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ABZU Search Results (91)

Adams, Robert McCormick. Heartland of cities; surveys of ancient settlement and land use on the central floodplain of the Euphrates. ETANA, 1981. (Book) [more]
Adams, Robert McCormick. Heartland of cities; surveys of ancient settlement and land use on the central floodplain of the Euphrates. ETANA, 1981. (Book) [more]
Adams, Robert McCormick. Heartland of cities; surveys of ancient settlement and land use on the central floodplain of the Euphrates. ETANA, 1981. (Book) [more]
Adams, Robert McCormick. Heartland of cities; surveys of ancient settlement and land use on the central floodplain of the Euphrates. ETANA, 1981. (Book) [more]
Barnett, Richard David. Sculptures from the north palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (668-627 BC). ETANA, 1976. (Book) [more]
British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. Chronicles of Chaldaean kings (626-556 BC) in the British Museum. ETANA, 1956. (Book) [more]
Clay, Albert Tobias. Neo-Babylonian letters from Erech. ETANA, 1919. (Book) [more]
Clay, Albert Tobias. Neo-Babylonian letters from Erech. ETANA, 1919. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats et lettres d'assyrie et de Babylonie. ETANA, 1926. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats et lettres d'assyrie et de Babylonie. ETANA, 1926. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats neo-babyloniens; Part 1 - De Teglath-phalasar III a Nabonide. ETANA, 1927. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats neo-babyloniens; Part 2, Anchemenides et Seleucides. ETANA, 1927. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats neo-babyloniens; Part 2, Anchemenides et Seleucides. ETANA, 1927. (Book) [more]
Deimel (editor), Antonius. Enuma elis; sive, Epos babylonicum de creatione mundi in usum scholae. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
Dougherty, Raymond Philip. Archives from Erech; time of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus. ETANA, 1923. (Book) [more]
Evetts, B. T. A. (Basil Thomas Alfred). Inscriptions of the reigns of Evil-Merodach (B.C. 562-559) ; Neriglissar (B.C. 559-555) and Laborosoarchod (B.C. 555). ETANA, 1892. (Book) [more]
Fincke, Jeanette C. Jeanette C. Fincke. 2003. (Website) [more]
Grice, Ettalene Mears. Records from Ur and Larsa dated in the Larsa dynasty. ETANA, 1919. (Book) [more]
Hall, H. R. (Harry Reginald). Babylonian and Assyrian sculpture in the British Museum. ETANA, 1928. (Book) [more]
Hilprecht, H. V. (Hermann Vollrat). Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century. ETANA, 1903. (Book) [more]
Hilprecht, H. V., and A. T. Clay. Business documents of Murashû sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Artaxerxes I. (464-424 BC). ETANA, 1898. (Book) [more]
Hinke, William John. New boundary stone of Nebuchadrezzar I. from Nippur with a concordance of proper names and a glossary of the kudurru inscriptions thus far published. ETANA, 1907. (Book) [more]
Hinke, William John. New boundary stone of Nebuchadrezzar I. from Nippur with a concordance of proper names and a glossary of the kudurru inscriptions thus far published. ETANA, 1907. (Book) [more]
Hinke, William John. Selected Babylonian kudurru inscriptions. 1911. (Book) [more]
Hinke, William John. Selected Babylonian kudurru inscriptions. 1911. (Book) [more]
Jean, Charles-Francois. Contrats de Larsa, premiere serie. ETANA, 1926. (Book) [more]
Jean, Charles-Francois. Contrats de Larsa, seconde serie. ETANA, 1926. (Book) [more]
Keiser, Clarence Elwood. Letters and contracts from Erech written in the neo-Babylonian period. ETANA, 1918. (Book) [more]
Keiser, Clarence Elwood. Letters and contracts from Erech written in the neo-Babylonian period. ETANA, 1918. (Book) [more]
King, L.W. Catalogue of the cuneiform tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British Museum; Supplement. ETANA, 1914. (Book) [more]
King, L.W.; British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British museum Ed. by L.W. King. With an atlas of plates. Printed by order of the Trustees. Plates. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
King, L.W.; British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British museum Ed. by L.W. King. With an atlas of plates. Printed by order of the Trustees. Text. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
Klauber, Ernst. Politisch-Religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit. ETANA, 1913. (Book) [more]
Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band I. ETANA, 1893. (Book) [more]
Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band II. ETANA, 1893. (Book) [more]
Koldewey, Robert. Ischtar-tor in Babylon: nach den Ausgrabungen durch die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. ETANA, 1918. (Book) [more]
Koldewey, Robert. Ischtar-tor in Babylon: nach den Ausgrabungen durch die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. ETANA, 1918. (Book) [more]
Langdon, Stephen. Babylonian liturgies; Sumerian texts from the early period and from the library of Ashurbanipal, for the most part transliterated and translated, with introduction and index. ETANA, 1913. (Book) [more]
Langdon, Stephen. Historical inscriptions; containing principally the chronological prism, W-B. 444. ETANA, 1923. (Book) [more]
Langdon, Stephen. Neubabylonischen königsinschriften. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
Langdon, Stephen. Tablets from the archives of Drehem; with a complete account of the origin of the Sumerian calendar. ETANA, 1911. (Book) [more]
Legrain, Leon. Le temps des rois d'Ur; recherches sur la société antique d'après des textes nouveaux. ETANA, 1912. (Book) [more]
Lendering, Jona. 500 Ancient Sites on Google Earth. (Article) [more]
Lendering, Jona. Cyrus Cylinder. (Article) [more]
Loding, Darlene. Economic texts from the Third Dynasty. ETANA, 1976. (Book) [more]
Loftus, William Kennett. Travels and researches in Chaldea and Susiana: with an account of excavations at Warka, the. 1857. (Book) [more]
Loftus, William Kennett. Travels and researches in Chaldea and Susiana: with an account of excavations at Warka, the. 1857. (Book) [more]
Martin, François. Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens. Première série. ETANA, 1903. (Book) [more]
Moldenke, Alfred B. Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ETANA, 1893. (Book) [more]
Oppenheim, A. Leo; Reiner, Erica [Editors-in-Charge]. The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volume M:1. 1977 -. (Book) [more]
Oppenheim, A. Leo; Reiner, Erica [Editors-in-Charge]. The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volume M:2. 1977 -. (Book) [more]
Pinches, Theophilus G. The Amherst tablets, being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk. ETANA, 1908. (Book) [more]
Pinches, Theophilus G. The Amherst tablets, being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk. ETANA, 1908. (Book) [more]
Pompeo, Massimo. The Cuneiform Texts Resources (TCT). (Website) [more]
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke. A selection from the miscellaneous inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia. ETANA, 1909. (Book) [more]
Reisner, George Andrew. Sumerisch-babylonische hymnen nach thontafeln griechischer zeit. ETANA, 1896. (Book) [more]
Strassmaier, J. N. Inschriften von Nabonidus, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. ETANA, 1889. (Book) [more]
Strassmaier, J. N. Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, König von Babylon: von den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums. ETANA, 1889. (Book) [more]
Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; English translations, vocabulary, etc. ETANA, 1900. (Book) [more]
Thompson, R. Campbell (Reginald Campbell), ed. The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; The cuneiform texts. ETANA, 1900. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Assyrian medical texts from the originals in the British Museum. ETANA, 1923. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Sumerischen und akkadischen Königsinschriften. 1907. (Book) [more]
Tremayne, Arch. Records from Erech, time of Cyrus and Cambyses (538-521 BC). ETANA, 1925. (Book) [more]
Tur-Sinai, Naphtali; Albert Tobias Clay, ed. Altbabylonische tempelrechnungen. ETANA, 1913. (Book) [more]
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Babylonische Miscellen. ETANA, 1903. (Book) [more]
Winckler, Hugo. Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. ETANA, 1892. (Book) [more]