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ABZU Search Results (372)

Arfa'i, Abdol Majid. PT 10a, Collated and Completed. ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology. (Article) [more]
Arid Lands Newsletter. Home Page of Arid Lands Newsletter. (Journal) [more]
ARION: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Home Page of ARION: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. (Journal) [more]
Aris & Phillips. Home Page of Aris & Phillips. (Website) [more]
Arkenberg, Jerome S [Editor] (Hirth tr. (1885)). Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c. 91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E.. Paul Halsall's East Asian History Sourcebook. (Article) [more]
Arkhipov, Ilya. Index des mots étudiés de ARM XXI. 2009. (Article) [more]
Armenian Research Center. Home Page of Armenian Research Center. (Website) [more]
Arnold, Phillip~Tabor, James. The David Koresh Manuscript: Exposition of the Seven Seals. (Article) [more]
Arnst, Caris-Beatrice. Vernetzung. Zur Symbolik des Mumiennetzes. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie: IBAES 1 - Die Aegyptische Mumie - ein Phaenomen der Kulturgeschichte. (Article) [more]
Aro, Sanna; Mattila, Raija. Assyriological Studies in Finland. Proceedings of the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, 2007. (Article) [more]
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Home Page of Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. (Museum) [more]
Artifax. Home Page of Artifax. (Journal) [more]
Ascot, Jackie. Copts through the Ages. (Article) [more]
Ashby, Thomas, 1874-1931; Richmond, Ian Archibald, ed. 1902-. The aqueducts of ancient Rome, by Thomas Ashby; edited by I. A. Richmond.. 2005. (Book) [more]
Ashmawy, Alaa K.. Alexandria. (Article) [more]
Ashmawy, Alaa K.. Cleopatra, the Last Pharaoh (B.C. 69-30). (Article) [more]
Ashton, Sally-Ann. A question of authenticity and date: Roman copies and Ptolemaic originals. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Asoss Muhammed Qader. (Website) [more]
Asouti, Eleni~Erkal, Aylan~Fairbairn. Andy~Hastorf, Christine~Kennedy, Amanda~Near, Julie~Rosen , Arlene Miller. ÇATALHÖYÜK 1999 ARCHIVE REPORT: Archaeobotany and Related Plant Studies / Arkeobotani Ve Ülißkili Bitki ÇalÝßmalarÝ.. (Article) [more]
Assmann, Jan. Theological Responses to Amarna. Donald B. Redford Festschrift, 2001. (Article) [more]
Associates for Biblical Research. Home Page of Associates for Biblical Research. (Website) [more]
Association Égyptologie de Gironde. Home Page of Association Égyptologie de Gironde. (Website) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP): Bref historique. Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Article) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP): Comité International de Papyrologie. Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Website) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP): Liste des membres. Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Website) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP): Recommandations. Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Website) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP): Statuts. Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Article) [more]
Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). Home Page of Association internationale de papyrologues (AIP). (Website) [more]
Association Internationale des Égyptologues - International Association of Egyptologists - Internationaler Ägyptologen-Verband (IAE). Addresses of Egyptologists. (Website) [more]
Association of American University Presses (AAUP). Combined Online Catalog/Bookstore of Association of American University Presses (AAUP). (Website) [more]
Assyria On-Line. Home Page of Assyria On-Line. (Website) [more]
Astarte Gallery [Antiquities dealer]. Home Page of Astarte Gallery [Antiquities dealer]. (Website) [more]
Astrom Editions. Home Page of Astrom Editions. (Website) [more]
Atalay, Sonya. BACH Area Clay balls, Mini balls and Geometric Objects. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2001 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Atalay, Sonya. Clay Balls and Objects. ÇATALHÖYÜK 2000 ARCHIVE REPORT. (Article) [more]
Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 373; Riedel, Wilhelm, 1871-; Crum, W. E. (Walter Ewing), 1865-1944. The canons of Athanasius of Alexandria. The Arabic and Coptic versions. 1904. (Book) [more]
Athas, George. George Athas. (Website) [more]
Athas, George. The Tell Dan Inscription. (Article) [more]
Atiya, Aziz S.. The Copts and Christian Civilization. (Article) [more]
Atkinson, John. Review of Ventures into Greek History. Scholia. (Article) [more]
Auctions On Line. Antiquities. (Website) [more]
Auffret, Pierre. Comme un olivier verdoyant. Étude structurelle du Psaume. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL). (Article) [more]
Augapfel, Julius. Babylonische Rechtsurkunden. Artaxerxes I. und Darius II. ETANA, 1917. (Book) [more]
Australian Centre for Egyptology. Home Page of Australian Centre for Egyptology. (Website) [more]
Australian National University. Art & Architecture mainly from the Mediterranean Basin. (Website) [more]
AUVRAY-ASSAYAS, Clara. Images romaines. 1998. (Book) [more]
AUVRAY-ASSAYAS, Clara; DELATTRE, Daniel. Cicéron et Philodème: La polémique en philosophie. 2001. (Book) [more]
Averbeck, Richard E. Richard E. Averbeck, PhD. (Website) [more]
Avina, Michael. Per-Medjat. (Website) [more]
Azarpay, Guitty; Zerneke, Jeannette. A Sasanian Seal Collection in Context. (Website) [more]
Azarpay, Guity. Guity Azarpay. (Website) [more]
Azim, Michel; Rondot, Vincent. Note archéologique et épigraphique sur les architraves de la grande salle hypostyle du temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak. Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane, 2006. (Article) [more]