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ABZU Search Results (2787)
The Scriptorium: Center for Christian Antiquities.
The DigSite (Wadi Natrun, Egypt).
The Scriptorium: Center for Christian Antiquities.
Home Page of The Scriptorium: Center for Christian Antiquities.
Seland, Torrey.
Philo of Alexandria Blog: WebLog for news relevant to scholarly studies of Philo of Alexandria.
Seminar fuer Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde of the Free University of Berlin.
Home Page of Seminar fuer Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde of the Free University of Berlin.
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
Glass Finds From Sepphoris (1983-1991): A Preliminary Report.
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
The Location and Identification of Ancient Shikhin (Asochis).
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
The University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 14 June-15 July, 1994.
Sepphoris Project, University of South Florida.
The University Of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: Report of the Excavations: 3 May-18 July, 1993.
Shankland, David.
Archaeology, Nationalism and Heritage in Islamic Society: a Turkish Case Study.
Archaeology Data Service,
Shennan, Stephen; Conolly, James.
The Origin and Spread of Neolithic Plant Economies in the Near East and Europe.
Sheridan, Susan Gnuse.
Byzantine St. Stephens: A Biocultural Reconstruction of Urban Monastic Life.
Siebert, Gérard.
Les problèmes de l'échelle dans les céramiques grecques à reliefs.
KTEMA. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 29 (2004) 17-28,
Sigrist, Marcel; Damerow, Peter.
Mesopotamian Year Names: Neo-Sumerian and Old Babylonian Date Formulae.
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI).
Sijpesteijn, Petra M.; Oates, John F.; Kaplony , Andreas.
The Checklist of Arabic Documents.
Simkins, Ronald A.; O'Keefe, John J.
The Virtual World Project: Exploring the ancient World Through Virtual Reality.
Ska, Jean Louis.
Smith, Stuart Tyson.
Home Page of Stuart Tyson Smith (at the UCLA Institute of Archaology).
Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium / Het Oosters Antiquarium BV.
Home Page of Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium / Het Oosters Antiquarium BV.
Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science.
Home Page of Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science.
Sommerfeld, Walter.
Transliterationen und Kollationen von Texten der Akkade-Zeit (TKTA).
Spalding, Tim.
Herodotus on the Web: The complete guide to Herodotus of Halicarnassus.
The St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society.
Home Page of The St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society.
Stahl, Nanette [and others].
A Great Assemblage*: An Exhibit of Judaica in honor of the opening of the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. Sterling Memorial Library Fall 1995.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
Corpus of Neo-Assyrian.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
Search SAA Volumes for Published Texts.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
State Archives of Assyria Studies.
Stein, Gil J.
A Heritage Threatened: The Persepolis Tablets Lawsuit and the Oriental Institute.
post-print of an article which appeared in The Oriental Institue News and Notes, Winter 2007.
Stein, Gil J.
Introduction: The Comparative Archaeology of Colonial Encounters.
2005 Gil Stein (ed.) The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters. Santa Fe, SAR Press,
Stein, Gil J.; Ozbal, Rana.
A tale of Two Oikumenai: Variation in the Expansionary Dynamics of ‘Ubaid and Uruk Mesopotamia”.
Elizabeth C. Stone, ed. Settlement andSociety: Ecology, urbanism, trade and technology in Mesopotamia and Beyond (Robert McC. Adams Festschrift). Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology,
Stempien; Marek; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts 14-45 from: F.M. Fales "Prima dell' alfabeto" Venezia 1989.
Stillwell, Richard; William L. MacDonald, Marian Holland McAllister (eds.).
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites.
Stocking, George W. , Jr.
Anthropology at Chicago: Tradition, Discipline, Department.
Text of an Exhibition in the Department of Special Collections, the University of Chicago Library, October 1979 - February 1980.
Stolper, Matthew W.
Curriculum Vitae of Matthew W. Stolper (at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago).
Stolper, Matthew W.
What are the Persepolis Fortification Tablets?.
post-print of an article which appeared in The Oriental Institue News and Notes, Winter 2007.
Strange, James F.; Groh, Dennis E. and Longstaff, Thomas R. W..
The Location And Identification Of Ancient Shikhin (Asochis).
Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem.
The Archaeological Activity of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum.
Studt, Margret.
5000 JAHRE SCHRIFTKULTUR: Von der Tontafel zur Computer-Keilschrift.