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ABZU Search Results (1696)
Boswinkel, Ernst.
Weitere griechische Texte aus Giessen - ein Bericht über die Zusammenarbeit Giessen - Leiden 1960 - 1967.
Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen,
Bradley, S.M. & A.P. Middleton.
A Study of the Deterioration of Egyptian Limestone Sculpture.
The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation.
Breasted, James Henry.
Expedition to Egypt, 1919: Exerpts from the Letters of James Henry Breasted.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes.
Breasted, James Henry.
The Temples of Lower Nubia. II. The Monuments of Sudanese Nubia: Report of the Work of he Egyptian Expedition, Season of 1906-'07.
[Reprinted from The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, October 1906 and October 1908.
Breasted, James Henry, 1865-1935.
Egypt through the stereoscope : a journey through the land of the Pharaohs.
Breasted, James Henry, 1865-1935.
Egypt through the stereoscope : a journey through the land of the Pharaohs.
Brewer, Douglas J. ; Teeter, Emily.
Ancient Egyptian Society and Family Life.
extracted from Chapter 7 of Egypt and the Egyptians, Cambridge University Press, 2001. Copyright Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter 1999.
Brewer, Douglas J. ; Teeter, Emily.
Ancient Egyptian Society and Family Life.
extracted from Chapter 7 of Egypt and the Egyptians, Cambridge University Press, 2001. Copyright Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter 1999.
Brewer, Douglas J. ; Teeter, Emily.
Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians.
adapted from Chapter 6 of Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter's "Egypt and the Egyptians" (Cambridge University Press). Copyright 2002.
Brewer, Douglas J. ; Teeter, Emily.
Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians.
adapted from Chapter 6 of Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter's "Egypt and the Egyptians" (Cambridge University Press). Copyright 2002.
Brier, Bob and Wade, Ronald S.
Surgical Procedures During Ancient Egyptian Mummification.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Brier, Bob and Wade, Ronald S.
Surgical Procedures During Ancient Egyptian Mummification.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Brier, Bob; Zimmerman, Michael.
The Remains of Queen Weret.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Brier, Bob; Zimmerman, Michael.
The Remains of Queen Weret.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Bright, Desmond.
Dating Funerary Stelae of the Twelfth Dynasty: A Statistical Study.
Bright, Desmond.
Dating Funerary Stelae of the Twelfth Dynasty: A Statistical Study.
Brown, Brian, ed. 1881-.
The wisdom of the Egyptians: The story of the Egyptians, the religion of the ancient Egyptians, the Ptahhotep and the Ke'gemini, the.
Browne, James.
Apercu sur les hieroglyphes d'Egypte et les progres faits jusqu'a present dans leur dechiffrement, Paris 1827.
Browne, James.
Apercu sur les hieroglyphes d'Egypte et les progres faits jusqu'a present dans leur dechiffrement, Paris 1827.
Brugsch, Henri.
Notice raisonnée d'un traité médical datant du XIVme siècle avant notre ère.
Google Books.
Brugsch, Henri.
Notice raisonnée d'un traité médical datant du XIVme siècle avant notre ère.
Google Books.
Bryan, Cyril P. (Translated from the German version). With an introduction by G. Elliot Smith.
The Papyrus Ebers.
Bryan, Cyril P. (Translated from the German version). With an introduction by G. Elliot Smith.
The Papyrus Ebers.
Buckley, Stephen A., Andrew W. Stott, Richard P. Evershed.
Studies of organic residues from ancient Egyptian mummies using high temperature-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and sequential thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
From: Analyst, 1999, 443-452.
Budge, E. A. Wallis.
By Nile and Tigris : a narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1886 and 1913.
Budge, E. A. Wallis.
By Nile and Tigris: A Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British By Nile and Tigris.
Budge, E. A. Wallis.
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Budge, E. A. Wallis.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Budge, E. A. Wallis Sir, (Ernest Alfred Wallis).
The mummy; chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology.
Budge, E. A. Wallis Sir, 1857-1934. (Ernest Alfred Wallis).
The Nile : notes for travellers in Egypt [Electronic Version].
Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA),
Büll, Reinhard.
Literarische und experimetelle technologische Studien über Wachsbeschreibstoffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Giessener Wachsschreibtafeln.
Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen,
Burke, Katherine Strange.
Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim: A Dissertation Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, June 2007.
Burton, Harry.
Tutankhamun tomb photographs: a photographic record in 5 albums containing 490 original photographic prints ; representing the excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun and its contents (Band 3).
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,
Büttner, Heinrich.
Griechische Privatbriefe (P. bibl. univ. Giss. 18-33).
Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Giessener Universitätsibibliothek,
Butzer, Karl W.
Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology.
Butzer, Karl W.
Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology.
Cailliaud, Frédéric.
Voyage à Méroé, au Fleuve Blanc, au-delà de Fâzoql, dans le midi du royaume de Sennâr, à Syouah et dans cinq autres oasis; fait dans les années 1819, 1820, 1821 et 1822, Paris, 1826-27.
Cairo. al-Mathaf al-Misri. (Corporate author).
A short description of the objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun now exhibited in the Cairo Museum.
Cairo. al-Mathaf al-Misri. (Corporate author).
A short description of the objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun now exhibited in the Cairo Museum.
Caldas Vieira, Leonardo.
Egyptian Demotic Guide: A Practical Guide to the Grammar of Egyptian Demotic with Texts, Exercises and Vocabulary.
Caldas Vieira, Leonardo.
Egyptian Demotic Guide: A Practical Guide to the Grammar of Egyptian Demotic with Texts, Exercises and Vocabulary.
Capasso, M.; Radicotti, P.
Il ritorno di Cornelio Gallo : Il papiro di Qasr Ibrîm venticinque anni dopo.
Gli Album del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università degli Studi di Lecce,
Cartmell, Larry W.; Weems, Cheryl.
Overview of Hair Analysis: A Report of Hair Analysis from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Cartmell, Larry W.; Weems, Cheryl.
Overview of Hair Analysis: A Report of Hair Analysis from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Casciati, Sar; Borja, Ronaldo I.
Dynamic FE analysis of South Memnon Colossus including 3D soil-foundation-structure interaction.
Computers and Structures.
Castel Ronda, Elisa.
Propuesta para la reidentificación de algunas pieles de uso sacerdotal en el antiguo Egipto.
ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica.
Castillos, J. J.
La Momia de Montevideo.
ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica.
Cersósimo, Alejandra.
Una Isis Tyche y una Cabeza Femenina Egipcias, en el Museo Nacional de Arte Oriental, Buenos Aires.
Transoxiana Preprint Series: Estudios y Reportes Preliminares.
Cersósimo, Alejandra R.
Cersósimo, Alejandra R.
Notas preliminares para el estudio de los conceptos de ética y moral en el Antiguo Egipto, Segunda Parte.
Champollion le jeune.
Lettres de CHAMPOLLION le jeune / recueillies et annotees par H. Hartleben. Tome premier, Lettres ecrites d'Italie", Paris1909, (Bibliotheque egyptologique, vol. 30, part 1).
Champollion le jeune.
Lettres de CHAMPOLLION le jeune / recueillies et annotees par H. Hartleben. Tome premier, Lettres ecrites d'Italie", Paris1909, (Bibliotheque egyptologique, vol. 30, part 1).
Champollion Le Jeune.
Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux. Tome 1.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
Champollion Le Jeune.
Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux. Tome 2.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
Champollion, Jean François.
Systèmes des Égyptiens sur l'immortalité de l'âme et sur les récompenses et les peines de l'autre vie: "Extraits des lettres écrites par M. Champollion, pendant son voyage en Egypte.".
Annales de philosophie chrétienne, vol. 5, pp. 261-266 (1832).
Champollion, Jean-François.
De l'obélisque égyptien de l'île de Philae.
From: Revue encyclopédique, vol. 13, pp. 512-521 (1822).
Champollion, Jean-François.
De l'obélisque égyptien de l'île de Philae.
From: Revue encyclopédique, vol. 13, pp. 512-521 (1822).
Champollion, Jean-François.
Dictionnaire égyptien en écriture hiéroglyphique, Paris, 1841-1843. Edited by Jacques-Joseph Champollion-Figeac. XXXVI-487 pp..
Champollion, Jean-François.
Dictionnaire égyptien en écriture hiéroglyphique, Paris, 1841-1843. Edited by Jacques-Joseph Champollion-Figeac. XXXVI-487 pp..
Champollion, Jean-François.
Lettre à M. Dacier, ... relative à l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques, Paris, 1822.
Champollion, Jean-François.
Lettre à M. Dacier, ... relative à l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques, Paris, 1822.
Champollion, Jean-François.
Lettres écrites d'Egypte et de Nubie en 1828 et 1829, Paris, 1868.
Champollion, Jean-François.
Lettres écrites d'Egypte et de Nubie en 1828 et 1829, Paris, 1868.
Champollion, Jean-François.
Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes.
Oxford Digital Library,