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ABZU Search Results (9942)
A short description of the objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun now exhibited in the Cairo Museum.
Cairo. al-Mathaf al-Misri. (Corporate author).
Short Overview of Georgian Pre-Antique Architecture (in Georgian).
Khimshiashvili, Kakha.
"Short Report on the 1996 Season of the Southeast Araba Archaeological Survey".
Smith, Andrew M., II.
The Shu’aib/Hisban Project, Jordan: A regional survey and excavations undertaken since 1965.
Prag, Kay.
Sidon: aménagements antiques du port de Saida: etude aerienne, au sol et sous-marine, 1946 - 1950.
Poidebard, A. and Lauffray, J.
Siebenter vorläufiger Bericht über die von den Königlichen Museen in Milet und Didyma unternommenen Ausgrabungen.
Wiegand, Theodor.
Siedlungen und Gräber der Palastzeit.
Löwe, Wanda.
Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft,
The Significance of "chitra" for the Iranian Cosmogony of Light [prepublication version].
Soudavar, Abolala.
To appear in Iranica Antiqua 2006,
The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire.
Treu, Kurt (Adler, William and Kraft, Robert, translators).
Ioudaios Articles,
The significance of Middle Nubian C-group mortuary variability, ca. 2200 B.C. to ca. 1500 B.C..
Anderson, Wendy R. M. (Wendy Rose Marie).
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Significance of the ’Sons of God’ Episode (Genesis 6.1-4) in the Context of the ’Primaeval History’ (Genesis 1-11), The.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
Significant otherness: Herodotos' use of a dominant female motif to illustrate the superiority of the Greeks.
McAllister, Michael A. (Michael Anthony).
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Signs and Wonders upon Pharaoh: A History of American Egyptology.
Wilson, John A.
Simulating a Bronze Age City State Under Stress.
Christiansen, John; Altaweel, Mark.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Simulation of Natural and Social Process Interactions in Bronze Age Mesopotamian Settlement Systems.
Christiansen, John H. ; Mark Altaweel.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Sin and Maturity.
Clines, David J. A..
On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998,
Sir Aurel Stein, proceedings of the British Museum study day, 23 March 2002.
Wang, Helen [Editor].
Serrano, Ana García; Contreras, Jesús.
Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998).
Sisyphos: Sammlung archäologischer und ägyptologischer Internetquellen / Collection of Archaeological and Egyptological Internet Resources.
Site index of the main electronic resources available from the Griffith Institute.
The Sitts Go to Sea: or, Egypt Doesn’t End at Aswan.
Maher, Carlotta; Ray, Crennan; Osgood, Susan and Smith, Elinor.
Chicago House Bulletin,
Six Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +4000 (2000 BCE to 4000 CE).
Espenak, Fred.
Six Notes on Byzantine Documents.
Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K. A.
ZPE 46 (1982) 239-48.
The SJE''s Collection of Nubian Antiquities (Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum).
Scandinavian Joint Expeditions.
Skeletal evidence for health and disease at Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria.
McKenzie, Hugh Garnet.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Sketches of naval life, with notices of men, manners and scenery on the shores of the Mediterranean.
Jones, George.
"Small footsteps into the Past: a review of recent children’s books on Egypt".
O’Brien, Alexandra A.
Small texts, big questions....
Golb, Norman.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes,
The Smell of the Cage.
Englund, R. K.
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ),
Smouha District, Alexandria, Egypt: Report on geophysical survey, November 2004.
Ashton, Sally-Ann.
"So Yesterday Was the Burning of Books" — Wartime in Iraq Lecture Held at Responsible Stewardship Towards Cultural Heritage Materials, Preconference of the IFLA Rare Book and Manuscript Section, Copenhagen,The Royal Library, 11 August 2005.
Teijgeler, René.
The So-Called “Virtual Reality Tour” at the 2007 San Diego Scrolls Exhibit.
Golb, Norman.
The So-Called “Virtual Reality Tour” at the 2007 San Diego Scrolls Exhibit (revised).
Golb, Norman.
Social archaeology, social relations and archaeological materials : social power as depicted in the wall art in the tombs of the Pharaoh's tomb-builders, Deir el-Medina, Egypt, XVIII-XX dynasties.
Newman, Kimberly A. (Kimberly Ann).
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Society and Administration in the Hellenistic and Roman World.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Classical Studies.
The Society of Antiquaries, 1830-1870: institution, intellectual questions, community, and the search for the past.
DeCoursey, Christina.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
The Socioeconomic Organization of the Metalworkers During the Late Bronze Period at Ugarit.
Fine, Jill Ashley.
Oriental Institute Research Archives,
Sociolinguistic Reflections on the Letter of a 'Literate' Soldier (Lachish 3).
Schniedewind, William M.
Zeitschrift für Althbraistik.
The Sogdian Ancient Letters.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas [Translated by]. Introduction by Prof. Daniel C. Waugh.
Silk Road Narratives: A Collection of Historical Texts.
"Soil Erosion, Agricultural Intensification, and Iron Age Settlement in the region of Tall al-'Umayri, Jordan".
Christopherson, Gary L & D. Philip Guertin.
Presented At: The Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November, 1995.
Soknopaiou Nesos: The University of Michigan Excavations at Dime in 1931-32.
Boak, Arthur E. R.
Some Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, from the Study of the Principal Love Poem's Ostraca from Deir al-Medina.
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice.
in: Zahi Hawass (ed.), Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, vol. 3, Cairo 2000, pp. 282-288.
Some Aspects of Older Writing Systems: With Focus on the DSS.
Altman, Rochelle I. S.
"Some Egyptological Sidelights on the Egyptian war of 1882".
Dixon, David.
Some Methodological Considerations on the Rabbis’ Knowledge of the Proverbs of Ben Sira.
Wright, Benjamin G..
Ioudaios Articles.
Some Methodological Requisites for the Study of the Amarna Jargon: Notes on the Essence of That Language.
Izre’el, Shlomo.
Some More Cretan Names.
Chaniotis, Angelos.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 77, 1989, 67-81,
Some Notes on Biblical and Egyptian Theology.
Strange, John.
Donald B. Redford Festschrift,
Some Observations Concerning Uninscribed Tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
Ryan, Donald P.
After Tutankhamun: Research and Excavation in the Royal Necropolis at Thebes,
Some Observations on the Image of the Assyrian and Babylonian Kingdoms within the Greek tradition.
Bichler, Reinhold.
To be published in: Melammu Symposia V, Stuttgart 2004.
Some pigment identifications for objects from Persepolis.
Ambers, Janet; Simpson, St John.
ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology.
Some Problematic Bipartite Nominal Predicates in Demotic.
Ritner, Robert K.
This article was delivered at the Eighth International Congress for Demotic Studies, held in Würzburg, August 30, 2002, and will appear in a future volume of the proceedings of that congress.,
Some Rare Lexical Items in Ugaritic.
Watson, Wilfred G. E.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL).