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ABZU Search Results (2787)
Daskyleion Kazilari - Ausgrabungen in Daskyleion.
Home Page of Daskyleion Kazilari - Ausgrabungen in Daskyleion.
Daviau, P. Michele (Project Director).
WADI ATH-THAMAD PROJECT: Canadian Archaeological Dig in Jordan.
Davie, May and Davie, Michel F..
Articles and papers on the history and geography of Beirut.
Davila, James R.
The Apocalypse of Daniel: A Newly Discovered Syriac Pseudepigraphon - A Thought Experiment.
IOQS, July 2004.
Davila, James R.
Did Christians Write Old Testament Pseudepigrapha That Appear to Be Jewish?.
presented in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Section International Society of Biblical Literature meeting, Groningen.
Davila, James R.
Enoch in Cyberspace: The Internet Meets the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.
Computers & Texts,
Davila, James R.
Melchizedek, Michael, and War in Heaven.
First published in a slightly different form in the _SBL 1996 Seminar Papers_ (Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1996).
Davila, James R.
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Annotated Basic Bibliography.
Davila, James R.
Qumranica.com: A weblog for a course on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, taught by Dr. James R. Davila. Opening date: 8 February, 2005.
DeCaen, Vincent Joseph John.
A Concise Linguistic e-Introduction to Classical Hebrew.
Démare-Lafont, Sophie [éditeur en chef]; Mouton, Alice [Responsable du site internet].
Chroniques assyriologiques.
Department of Classics and Ancient History The University of Warwick.
Classics and Ancient History Department.
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbezogene Forschung und Dokumentation.
Home Page of Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbezogene Forschung und Dokumentation.
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft.
Home Page of Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft.
Deutscher Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas.
Home Page of Deutscher Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas.
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
Home Page of Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
di Nóbile Carlucci, Laura.
Apuntes Sobre Nefertari, Esposa y Reina.
ISIS: Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica,
di Nóbile Carlucci, Laura.
La Familia en el Antiguo Egipto (1a Parte).
ISIS: Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica,
di Nóbile Carlucci, Laura.
La Familia en el Antiguo Egipto (2a Parte).
ISIS: Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica,
Dinur Center for the Study of Jewish History - Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Directory of Professors of Jewish History and Related Disciplines.
Dinur Center for the Study of Jewish History - Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Jewish History Resource Center.
Dirrigl Jr., Frank J.; Baker, and Barry W.
Zooarchaeology Home Page: The World Wide Web's Virtual Library for the Archaeology of Animals.
Dobney, Keith; Jaques, Deborah.
Final report on the vertebrate remains from the Tell Brak bulk-sieve samples.
Contextual analysis of the use of space at two Near Eastern Bronze Age sites,
Documentation of Theological and Interdisciplinary Literature.
Home Page of Documentation of Theological and Interdisciplinary Literature.
Dolph, Jayne E.; John H. Christiansen; Pamela J. Sydelko.
FACET: An object-oriented software framework for modeling complex social behavior patterns.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Dolphin, Lambert.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem: Highlighting Scientific and Archaeological Research Concerning the Location of the First and Second Jewish Temples.
Donner, Fred M.
Curriculum Vitae of Fred M. Donner (at Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago).
Dorman, Peter.
Curriculum Vitae, at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago.
The Dothan Project Publication Page.
The Dothan Project Publication Page: Photos from the Excavation of Tomb I.
The Dothan Project Publication Page.
The Dothan Project Publication Page: QuickTime VR Files of Figurine Lamp.
The Dothan Project Publication Page.
The Dothan Project Publication Page: The Tomb I Database.
The Dothan Project Publication Page.
Home Page of The Dothan Project Publication Page.
Duke Papyrus Archive.
Duke Papyrus Archive: Search the online catalogue records of the Duke papyrus collection.
Düring, Bleda S. ; and the Çatalhöyük Research Project.
Settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic.
e-Depot Nederlandse Archeologie (eDNA).
The Ecole Initiative.
The Ecole Initiative: Creating a Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History on the World-Wide Web.
Edney, Matthew H..
Jerusalem 3000: Three Millennia of History.
University of Southern Maine, Osher Map Library,
The Egyptian Society of South Africa.
Home Page of The Egyptian Society of South Africa.
The Egyptology Society of Victoria: An Australian Society for the Promotion of Ancient Egyptian Culture.
Home Page of The Egyptology Society of Victoria: An Australian Society for the Promotion of Ancient Egyptian Culture.
Eichler, Eckhard.
Ägyptologische Forschungs- und Lehrinstitute in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
The Ein Gedi Archaeological Expedition.
Home Page of The Ein Gedi Archaeological Expedition.