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Plantas Para La Eternidad

"In general, the most representative element of ancient Egypt is its colossal architecture and the extraordinary beauty of its numerous murals depicting explicit burial ceremonies. From these murals very interesting information can be gathered regarding the use of narcotic plants for worshiping the gods and in funerary rites to give a new immortal and divine category to the deceased. Thanks to the study of these paintings and carvings of opened tombs of the new empire we can establish a correlation between the offerings to the dead and certain sedatives and hallucinogenic plants: Lactuca, Nymphaea caerulea y Nymphaea alba, Cannabis sativa, Mandrágora officinarum, Solanum dulcamara, Papaver somniferum y Calystegia sepium, that the nilotic civilization used during their ceremonies. All these plants and their variants, were combined with others to decrease the toxic side effects, to make necklaces, and ornaments as offerings for the hereafter."

Author(s):  Del Casal Aretxabaleta, María Begoña
Source:  Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena
Volume Info:  2001
Volume:  33
Number:  1