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Sisyphos: Sammlung archäologischer und ägyptologischer Internetquellen / Collection of Archaeological and Egyptological Internet Resources

" SISYPHOS ( provides access to classical archaeological and egyptological websites, such as subject gateways, image databases, search engines, discussion forums or mailing lists. The selected websites are checked for their scientific relevance and recorded following library standards.The subject matter covers all aspects of Classical (Greek-Roman) Archaeology as well as the pre-classical past, e.g. B. Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, Etruscan studies and archaeology of the Roman provinces. SISYPHOS also collects resources concerning "Archaeology" in general (history of the subject, theories, methods, institutions, excavation techniques).In addition SISYPHOS contains resources concerning Ancient Egypt dealing with all aspects of Pharaonic civilization (scripture, language, art, archaeology, history and religion).The websites are recorded following library bibliographic, objective, and systematic standards, and are provided with an abstract. The collection is updated frequently by link checkers. Research in the database can be made using the basic "Search" or the "Advanced Search", in which detailed search parameter can be entered. Additional browsing entrances provide systematic access. Each subject can be searched separately, a parallel search is possible, too."

Format:  Website
Publisher:  Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Publication City:  Heidelberg
Date:  2008
Series:  Propylaeum - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften