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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Mia agnoste pege gia te latreia sto Idaio Antro sten Hystere Archaioteta / An Unknown Source for the Cult in the Idaean Cabe in Late Antiquit.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
Acts of the 6th Cretological Congress [Pepragmena tou 6. Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou] Chania 1990, A2, S. 393-401,
Microartifactual floor patterning: the case at Çatalhöyük.
Cessford, Craig.
Micromorphological analysis of occupational sequences.
Matthews, Wendy.
Contextual analysis of the use of space at two Near Eastern Bronze Age sites,
Microstratigrapic and Micromorphological Analysis.
Matthews, Wendy.
The Middle Bronze Age of the Euphrates Valley, Syria : chronology, regional interaction and cultural exchange.
Cooper, Elisabeth North.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Middle East Environment: Providing references and discussion on selected Middle Eastern environmental issues.
The Middle East in the Past and Future of Social Science.
Mitchell, Timothy.
From: The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines, edited by David L. Szanton. University of California Press/University of California International and Area Studies Digital Collection, Edited Volume #3, 2003.
Middle East Librarians Committee (The European Association of Middle East Librarians) [MELCOM].
Middle East Network Information Center [MENIC].
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies University of Texas - Austin.
Middle East Photograph Archive.
University of Chicago Libraries, Middle East Collection.
The Middle East remembered : forged identities, competing narratives, contested spaces.
Lassner, Jacob.
Middle Egypt in Prehistory--A Search for the Origins of Modern Human Behavior and Human Dispersal.
Olszewski, Deborah I.; Shannon P. McPherron; Harold L. Dibble; Marie Soressi.
Middle Egyptian Text Editions for On-line Researcht: 2001-2002 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Johnson, Janet H.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Middle Egyptian Text Editions for Online Research: 2000-2001 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Johnson, Janet H..
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Middle Egyptian Text Editions for Online Research: 2002-2003 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Johnson, Janet H.
Oriental Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report,
MIDDLE EGYPTIAN TEXT EDITIONS FOR ONLINE RESEARCH: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Johnson, Janet H.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
MIDDLE EGYPTIAN TEXT EDITIONS FOR ONLINE RESEARCH: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Johnson, Janet H.; Michael Berger, Sandra Schloen.
Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report,
Middle Hittite Revisited.
Melchert, H. Craig.
Atti del 6° Congresso Internazionale di Ittitologia (edd. A. Archi & R. Francia) (to appear).
The Middle Kingdom Stelae Publication Project, exemplified by stela BM EA 226.
Franke, Detlef.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES).
Midrashic Form in the New Testament: A Study in Jewish Rhetoric of Likes and Opposites.
Basser, Herb.
Ioudaios Articles.
Migration and mobility in Imperial Rome. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina..
Killgrove, Kristina.
Miles of Clay: Information Management in the Ancient Near Eastern Hittite Empire.
van den Hout, Theo P. J.
A version of this article was delivered at the Humanities Open House at the University of Chicago, October 26, 2002.
Milestones in the Development of Achaemenid Historiography in the Times of Ernst Herzfeld (1979-1948).
Briant, Pierre.
Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899 (Band 1,1): Karte der Milesischen Halbinsel (1:50000).
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
Milet: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899.
Wiegand, Theodor (Hrsg.).
1913, 1914, 1929.
Military and political participation in archaic-classical Greece.
Morris, Ian.
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics,
Military commitments and political bargaining in ancient Greece.
Scheidel, Walter.
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics,
The military might and activity of King Ahab.
Landry, Michael T.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Military Officers as Landowners in Fourth Century Egypt.
Bagnall, Roger S.
Chiron 22 (1992) 47-54 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter XIV).
Military service and cultural identity in the auxilia.
Haynes, Ian.
The Roman army as a community. Journal of Roman Archaeology supplementary series (34). Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, RI, USA, pp. 165-174. ISBN 1063-4304.
Milking the Mountains: Economic Activities on the Cretan Uplands in the Classical and Hellenistic Period.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
A. Chaniotis (ed.), From Minoan Farmers to Roman Traders. Sidelights on the Economy of Ancient Crete, Stuttgart: Steiner 1999, S. 181-220,
Mineralogical and Chemical Study of the Amarna Tablets.
Goren, Yuval, Israel Finkelstein and Nadav Na’aman.
Minoan Finds from Agios Myron in a Turkish Document.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
Kretika Chronika 28/29, 1988/89, 58-63,
Minoika heuremata apo ton Agio Myrona se ena Tourkiko engrapho / Minoan Finds from Agios Myron in a Turkish Document.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
Kretika Chronika 28/29, 1988/89, S. 58-63,
"Minoische Villen" in der Neupalastzeit auf Kreta.
Westerburg-Eberl, Sabine.
"Minoische Villen" in der Neupalastzeit auf Kreta.
Westerburg-Eberl, Sabine.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
A Miracle in Stone: or, The Great Pyramid of Egypt.
Seiss, Joseph.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian collection.
Clay, Albert Tobias.
Missing Females in Roman Egypt.
Bagnall, Roger S.
Scripta Classica Israelica 16 (1997) 121-38 (reprinted in Later Roman Egypt, chapter III).
Mission en Syrie septembre 2006: Trois notes à paraître dans NABU 2006/3.
Durand, Jean-Marie; Marti, Lionel.
Missione archeologica italiana a Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna (Siria) / The Italian Expedition at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna (Syria).
Mitglieder der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft.
Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG).
Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (MittSAG).
"Mitteliranische Lehnwörter im Altgeorgischen".
Gippert, Jost.
Akten des Melzer-Symposiums 1991,
MNAMON: Antiche scritture del Mediterraneo: Guida alle risorse elettroniche - Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean: a critical guide to electronic resources.
2009 -.
The Moab Marginal Agriculture Project.
Routledge, Bruce E..
ASOR Digs 1996: Committee on Archaeological Policy: Reports of Affiliated Projects,
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems with the ENKIMDU Simulation Framework.
Christiansen, John; Altaweel, Mark.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Modeling Complex Behavior: Integrating Natural and Social Behavioral Models for Understanding Past Societies.
Altaweel, Mark; Christiansen, John.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Modeling Dynamic Human Ecologies: Examples from Northern Mesopotamia.
Altaweel, Mark ; Paulette, Tate; Christiansen, John.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
"Modell Ägypten": Adoption von Innovationen im Mesopotamien des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr.: Inauguraldissertation der Philosophisch-historischen Fakultat der Universitat Bern zur Erlangung des Doktorwurde....
Kaelin, Oskar.
Modellierung einer Tempelanlage im Sudan: Der Löwentempelvon Musawwarat es Sufra.
Kirchner, Steffen.
Modern Brewers Recreate Ancient Beer.
Civil, Miguel.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes.
The Modern Sack of Nineveh and Nimrud.
Russell, John Malcolm.
Culture Without Context,
Möglichkeiten der Interaktion von Vasenbild und Inschriften mit wörtlicher Rede auf Keramik.
Krause, Celia.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft.