article) [more]
Marr, John S., Malloy, Curtis D. and Cathey, John T.. Plaguescape: A Digital Rendition of an Epidemiological Analysis of the Biblical Ten Plagues of Egypt. (Article) [more]
Marti, Lionel; Durand, Jean-Marie; Authier, Gilles; Langlois, Michael; Charpin, Dominique. (Blog) [more]
Martin, François. Lettres néo-babyloniennes. ETANA, 1909. (Book) [more]
Martin, François. Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens. Première série. ETANA, 1903. (Book) [more]
Martin, Geoffrey T.. Obituary: Lady Hastings (1934-1997). (Article) [more]
Martin, Louise. Staff Profile of Louise Martin. 2001. (Website) [more]
Martin, Louise; Russell, Nerissa; Frame, Sheelagh. Faunal Remains. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2000 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Institut für Orientalische Archäologie und Kunst.. (Website) [more]
Martinetto, P.; E. Dooryhee, M. Anne, J. Talabot, G. Tsoucaris. Cosmetic Recipes and Make-up Manufacturing in Ancient Egypt. From: ESRF Newsletter 32 (April 1999). (Article) [more]
Marty, Paul; Kim Sheahan, and Ann Lacy. Evaluating The Authenticity Of Egyptian Cartonnage Fragments: Educational Outreach In Search Of The Truth. Museums and the Web 2003, 2002. (Article) [more]
Maryanne W. Newton; Kuniholm, Peter Ian. A Dendrochronological Framework for the Assyrian Colony Period in Asia Minor. TÜBA-AR (Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi), vol. 7 (2004) pp. 165-176. (Article) [more]
Marzahn, Joachim. Dr. Joachim Marzahn. (Article) [more]
MASCA: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology. Home Page of MASCA: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology. (Website) [more]
Mason, Robert B.; Gonnella, Julia. The Petrology of Syrian Stonepaste Ceramics: the View from Aleppo. Internet Archaeology, 2000. (Article) [more]
Mason, Steve. Current Scholarship on the Pharisees. Ioudaios Articles, 1994. (Article) [more]
Mason, Steve. Fire, Water, and Spirit: John the Baptist and the Tyranny of Canon. Ioudaios Articles, 1991. (Article) [more]
Mason, Steve. "Review of Josephus and Judaean Politics". IOUDAIOS Review, 1992. (Book Review) [more]
Mason, Steve. "Review of Middle Judaism: Jewish Thought 300 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.". IOUDAIOS Review, 1992. (Book Review) [more]
Mason, Steve. What Josephus Says about the Essenes in his Judean War. The Orion Center for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 2000. (Article) [more]
Maspero, G. Le Musée de Boulaq et le Musée de Gizéh. La Nature. Revue des sciences et leurs applications aux arts et à l'industrie, vol. 18, sem. 2, pp. 199-202 (1890). (Article) [more]
Maspero, G. Le Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome second. Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. (Book) [more]
Maspero, G. Le Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome troisième. Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. (Book) [more]
Maspero, G.; Grébaut, E. Le Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome premier. Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. (Book) [more]
Maspero, Gaston. Egypt: Ancient Sites and Modern Scenes [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA). (Book) [more]
Maspero, Gaston. Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes. Gallica, 1892-1916. (Book) [more]
Maspero, Gaston. Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient. Gallica, 1997. (Book) [more]
Maspero, Gaston. Le Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte [ElectronicVersion]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA). (Book) [more]
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916. Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67001-67124. 1911. [more]
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916. Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67125-67278. 1913. [more]
Maspero, Jean; Egypt. Maslahat al-Athar; Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916. Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. No 67279-67359. 1914. [more]
Masseti, Marco and Andreas Darlas. Pre-Neolithic man and other mammals on the Eastern Mediterranean islands. Mediterranean Prehistory Online, 1999. (Article) [more]
Matero, Frank. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT: Site Conservation Report / Alan Konservasyonu Raporu.. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1999. (Article) [more]
Mathews, Edward G., Jr.. "Review of Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1999. (Book Review) [more]
Mathews, Edward G., Jr.. "Review of Saint Jerome’s Hebrew Questions on Genesis". Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews, 1996. (Book Review) [more]
Matiossián, Vartán. "País de los Ríos": Los Hurritas y la meseta de Armenia. Transoxiana, 2001. (Article) [more]
Matiu Carr. The Virtual Study Tour. 1994-1999. (Website) [more]