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ABZU Search Results (324)
Pérez Vázquez, Francisco.
La Transcripcion Castellana de los Nombres Propios Egipcios.
Pérez Vázquez, Francisco.
La transcripción castellana de los nombres propios egipcios.
ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica.
Perez-Accino, Jose.
"Forgers, Scholars, and International Prestige: the role of Ancient Egypt at the time of the discovery of Iberian culture".
Peri, Chiara.
The Construction of Biblical Monotheism: An Unfinished Task.
in: Scandinavian Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 19 (2005), in press,
Peri, Chiara.
La roccia e il diluvio: considerazioni sul tempio siropalestinese.
in Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici (Marsala-Palermo, 2-8 Ottobre 2000), Palermo, in press,
Perrier, François; Ernst, Jos. (Komment.).
Abbildungen der vorzüglichsten alten Statuen und Grouppen, die sich theils in Rom theils in Paris befinden.
Sonderausg. aus: Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; 1904,3,
Perrier, François; Ernst, Jos. (Komment.).
Abbildungen der vorzüglichsten alten Statuen und Grouppen, die sich theils in Rom theils in Paris befinden.
Perrot, Georges; Chipiez, Charles.
A history of art in ancient Egypt, from the French of Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez. Illustrated with five hundred and ninety-eight engravings in the text, and fourteen steel and coloured plates. Tr. and ed. by Walter Armstrong..
Pesce, M., and Destro, A..
La lavanda dei piedi di Gv 13,1-20, il Romanzo di Esopo e i Saturnalia di Macrobio.
Peters, John P. (John Punnett), 1852-1921; Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania.
Nippur, or, Explorations and adventures on the Euphrates 1.
Peters, John P. (John Punnett), 1852-1921; Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania.
Nippur, or, Explorations and adventures on the Euphrates 2.
Peters, Melvin K..
"Review of La bible d’Alexandrie: Les douze prophètes 4-9, Joël, Abdiou, Jonas, Naoum, Ambakoum, Sophonie".
Review of Biblical Literature,
(Book Review)
Peterson, Bengt.
Der Traum vom Paradiese. Gedanken zu einigen Grabreliefs aus Oxyrhynchos.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS: Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations,
Peterson, Sigrid.
Media Papyri: Examining Carsten Thiede’s Rediscovered Fragments.
Ioudaios Articles,
Peterson, Sigrid.
"Review of The Talmud of Babylonia. An American Translation: Volume XXX.A: Tractate".
(Book Review)
Petit, Thierry.
Amathous (autochtones eisin). De l'identité amathousienne à l'époque des royaumes (VIIIe-IVe siècles av. J.-C.).
Sources Travaux historiques 43-44 (1995) p. 51-64.
Petit, Thierry.
Amathousiens, Éthiopiens et Perses.
Cahier - Centre d'études chypriotes 28 (1998) p. 73-86.
Petit, Thierry.
Eteocypriot myth and amathusian reality.
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 12, 1 (1999) p. 108-120.
Petit, Thierry.
The First Palace of Amathus and the Cypriot Poleogenesis.
The royal palace institution in the first millennium BC : regional development and cultural interchange between East and West (2001) p. 53-75.
Petit, Thierry.
Images de la royauté amathousienne: le sarcophage d'Amathonte.
Iconographie impériale, iconographie royale, iconographie des élites dans le monde gréco-romain (2004-03-26) p. 49-96.
Petit, Thierry.
L'évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pehah et segan et accadiens pahatu et shaknu.
Journal of biblical literature 107/1 (1988) 53-67.
Petit, Thierry.
La céramique grecque du palais d'Amathonte. Description et interprétation.
Revue archéologique 1996 (1996) 211-223,
Petit, Thierry.
La langue étécypriote ou l'"amathousien". Essai d'interprétation grammaticale.
Archiv für Orientforschung 44-45 (1997) p. 244-271.
Petit, Thierry.
Magasins palatiaux de Chypre (En particulier Amathonte).
Topoi, Orient - Occident 6 (1996) p. 113-130,
Petit, Thierry.
A propos des « satrapies » ionienne et carienne.
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 112 (1988) 307-322.
Petit, Thierry.
Sanctuaires palatiaux d'Amathonte (dont un sanctuaire à bétyles).
Cahier du Centre d'études chypriotes 32 (2002) p. 289-326.
Petit, Thierry.
Un dépôt de fondation au « palais » d'Amathonte.
Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (1989) 135-148.
Petit, Thierry.
Usage de la coudée dans l'architecture palatiale de Chypre au premier millénaire.
Ktema, civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 25 (2000) p. 173-189, 2 pl..
Petitm Thierry.
L'évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pehah et segan et accadiens pahatu et shaknu.
Journal of biblical literature 107/1 (1988) 53-67.
Petrie, Cameron.
Remote Sensing in Inaccessible Lands: Plains and preservation along old routes between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
ArchAtlas Workshop 2007: Mapping Human History from Space: Tells, Routes and Archaeogeography in the Near East: Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield , SATURDAY, 3rd MARCH 2007,
Petrie, W. M. Flinders.
Egyptian Tales, First Series.
Project Gutenberg Release #7386 (January 2005).
Petrie, W. M. Flinders.
Egyptian Tales, Second Series.
Project Gutenberg Release #7413 (January 2005).
Petrie, W. M. Flinders.
The Hawara Portfolio: Paintings of the Roman Age.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders.
Prehistoric Egypt, illustrated by over 1,000 objects in University College, London.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942.
Eastern exploration past and future, lectures at the Royal Institution.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders and Mackay, Ernest.
Heliopolis, Kafr Ammar and Shurafa.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders; Gardiner, Alan; Petrie, Hilda; Murray, M.A.
Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders; Mackay, Ernest ; Wainwright, Gerald.
Meydum and Memphis (III).
Petrie, W. M. Flinders; Wainwright, G. A.; Gardiner, A. H.
Tarkhan I and Memphis V.
Petrie, William M. Flinders.
A Season in Egypt.
Sonstige digitalisierte Literatur der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,
Petruso, K. M..
Early Weights and Weighing in Egypt and the Indus Valley.
Peust, Carsten.
Egyptian phonology: an introduction to the phonology of a dead language.
Peust, Carsten.
Sumerian Grammar Bibliography (intended to be complete from 1970 on; selective prior to that date).
Pfann, Stephen J.
Towards an English Edition of de Vaux's Notes: Progress update from Stephen J. Pfann.
Phillips, C. Robert , III.
"Review of: William M. Calder III, R. Scott Smith, <i>A Supplementary Bibliography to the History of Classical Scholarship. Chiefly in the XIXth and XXth Centuries</i>. Bari: Edizioni Dedalo, 2000. Pp. 224. ISBN 88-220-5802-X. L.50.000. ".
Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
(Book Review)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-1777).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-1777).
Piacentini Patrizia, Editor-in-chief.
EDAL. Egyptian and Egyptological Documents Archives Libraries.
Picart, B. dess.; Le Brun, Corneille, aut. du texte.
[Illustrations de Voyages par la Moscovie] [Image fixe numérisée].
Piccione, Peter.
Classified Bibliographical Database of Ancient Egyptian Medicine and Medical Practice: Including: Palaeopathology, Biology and Human Anthropology (from A.D. 1676 to the Present).
Piccione, Peter.
In Search of the Meaning of Senet.
Archaeology 33 (July/August l980): 55-58.,
Piccione, Peter.
Introduction to Ancient Egypt: An Adult Education Course on the History and Culture of Ancient Egypt Conducted on the Internet.
Piccione, Peter.
Pharaoh at the Bat.
College of Charleston Magazine 7/1 (Spring/Summer 2003): 36.,
Piccione, Peter.
Theban Tombs Publication Project: The Tombs of Ahmose (no. 121) and Rây (no. 72).
Pickering, Thomas R..
"Diplomacy And Archaeology: Past, Present And Future".
Pientka, Rosel.
AABU: Archiv der altbabylonischen Urkunden - Transliterationen und Kollationen.
Piepkorn, Arthur Carl.
Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal I: Editions E, B1-5, D, and K.
Pierret, Paul.
Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du musée égyptien du Louvre.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
Pietersma, Albert.
"Review of The Hasmoneans and Their Supporters. From Mattathias to the Death of John Hyrcanus I.".
(Book Review)
Pietersma, Albert.
Translation Manual for "A New English Translation of the Septuagint" (NETS).
Piller, Christian.
Untersuchungen zur relativen Chronologie der Nekropole von Marlik.
Pinault, Georges-Jean.
Introduction au Tokharien.
Lalies : actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature,
Pinch, Geraldine; Waraksa, Elizabeth A.
Votive Practices.
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology,
Pinches, Theophillus G.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Pinches, Theophilus G.
The Amherst tablets, being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk.