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ABZU Search Results (9942)
Scrivere Leggere Interpretare: Studi di Antichità in onore di Sergio Daris.
Crevatin, Franco; Tedeschi, Gennaro (a cura di).
2005 -.
Sculpture of the Third Millennium B.C. from Tell Asmar and Khafajah.
Frankfort, Henri.
The Sculptures and Inscription of Darius The Great on the Rock of Behistun in Persia.
Darius I, King of Persia, 548-485 B.C. ; King, L. W.; 1869-1919. ; (Leonard William),; Thompson, R. Campbell; 1876-1941. ; (Reginald Campbell),; Budge, E. A. Wallis; Sir,; 1857-1934 ; (Ernest Alfred Wallis).
Sculptures from the north palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (668-627 BC).
Barnett, Richard David.
Seals in Archives: Persepolitan Administrators and Their Images.
Garrison, Mark B.
post-print of an article which appeared in The Oriental Institue News and Notes, Summer 2007.
Seals on the Persepolis Fortification Tablets, Volume 1. Images of Heroic Encounter (Two Volumes, Part 1: Text and Part 2: Plates).
Garrison, Mark B.; Root, Margaret C.
The Search for Tutankhamun: Howard Carter's records of the five seasons of excavations, financed by Lord Carnarvon, in the Valley of the Kings 1915 - 1922.
Malek, Jaromir [and others].
Search SAA Volumes for Published Texts.
State Archives of Assyria (aka The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project).
Searchable Greek Inscriptions: A Scholarly Tool in Progress The Packard Humanities Institute.
Searchable version of IDAP - International Directory Aegean Prehistorians.
IDAP - International Directory Aegean Prehistorians.
Searching for Ancient Egypt: Art, Architecture and Artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum.
University of Pennsylvania Museum.
A Season in Egypt.
Petrie, William M. Flinders.
Sonstige digitalisierte Literatur der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,
"Seat of Kingship" / "A Wonder to Behold": The Palace as Construct in the Ancient Near East.
Winter, Irene J.
Ars Orientalis, Vol. 23.
The Sebekhotpe VIII inundation stela: an additional fragment.
Baines, John.
Acta Orientalia,
Sechs demotische Ostraka und eine Mumienetikette aus der Sammlung des Victoriamuseums zu Uppsala.
Wångstedt, Sten V.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS,
Second Intermediate Period and Early New Kingdom Jewelry in Egypt: A Study of Form and Motif.
Schlesinger, Marissa R..
The Second Intermediate Period model coffin of Teti in the British Museum (EA 35016).
Grajetzki, Wolfram.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES).
Second International Conference On Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation.
Second Memorandum on Transliteration and Transcription of Cuneiform.
Gelb, I. J.
The Second Season of Archaeological Work at Hirbemerdon Tepe (Turkey): A Preliminary Report.
Laneri, Nicola.
East and West 55 (Rome 2006): in press,
The Secret of Nimrud.
Feeney, Noreen [Photographs by]; Simmons, John (Edited by].
Iraq Museum International.
Security and Water on Egypt's Desert Roads: New Light on the Prefect Iulius Ursus and Praesidia-building under Vespasian.
Bagnall, Roger S.; Bülow-Jacobsen, A.; Cuvigny, H.
JRA 14 (2001) 325-333.
SECURITY: 2003-2004 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Schroeder, Margaret.
Oriental Institute 2003-2004 Annual Report,
"Sedentarization and Nomadization in Transjordan in the Early Islamic Period: The Khirbet Rufeis Cave Complex Excavations and Wusum".
Ray, Paul J., Jr.; LaBianca, Oystein S.
Presented at: the Annual Meeting of the Americam Schools of Oriental Research, Philadelpha, Penn.. November 19, 1995.
Seeing through western eyes : a study of three women's Holy Land travel narratives.
Fast, Kerry Louane.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
SEL 1984-1989: INDICI.
Seidl Merlo, S.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL).
Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem.
Chiera, Edward, 1885-1933.
A selection from the miscellaneous inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia.
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke.
THE SELEUKID EMPIRE: An Online Sourcebook for the History, Numismatics, Epigraphy, Art and Archaeology of the Seleukid Empire.
Hoover. Oliver D.
Self-Aggrandizement and Praise of Others in Cicero.
Kaster, Robert.
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics,
Sensaos: Eye to Eye with the Girl in the Mummy.
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, RMO.
Sense and Nonsense in the Statistical Approach of Babylonian Prices.
Van der Spek, R. J.; Mandemakers, C. A.
Sous-presse dans Bibliotheca Orientalis,
Sense and Sensibility. On the Analysis and Interpretation of the Iconography Programmes of Four Old Kingdom Elite Tombs.
Van Walsem, René.
Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie Vol. 6 (IBAES 6): Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich Methodik und Interpretation.
"Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture.".
The Kelsey On-Line Exhibitions.
(Press Release)
Serving the Word: The Hebrew Bible and related matters ancient and modern, through the lenses of philology, anthropological linguistics and political theology.
Sanders, Seth.
Settlement and Economy: Their Location, Limits and Movement through the Landscape of Historical Cyprus.
Sollars, Luke.
Settlement and Landscape in Northern Mesopotamia: The Tell Hamoukar Survey 2000-2001.
Ur, Jason.
Settlement Pattern in Southeast Anatolia: An analyse of the structures at the site of Nevalı Çori.
Ercoskun, Pakize.
Settlement patterns and military organisation in the region of Udhruh (Southern Jordan) in the Roman and Byzantine periods.
Abudanh, Fawzi.
Settlement Systems within a Dynamic Environment and Economy: Contrasting Northern and Southern Mesopotamian City Regions (Updated extract from NSF proposal).
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic.
Düring, Bleda S. ; and the Çatalhöyük Research Project.
e-Depot Nederlandse Archeologie (eDNA).
shaka:num. Ein akkadisches Verbum - Eine Annäherung und eine Einladung. 2. Altassyrisch.
Hirsch, Hans Erich.
Ende März 2009.
shaka:num. Ein akkadisches Verbum - Eine Annäherung und eine Einladung. I. Vorbemerkungen.
Hirsch, Hans Erich.
Ende März 2009.
Shalmaneser III and the Levantine States: The "Damascus Coalition Rebellion".
Grayson, A. Kirk.
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
Shamshir Ghar: historic cave site in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.
Dupree, Louis, 1925-.
Anthropological papers of the AMNH,
Shattered tablets and tangled threads: Editing Gilgamesh, then and now.
George, Andrew.
From: Aramazd. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 3 (1 (2008)). pp. 7-30.
"The Sheffield Manual for Authors and Editors in Biblical Studies".
Clines, David J. A..
The Shifting Frontier: The Achaemenid Empire’s Treatment of Western Colonies.
Berquist, Jon L.
Journal of World-Systems Research,
Shillourokambos: Les premier paysans de Chypre..
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères: L''Espace Culturel.
The Shinnig Shadow. Lexical Observations on the Ugaritic Word zl.
Mazzini, Giovanni.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL).
Ships and Shipbuilding in Ancient Mesopotamia (ca. 300-200 B.C.): A Thesis Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A and M University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requuirementd for the Degree Master of Arts.
Mäkelä, Tommi Tapani.
Shipwreck! Recovering 3,000-Year-Old Cargo.
Pulak, Cemal.
Archaeology Odyssey,