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ABZU Search Results (30)

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British Museum. Dept. of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of the Greek coins of Cyprus. 1904. (Book) [more]
Crewe, Lindy, Edgar Peltenburg & Sorina Spanou. Contexts for cruciforms: figurines of prehistoric Cyprus. Antiquity, March 2002. (Article) [more]
Given, Michael , Vasiliki Kassianidou, A. Bernard Knapp, Jay Noller, Hugh Corley & Luke Sollars. Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project. 2007. (Website) [more]
Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925. A winter pilgrimage : being an account of travels through Palestine, Italy, and the island of Cyprus, accomplished in the year 1900 [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Article) [more]
Kiely, Thomas. Ancient Cyprus at the British Museum. 2008 -. (Book) [more]
Knapp, A. Bernard, Vasiliki Kassianidou and Michael Donnelly. TAESP: Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project. (Website) [more]
Knapp, A. Bernard; Given, Michael. The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: Digital Archive. 2003. (Website) [more]
Löher, Franz von, 1818-1892; Joyner, Mary Anne; "Mrs. A. Batson Joyner" (Translator and Editor). Cyprus: historical and descriptive. From the earliest times to the present day. [Electronic Version]. Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), 2006. (Book) [more]
Peltenburg, Edgar. Excavations at Kissonerga-Mosphilia 1979-1992. Archaeology Data Service, 2004. (Website) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Amathous (autochtones eisin). De l'identité amathousienne à l'époque des royaumes (VIIIe-IVe siècles av. J.-C.). Sources Travaux historiques 43-44 (1995) p. 51-64. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Amathousiens, Éthiopiens et Perses. Cahier - Centre d'études chypriotes 28 (1998) p. 73-86. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Eteocypriot myth and amathusian reality. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 12, 1 (1999) p. 108-120. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. The First Palace of Amathus and the Cypriot Poleogenesis. The royal palace institution in the first millennium BC : regional development and cultural interchange between East and West (2001) p. 53-75. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Images de la royauté amathousienne: le sarcophage d'Amathonte. Iconographie impériale, iconographie royale, iconographie des élites dans le monde gréco-romain (2004-03-26) p. 49-96. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. L'évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pehah et segan et accadiens pahatu et shaknu. Journal of biblical literature 107/1 (1988) 53-67. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. La céramique grecque du palais d'Amathonte. Description et interprétation. Revue archéologique 1996 (1996) 211-223, 1996. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. La langue étécypriote ou l'"amathousien". Essai d'interprétation grammaticale. Archiv für Orientforschung 44-45 (1997) p. 244-271. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Magasins palatiaux de Chypre (En particulier Amathonte). Topoi, Orient - Occident 6 (1996) p. 113-130, 1996. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. A propos des « satrapies » ionienne et carienne. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 112 (1988) 307-322. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Sanctuaires palatiaux d'Amathonte (dont un sanctuaire à bétyles). Cahier du Centre d'études chypriotes 32 (2002) p. 289-326. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Un dépôt de fondation au « palais » d'Amathonte. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (1989) 135-148. (Article) [more]
Petit, Thierry. Usage de la coudée dans l'architecture palatiale de Chypre au premier millénaire. Ktema, civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 25 (2000) p. 173-189, 2 pl.. (Article) [more]