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ETANA Core Texts Search Results (90)

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Abel, Ludwig, and Hugo Winckler. Keilschrifttext; zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. ETANA. 1890. (Book) [more]
Allotte De La Fuye, Francois Maurice. Documents Presargoniques, Fascicule I. - Deuxieme Partie. 30 Planches: - De XXVI a LV. ETANA. 1909. (Book) [more]
Allotte De La Fuye, Francois Maurice. Documents Presargoniques, Fascicule II. Premiere Partie 30 Planches: - De LVI a LXXXV. ETANA. 1912. (Book) [more]
Allotte De La Fuye, Francois Maurice. Documents Presargoniques, - Deuxieme Partie. 30 Planches: - De LXXXVI a CXX. ETANA. 1913. (Book) [more]
Allotte De La Fuye, Francois Maurice. Documents Presargoniques, Deuxieme Partie. 30 Planches: - De CXXI A CLXVIII. ETANA. 1920. (Book) [more]
Allotte De La Fuye, Francois Maurice. Documents Presargoniques, Fascicule I. - Premiere Partie. 30 Planches: - De I a XXV.. ETANA. 1908. (Book) [more]
Andrae, Walter. Stelenreihen In Assur. ETANA. 1913. (Book) [more]
Barton, George A. Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions. ETANA. 1918. (Book) [more]
Boissier, Alfred. Documents Assyriens Relatifs aux Presages. ETANA. 1905. (Book) [more]
British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. Chronicles of Chaldaean kings (626-556 BC) in the British Museum.. ETANA. 1956. (Book) [more]
Clay, Albert Tobias. Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian collection. ETANA. 1915. (Book) [more]
Clay, Albert Tobias. Hebrew deluge story in cuneiform.. ETANA. 1922. (Book) [more]
Clay, Albert Tobias. Neo-Babylonian letters from Erech. ETANA. 1919. (Book) [more]
Contenau, Georges. Contrats et lettres d'assyrie et de Babylonie.. ETANA. 1926. (Book) [more]
Dougherty, Raymond Philip. Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus (555-538 BC). ETANA. 1920. (Book) [more]
Dougherty, Raymond Philip. Archives from Erech; time of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus. ETANA. 1923. (Book) [more]
Figulla, H. H., ed. Altbabylonische Verträge. ETANA. 1914. (Book) [more]
Jean, Charles-Francois. Contrats de Larsa, premiere serie. ETANA. 1926. (Book) [more]
Jean, Charles-Francois. Contrats de Larsa, seconde serie.. ETANA. 1926. (Book) [more]
Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band II. ETANA. 1893. (Book) [more]
Knudtzon, J. A. (Jørgen Alexander). Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus, Band I. ETANA. 1893. (Book) [more]
Langdon, Stephen. Neubabylonischen königsinschriften.. ETANA. 1912. (Book) [more]
Martin, François. Lettres néo-babyloniennes.. ETANA. 1909. (Book) [more]
Messerschmidt, Leopold, et al. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen inhalts; Erstes heft/Zweites heft. ETANA. 1911-22. (Book) [more]
Moldenke, Alfred B. Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.. ETANA. 1893. (Book) [more]
Oppert, Jules. Inscriptions de Dour-Sarkayan.. ETANA. 1870. (Book) [more]
Sargon II, King of Assyria, d. 705 B.C. Keilschrifttexte Sargons.. ETANA. 1889. (Book) [more]
Schroeder, Otto. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur, Verschiedenen Inhalts. ETANA. 1920. (Book) [more]
Schroeder, Otto. Tontafeln von el-Amarna. ETANA. 1915. (Book) [more]
Stephens, Ferris J. Votive and historical texts from Babylonia and Assyria.. ETANA. 1937. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Assyrian medical texts from the originals in the British Museum.. ETANA. 1923. (Book) [more]
Thureau-Dangin, François. Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon. ETANA. 1912. (Book) [more]
Tur-Sinai, Naphtali; Albert Tobias Clay, ed. Altbabylonische tempelrechnungen.. ETANA. 1913. (Book) [more]
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Babylonische Miscellen.. ETANA. 1903. (Book) [more]
Winckler, Hugo (ed). Sammlung von Keilschrifttexten. Bd. 1-3. ETANA. 1893. (Book) [more]