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ABZU Search Results (2787)
The University Museums at the University of Mississippi, David M. Robinson Collection.
Egyptian Artifacts from the David M. Robinson Collection.
University of California (Los Angeles), Bibliographers Group, Charles E. Young Research Library.
An Index to Classical Dissertations and Theses in Progress or Recently Completed in North America and Great Britain.
University of California (Los Angeles), Bibliographers Group, Charles E. Young Research Library.
An Index to Classical Dissertations and Theses in Progress or Recently Completed in North America and Great Britain, January 2000..
University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA).
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures.
8 February 2002.
University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA).
An Index to Classical Dissertations and Theses in Progress or Recently Completed in North America and Great Britain, October 1998..
University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA), Bibliographers Group, Charles E. Young Research Library.
An Index to Classical Dissertations and Theses in Progress or Recently Completed in North America and Great Britain, October 1998..
University of Chicago.
University of Chicago Libraries, The Ancient Near East Department.
University of Chicago Libraries, Middle East Collection.
Middle East Photograph Archive.
The University of Chicago Networked Multimedia & Learning Technologies (NMLT) Group.
New Tools Reveal Old Truths: Oriental Institute.
University of Illinois, Program on Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials.
The University of Illinois Mummy Project.
University of Kentucky, Lexington.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, The Classics Department.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project.
Buyuktepe Hoyuk Excavations.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project.
The University of Melbourne North Eastern Turkey Project Homepage.
University of Memphis.
University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology.
University of Pennsylvania Center for Judaic Studies.
'And We have Revealed to You' ... Jewish Biblical Interpretation in a Comparative Context: An Exhibition from the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies 2001-2002 Fellows at the University of Pennsylvania.
The University of Texas at Austin.
The Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection.
The University of Texas at Austin.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Africa Maps.
The University of Texas at Austin.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Middle East Maps.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; al-MECHRIF, Osama [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2004 - Rapport préliminaire.
van BERG, Paul-Louis; al-MOHAMMED, Qasem [and others].
Archéologie et art rupestre du Hemma (Djezireh syrienne): Mission de Khishâm - Campagne 2005 - Rapport préliminaire.
van den Berg, Hans.
Centre For Computer-Aided Egyptological Research -- FTP Corner.
van den Berg, Hans.
"Manuel de Codage": A standard system for the computer-encoding of Egyptian transliteration and hieroglyphic texts.
van den Berg, Hans.
Remarkable and bizarre notes about Egypt by early travellers.
van den Hout, Theo.
Curriculum Vitae of Theo van den Hout (at Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago).
van der Spek, R.J. (Bert).
Commodity Prices in Babylon 385 - 61 BC.
The IISH List of Datafiles of Historical Prices and Wages.
van Driel, G..
Ethnicity, how to cope with the subject. Introduction to the Theme "Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia".
van Minnen, Peter.
Writing in Egypt under Greek and Roman Rule.
Duke Papyrus Archive.
Veldhuis, Nicolaas.
Cuneiform Tablets in the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, UC Berkeley.
Vendyl Jones Research Institute.
Gilgal Project of Vendyl Jones Research Institute.
Verhoogt, Arthur [and others].
Diversity in the Desert: Daily Life in Greek and Roman Egypt (332 B.C. - 641 C.E.).
An Exhibit from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection,
Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project [WAARP].
Bir Madhkur Excavations and Survey.
Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project [WAARP].
Home Page of Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project [WAARP].
Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project [WAARP].
Rujm Taba Salvage Excavations.
Wadi Fidan Regional Archaeological Project in Jordan.
Home Page of Wadi Fidan Regional Archaeological Project in Jordan.