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ABZU Search Results (9942)
The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Project: 1992-93 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Project: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
The Luxor-Farshût Desert Road Project: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Darnell, John Coleman and Darnell, Deborah.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
The Lyrical Dramas of Aeschylus Translated into English Verse by John Stuart Blackie.
Blackie, John Stuart.
L‘Asherah di Yhwh a Kuntillet ‘Ajrud. Rassegna critica degli studi e delle interpretazioni.
Merlo, Paolo.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico,
L’akkadien des lettres d’Ilân-surâ.
Charpin, Dominique.
Reflets des deux fleuves, volume de mélanges offerts à André Finet, Akkadica Supplementum 6, Leuven, 1989, p. 31-40.
L’Âne et le Bateau: Sept études autour des Contes du Paysan et du Naufragé.
Anselin, Alain [and others].
L’Asie mineure en transition.
Briant, Pierre.
A paraître dans Pierre Briant et Francis Joannès, La transition entre l'empire achéménide et les royaumes hellénistiques, (vers 350-300 av. J.-C.). Actes du colloque international, Paris, Collège de France, (22-23 novembre 2004).
L’empire de Thoutmosis III, une approche géo-historique des rapports État-Territoire dans l’Égypte de la XVIIIe dynastie.
Moyen, Philippe.
L’évolution de l’armature urbaine en Arabie du Sud : la vallée du Jawf du VIIIe siècle av. au VIe siècle apr. J. -C..
Schiettecatte, Jérémie.
L’histoire de l’empire achéménide aujourd’hui: nouvelles tendances, nouvelles perspectives.
Briant, Pierre.
Jasr: Journal of Achaemenid Studies and Researches,
L’onomastique hurrite à Dilbat et ses implications historiques.
Charpin, Dominique.
dans M.-Th. Barrelet (éd.), Problèmes concernant les Hurrites 1, 1977, p. 51-69.
MAARAV, A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures.
The Macintosh Biblioblog - φρονεῖς ἑτέρως.
Weaks, Joe.
Macquarie Theban Tombs Project, Dra abu el-Nagaa. Preliminary Report on the Season November 2004.
Ockinga, Boyo; Binder, Susanne; Buck, Alannah.
Macro Botanical Remains.
Agcabay, Meltem; Killackey, Katy; Erkal, Aylan; Hastorf, Christine.
Madaba Plains Project: Archaeological Survey Manual.
Christopherson, Gary L. & Larry G. Herr.
October 1997.
Magasins palatiaux de Chypre (En particulier Amathonte).
Petit, Thierry.
Topoi, Orient - Occident 6 (1996) p. 113-130,
Magic and Divination in the Neo-Assyrian Period: A Selected Bibliography.
Verderame, Lorenzo.
Magic And Rationality In Ancient Near Eastern And Graeco-roman Medicine.
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J.; Marten Stol; Cornelis Tilburg.
Google Books,
Magie chez les Chaldéens et les origines accadiennes.
Lenormant, François.
Making the Best of Jesus: Ioudaiai and Poiesis.
Sawicki, Marianne.
Ioudaios Articles,
Making their mark : Foreign travellers at Persepolis.
Simpson, St John.
ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology.
Malaria in Ancient Egypt: Paleoimmunological Investigation on Predynastic Mummified Remains.
Rabino Massa, Emma; Cerutti, Nicoletta; Marin D. Savoia, A.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project.
Mallaha (Eynan): Les premiers sédentaires en Israël.
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères: L''Espace Culturel.
The Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project (MRAP) / Projekti Arkeologjik i Rajonit Mallakastër.
Managing Estates in Roman Egypt: A Review Article.
Bagnall, Roger S.
BASP 30 (1993) 127-35.
Managing Metals: An Early Bronze Age Tin Production Site At Göltepe, Turkey.
Yener, K. Aslihan.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes.
Manger un serment.
Charpin, Dominique.
Jurer et maudire: pratiques politiques et usages juridiques du serment dans le Proche-Orient ancien, Méditerranées 10-11, 1997, p. 85-96.
A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the Western empire, comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia.
Rawlinson, George.
A Manual of Greek Literature from the Earliest Authentic Periods to the Close of Byzantine Era.
Anthon, Charles.
The Ancient Library.
A manual of the ancient history of the East : to the commencement of the Median Wars.
Lenormant, François, 1837-1883.
A manual of the Chaldee language containing a Chaldee grammar ... a chrestomathy ... and a vocabulary.
Riggs, Elias.
"Manuel de Codage": A standard system for the computer-encoding of Egyptian transliteration and hieroglyphic texts.
van den Berg, Hans.
Marathon and the Archaeological Museum.
Steinhauer, George.
John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library,
Marchands du palais et marchands du temple à la fin de la I° dynastie de Babylone.
Charpin, Dominique.
Journal Asiatique 270, 1982, p. 25-65.
Mareotis; being a short account of the history and ancient monuments of the north-western desert of Egypt and of lake Mareotis.
De Cosson, Anthony.
MARGINS OF WRITING, ORIGINS OF CULTURE: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Sanders, Seth L.
Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report,
Margins of writing, origins of cultures (second printing, 2007).
Sanders, Seth L. [editor].
Margins of writing, origins of cultures: Unofficial writing in the ancient Near East and beyond. Oriental Institute Conference, February 25-26, 2005, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL. Organizer: Seth L. Sanders.
Markt und Arbeit im Alten Orient am Ende des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (corrected version).
Wilcke, Claus.
W. Reinhard - J. Stagl (Hg.), Menschen und Markte, Studien zur historischen Wirtschaftsanthropologie, Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Historische Anthropologie e.V..
Marktfrauen, Priesterinnen und 'Edle des Königs' : Untersuchung über die Position von Frauen in der sozialen Hierarchie des Alten Ägypten bis zum Ende der 1. Zwischenzeit.
Küllmer, Hella.
Marriage & Divorce Papyri of the ancient Greek, Roman and Jewish world.
Instone-Brewer, D.
Marriage, families, and survival in the Roman imperial army: demographic aspects.
Scheidel, Walter.
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics,
The marz_-ea_.h in the prophetic literature : an examination of the references and possible allusions in light of the extra-biblical evidence.
McLaughlin, John L. (John Leo).
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Masking the Blow: The Scene of Representation in Late Prehistoric Egyptian Art.
Davis, Whitney.
Mat Ashur – Land of Ashur. The Plain of Makhmur, Iraq.
Mühl, Simone.
ArchAtlas Workshop 2007: Mapping Human History from Space: Tells, Routes and Archaeogeography in the Near East: Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield , SATURDAY, 3rd MARCH 2007,
Material and intellectual consequences of esteem for Cycladic figures.
Gill, David W. J. and Chippindale, Christopher.
Material Consequences of Contemporary Classical Collecting.
Chippindale, Christopher and Gill, David.
American Journal of Archaeology,
Mathematical, meteorological and chronological tablets from the Temple library of Nippur.
Hilprecht, H. V. (Hermann Vollrat).
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.
Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson (1871–1962).
Project Gutenberg Release.
The McClain/Schultz doctrine: another step against trade in stolen antiquities.
Gerstenblith, Patty.
Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre,