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ABZU Search Results (3452)

Hirschfeld, Yizhar. Ein Gedi 1998. The Orion Center for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 1998. (Article) [more]
Hirschfeld, Yizhar. Recent Discoveries in the Archaeology of Qumran. The Orion Center for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 1998. (Article) [more]
Hock, Ronald F. Writing in the Greco-Roman World. SBL Forum. (Article) [more]
Hock, Rudolph. Introduction. Frank M. Snowden, Jr. Lectures, Howard University, 2005. (Article) [more]
Hodder, Ian. Giriß: Çatalhöyük1999. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1999. (Article) [more]
Hodder, Ian. Introduction. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2000 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Hodder, Ian. Introduction. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2001 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Hodder, Ian. Introduction and Summary. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1998 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1998. (Article) [more]
Hodder, Ian. Introduction: Çatalhöyük 1999. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT, 1999. (Article) [more]
Hoffman, Heidi ; Torres, William E.; Ernst, Randy D. Paleoradiology: Advanced CT in the Evaluation of Nine Egyptian Mummies. Radiographics. (Article) [more]
Hoffmeier, James K. Aspects of Egyptian Foreign Policy in the 18th Dynasty in Western Asia and Nubia. Donald B. Redford Festschrift, 2001. (Article) [more]
Hoffmeier, James K. Tell el-Borg. Egyptian Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. Individual Scholarship: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report, 2003. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Chicago Hittite Dictionary: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report.. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.. Individual Scholarship: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. and Hans G. Güterbock. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. and Hans G. Güterbock. The Hittite Dictionary Project: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. and Hans G. Güterbock. The Hittite Dictionary: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. Excavations At Tell Es-Sweyhat In Syria 1989 And 1991. The Oriental Institute News and Notes. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. Individual Scholarship: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2002. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. Publications: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2002. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. Publications: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report, 2003. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. PUBLICATIONS: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report, 2004. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. PUBLICATIONS: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report, 2005. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A. Tell Es-Sweyhat: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2002. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Individual Scholarship: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. Publications Office: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition to Syria: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1996. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition to Syria: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1997. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition to Syria: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1998. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition to Syria: 1998-99 Oriental Institute Annual Report.. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1999. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition: 1991-92 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1992. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1993. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1994. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 1995. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat: 1999-2000 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2000. (Article) [more]
Holland, Thomas A.. The Tell Es-Sweyhat: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute Annual Report, 2001. (Article) [more]
Holloway, R. Ross. The Hand of Daedalus. (Article) [more]
Holloway, R. Ross; Susan S. Lukesh. Ustica : Report on the Excavations of the Bronze Age Site of I Faraglioni 1999. 1999. (Article) [more]
Holmyard, Harold R.. The Linkage Between Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6. Journal of Biblical Studies, 2001. (Article) [more]
Holum, Kenneth G.and Raban, Avner. The Combined Caesarea Expeditions, 1996 Summer Season. CCE Publications and Reports, 1996. (Article) [more]
Hombert, Marcel. Projets de bibliographie papyrologique (1932). Reproduit de: Chronique d'Égypte 7 (1932) No. 13, pp. 227-236. (Article) [more]
Honigmann-Zinserling, L. Nachrichten der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V.: Rechenschaftsbericht für das Jahr 1994/95. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG). (Article) [more]
Hope, Colin A., Olaf E. Kaper and Gillian E. Bowen. Ismant el-Kharab: Report on the 1998-99 Season. Centre for Archaeology Monash University, 2001. (Article) [more]
Hopkins, David C. [Editor]. News, Notes, and Reviews. Biblical Archaeologist, 1995. (Article) [more]
Hornkohl, Aaron. The Pragmatics of X+verb Structure in the Hebrew of Genesis. ETHNORÊMA: Lingue, popoli e culture: Rivista annuale dell’Associazione Ethnorêma. (Article) [more]
House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Cultural objects: developments since 2000: First Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence: HC 59. 2 December 2003. (Article) [more]
Houston, Stephen; Baines, John; Cooper, Jerrold. Last Writing: Script Obsolescence in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Mesoamerica. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2005. (Article) [more]
Hovestreydt, W. and Zonhoven, L. M. J.. Annual Egyptological Bibliography: past, present and future. 1996. (Article) [more]
Hritz, Carrie. CAMEL (Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes): 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report, 2004. (Article) [more]
Hubbard, Benjamin J.. Commissioning Stories in Luke-Acts: A Study of their Antecedents, Form and Content. Semeia 08: Literary Critical Studies of Biblical Texts. (Article) [more]
Huddlestun, John R.. Unveiling the Versions: The Tactics of Tamar in Genesis 38:15. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 2000-2001. (Article) [more]
Huehnergard, John. Proto-Semitic Language and Culture. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2000. (Article) [more]
Hughes, M. K.; P. I. Kuniholm, J. Eischeid, G. Garfin, C. B. Griggs, C. Latini. Aegean Tree-Ring Signatures Explained. Tree-Ring Research Vol 57:1 (2001) 67-73. (Article) [more]
Hunger, Hermann; van der Spec, Robartus J. An Astronomical Diary Concerning Artaxerxes II (Year 42 = 363-2 B.C.). Arta, 2006. (Article) [more]
Hunt, Leta; KLundberg, Marilyn; Zuckerman, Bruce. InscriptiFact: A Virtual Archive of Ancient Inscriptions from the Near East. Int J Digit Libr. (Article) [more]
Hunter Erica C. D. Returned antiquities: a case for changing legislation. Culture Without Context, 1997. (Article) [more]
Hurtado, Larry W. Christian Literary Texts in Manuscripts of Second & Third Centuries. From L. W. Hurtado, The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), Appendix 1, pp. 209-229. Latest update 07 January 2011. (Article) [more]
Hurtado, Larry W.. What Do We Mean by "First-Century Jewish Monotheism"?. Ioudaios Articles, 1994. (Article) [more]
Hussein, M. Kamel. An Ancient Egyptian Treatise on Traumatology, 2800 BC. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, vol. 31 B, no 2 (May 1949), pp. 309-312. (Article) [more]