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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Persépolis, arquitectura celestial o terrenal?.
Garcia Sanchez, Manel.
À paraître dans AZARA, PEDRO; FRONTISI-DUCROUX, FRANÇOISE; LURI, GREGORIO (eds.), Arquitecturas celestiales, Actas del congreso internacional celebrado en el Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, 14-16 de septiembre de 2006 (sous presse, 2007).
The Perseus Project and Beyond: How Building a Digital Library Challenges the Humanities and Technology.
Crane, Gregory.
D-Lib Magazine,
Persia After the Death of Alexander and Its Resistance To Hellenistic World.
Hedayati, Maryam.
David’s site on the Ancient World.
Perspektiven des Computereinsatzes in der Orientalistik.
Gippert, Jost.
Perspektiven zur Theologie im Alten Ägypten: Antwort an Jan Assmann.
Quack, Joachim Friedrich.
From: M. Oeming - K. Schmid - A. Schüle (eds.), Theologie in Israel und in den Nachbarkulturen. Altes Testament und Moderne 9, Münster 2004, S. 63-74.
Petra: Myth and Reality.
Hammond, Philip C. and Ronay, Vivian.
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections.
Stevenson, Alice.
The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom) Plates.
Griffith, F. Ll.
The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom) Text.
Griffith, F. Ll.
Petrographic Characteristics of several key Southern Levantine Ceramic Materials.
Goren, Yuval.
Internet Archaeology,
The Petrology of Syrian Stonepaste Ceramics: the View from Aleppo.
Mason, Robert B.; Gonnella, Julia.
Internet Archaeology,
Pharaoh and his Brothers.
Jakob, Stefan.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES).
Pharaoh at the Bat.
Piccione, Peter.
College of Charleston Magazine 7/1 (Spring/Summer 2003): 36.,
Pharisaic Dominance before 70 C.E. and the Gospels’ Hypocrisy Charge.
Mason, Steve.
Ioudaios Articles.
MARGANNE, Marie-Hélène; KOEMOTH, Pierre.
Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire [CEDOPAL].
Pharnabazos, Cyrus' Rebellion, and the Spartan War of 399.
Hyland, John.
ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology,
The Philistine Settlement as Mercantile Phenomenon?.
Barako, Tristan J..
American Journal of Archaeology,
The Philistine Settlement as Mercantile Phenomenon?.
Barako, Tristan J..
American Journal of Archaeology,
Philo Alexandrinus’s De Somniis: an attempt at reconstruction.
Torallas Tovar, Sofia.
Philo and the Clubs and Associations of Alexandria.
Seland, Torrey.
Ioudaios Articles.
Philo and the Sabbath Crisis: Alexandrian Jewish Politics and the Dating of Philo’s Works.
Kraft, Robert A..
Ioudaios Articles,
Philo of Alexandria Blog: WebLog for news relevant to scholarly studies of Philo of Alexandria.
Seland, Torrey.
Philo's Alexandria.
Alston, Richard.
Classical Review, 47 (1). pp. 214-215. ISSN 0009-840X.
Philo's In Flaccum: Ethnicity and social space in Roman Alexandria.
Alston, Richard.
Greece & Rome, 44 (2). pp. 165-175. ISSN 0017-3835.
Philological Projects of Oriental Institute - Chicago.
Oriental Institute - Chicago.
Philological quarterly : a journal devoted to scholarly investigation in the classical and modern languages.
Philology and Power.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
Philology and Power.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
Philosophia as a Group-Designation in Graeco-Roman Society, Judaism, and Early Christianity.
Mason, Steve.
Ioudaios Articles,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-1777).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-1777).
The phonology and morphology of royal Achaemenid Elamite.
Paper, Herbert H. (Herbert Harry), 1925-.
Hathi Trust Digital Library,
PHOTO LAB: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Grant, Jean.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
"Photo Studies of Iraq, 1925".
Camera studies in Iraq. [S.l.] : A. Kerim & Hasso, 1930, 1939. [50] leaves : all ill. ; 25 x 32 cm..
Photographen und Photoateliers 1860-1914: Felix (1867-1912), Lydie und Adrien (1861-1929) Bonfils.
The physical geography, geomorphology, and Late Quaternary history of the Mahidasht project area, Qara Su Basin, central west Iran.
Brookes, Ian A.
Pi/stij Xristou=: fede in Cristo o affidabilità di Cristo?..
Vanhoye, A..
PINAX ONLINE: An Annotated List of Web Bibliographies on the Ancient Greek World.
Huys, Marc.
pisan dub-ba and the Direction of Cuneiform Script.
Fitzgerald, Madeleine A.
Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (CDLB),
The Place of Archaeology in the Reconstruction of Beirut.
Ludvigsen, Børre and Wardini, Elie.
Plaguescape: A Digital Rendition of an Epidemiological Analysis of the Biblical Ten Plagues of Egypt.
Marr, John S., Malloy, Curtis D. and Cathey, John T..
Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions 601 B.C. to A.D. 1 at 5-Day and 10-Day Intervals.
Tuckerman, Bryant.
Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East.
Kantor, Helene J.
The Oriental Institute Research Archives,
Plantas Para La Eternidad.
Del Casal Aretxabaleta, María Begoña.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Plato's code : philosophical foundations of knowledge in education.
Gibson, Twyla, 1954-.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Plato's Euthydemus: Analysis of What Is and Is Not Philosophy.
Chance, Thomas H.
Playing God in the Movies: The Preposterous History of Genesis 1:26-27.
van Henten, Jan Willem.
SBL Forum,
Playing God in the Movies: The Preposterous History of Genesis 1:26-27.
van Henten, Jan Willem.
SBL Forum,
plekos: Periodicum OnLine zur Erforschung der KOmmunikationsstrukturen in der Spätantike.
Plundering the Past: The Rape of Iraq’s National Museum.
Deblauwe, Francis.
Archaeology Odyssey.
Plutarch's Morals (Volume 1). Translated from the Greek by Several Hands. Corrected and Revised by William W. Goodwin, with an Introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Goodwin, William W.
Plutarch's Morals (Volume 2). Translated from the Greek by Several Hands. Corrected and Revised by William W. Goodwin, with an Introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Goodwin, William W.
Plutarchos, praeses Insularum (Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire I Plutarchus 4).
Chaniotis, Angelos.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 68, 1987, 227-231,
The Plutonium of Hierapolis and the Descent of Christ into the ’Lowermost Parts of the Earth’ (Ephesians 4,9).
Kreitzer, L.J..